import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Text, View } from 'react-native'; import { isParticipantConnectionStatusActive, isParticipantConnectionStatusInactive, isTrackStreamingStatusActive, isTrackStreamingStatusInactive } from '../../../connection-indicator/functions'; import { SharedVideo } from '../../../shared-video/components/native'; import Avatar from '../../avatar/components/Avatar'; import { getSourceNameSignalingFeatureFlag } from '../../config/functions.any'; import { translate } from '../../i18n/functions'; import VideoTrack from '../../media/components/native/VideoTrack'; import { shouldRenderVideoTrack } from '../../media/functions'; import { Container } from '../../react'; import { connect, toState } from '../../redux/functions'; import { TestHint } from '../../testing/components'; import { getVideoTrackByParticipant } from '../../tracks/functions'; import { getParticipantById, getParticipantDisplayName, isSharedVideoParticipant } from '../functions'; import styles from './styles'; /** * The type of the React {@link Component} props of {@link ParticipantView}. */ type Props = { /** * Whether the connection is inactive or not. * * @private */ _isConnectionInactive: boolean, /** * Whether the participant is a shared video participant. */ _isSharedVideoParticipant: boolean, /** * The name of the participant which this component represents. * * @private */ _participantName: string, /** * True if the video should be rendered, false otherwise. */ _renderVideo: boolean, /** * The video Track of the participant with {@link #participantId}. */ _videoTrack: Object, /** * The avatar size. */ avatarSize: number, /** * Whether video should be disabled for his view. */ disableVideo: ?boolean, /** * Callback to invoke when the {@code ParticipantView} is clicked/pressed. */ onPress: Function, /** * The ID of the participant (to be) depicted by {@link ParticipantView}. * * @public */ participantId: string, /** * The style, if any, to apply to {@link ParticipantView} in addition to its * default style. */ style: Object, /** * The function to translate human-readable text. */ t: Function, /** * The test hint id which can be used to locate the {@code ParticipantView} * on the jitsi-meet-torture side. If not provided, the * {@code participantId} with the following format will be used: * {@code `${participantId}`}. */ testHintId: ?string, /** * Indicates if the connectivity info label should be shown, if appropriate. * It will be shown in case the connection is interrupted. */ useConnectivityInfoLabel: boolean, /** * The z-order of the {@link Video} of {@link ParticipantView} in the * stacking space of all {@code Video}s. For more details, refer to the * {@code zOrder} property of the {@code Video} class for React Native. */ zOrder: number, /** * Indicates whether zooming (pinch to zoom and/or drag) is enabled. */ zoomEnabled: boolean }; /** * Implements a React Component which depicts a specific participant's avatar * and video. * * @augments Component */ class ParticipantView extends Component { /** * Renders the inactive connection status label. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderInactiveConnectionInfo() { const { avatarSize, _participantName: displayName, t } = this.props; // XXX Consider splitting this component into 2: one for the large view // and one for the thumbnail. Some of these don't apply to both. const containerStyle = { ...styles.connectionInfoContainer, width: avatarSize * 1.5 }; return ( { t('connection.LOW_BANDWIDTH', { displayName }) } ); } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {ReactElement} */ render() { const { _isConnectionInactive, _isSharedVideoParticipant, _renderVideo: renderVideo, _videoTrack: videoTrack, disableVideo, onPress } = this.props; const testHintId = this.props.testHintId ? this.props.testHintId : `${this.props.participantId}`; const renderSharedVideo = _isSharedVideoParticipant && !disableVideo; return ( { renderSharedVideo && } { renderVideo && } { !renderSharedVideo && !renderVideo && } { _isConnectionInactive && this.props.useConnectivityInfoLabel && this._renderInactiveConnectionInfo() } ); } } /** * Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated {@link ParticipantView}'s * props. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state. * @param {Object} ownProps - The React {@code Component} props passed to the * associated (instance of) {@code ParticipantView}. * @private * @returns {Props} */ function _mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) { const { disableVideo, participantId } = ownProps; const participant = getParticipantById(state, participantId); const videoTrack = getVideoTrackByParticipant(state, participant); return { _isConnectionInactive: getSourceNameSignalingFeatureFlag(state) ? isTrackStreamingStatusInactive(videoTrack) : isParticipantConnectionStatusInactive(participant), _isSharedVideoParticipant: isSharedVideoParticipant(participant), _participantName: getParticipantDisplayName(state, participantId), _renderVideo: shouldRenderParticipantVideo(state, participantId) && !disableVideo, _videoTrack: videoTrack }; } /** * Returns true if the video of the participant should be rendered. * * @param {Object|Function} stateful - Object or function that can be resolved * to the Redux state. * @param {string} id - The ID of the participant. * @returns {boolean} */ function shouldRenderParticipantVideo(stateful, id) { const state = toState(stateful); const participant = getParticipantById(state, id); if (!participant) { return false; } /* First check if we have an unmuted video track. */ const videoTrack = getVideoTrackByParticipant(state, participant); if (!videoTrack) { return false; } if (!shouldRenderVideoTrack(videoTrack, /* waitForVideoStarted */ false)) { return false; } /* Then check if the participant connection or track streaming status is active. */ if (getSourceNameSignalingFeatureFlag(state)) { // Note that this will work only if a listener is registered for the track's TrackStreamingStatus. // The associated TrackStreamingStatusImpl instance is not created or disposed when there are zero listeners. if (!videoTrack.local && !isTrackStreamingStatusActive(videoTrack)) { return false; } } else if (!isParticipantConnectionStatusActive(participant)) { return false; } /* Then check if audio-only mode is not active. */ const audioOnly = state['features/base/audio-only'].enabled; if (!audioOnly) { return true; } /* Last, check if the participant is sharing their screen and they are on stage. */ const remoteScreenShares = state['features/video-layout'].remoteScreenShares || []; const largeVideoParticipantId = state['features/large-video'].participantId; const participantIsInLargeVideoWithScreen = === largeVideoParticipantId && remoteScreenShares.includes(; return participantIsInLargeVideoWithScreen; } export default translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(ParticipantView));