import { PARTICIPANT_LEFT } from '../participants'; import { MiddlewareRegistry } from '../redux'; import { disposeLib, initLib, setWebRTCReady } from './actions'; import { LIB_DID_INIT, LIB_INIT_ERROR, SET_CONFIG } from './actionTypes'; import { WEBRTC_NOT_READY, WEBRTC_NOT_SUPPORTED } from './constants'; /** * Middleware that captures PARTICIPANT_LEFT action for a local participant * (which signalizes that we finally left the app) and disposes lib-jitsi-meet. * Also captures SET_CONFIG action and disposes previous instance (if any) of * lib-jitsi-meet, and initializes a new one with new config. * * @param {Store} store - Redux store. * @returns {Function} * @private */ MiddlewareRegistry.register(store => next => action => { switch (action.type) { case LIB_DID_INIT: store.dispatch(setWebRTCReady(true)); break; case LIB_INIT_ERROR: return _libInitError(store, next, action); case PARTICIPANT_LEFT: action.participant.local && store.dispatch(disposeLib()); break; case SET_CONFIG: return _setConfig(store, next, action); } return next(action); }); /** * Notifies the feature base/lib-jitsi-meet that the action LIB_INIT_ERROR is * being dispatched within a specific Redux store. * * @param {Store} store - The Redux store in which the specified action is being * dispatched. * @param {Dispatch} next - The Redux dispatch function to dispatch the * specified action to the specified store. * @param {Action} action - The Redux action LIB_INIT_ERROR which is being * dispatched in the specified store. * @returns {Object} The new state that is the result of the reduction of the * specified action. * @private */ function _libInitError(store, next, action) { const nextState = next(action); const error = action.error; if (error) { let webRTCReady; switch ( { case WEBRTC_NOT_READY: webRTCReady = error.webRTCReadyPromise; break; case WEBRTC_NOT_SUPPORTED: webRTCReady = false; break; } typeof webRTCReady === 'undefined' || store.dispatch(setWebRTCReady(webRTCReady)); } return nextState; } /** * Notifies the feature base/lib-jitsi-meet that the action SET_CONFIG is being * dispatched within a specific Redux store. * * @param {Store} store - The Redux store in which the specified action is being * dispatched. * @param {Dispatch} next - The Redux dispatch function to dispatch the * specified action to the specified store. * @param {Action} action - The Redux action SET_CONFIG which is being * dispatched in the specified store. * @returns {Object} The new state that is the result of the reduction of the * specified action. * @private */ function _setConfig(store, next, action) { const { dispatch, getState } = store; const { initialized } = getState()['features/base/lib-jitsi-meet']; // XXX Since the config is changing, the library lib-jitsi-meet must be // initialized again with the new config. Consequntly, it may need to be // disposed of first. // TODO Currently, disposeLib actually does not dispose of lib-jitsi-meet // because lib-jitsi-meet does not implement such functionality. const disposeLibPromise = initialized ? dispatch(disposeLib()) : Promise.resolve(); // Let the new config into the Redux store (because initLib will read it // from there). const nextState = next(action); disposeLibPromise.then(dispatch(initLib())); return nextState; }