import * as blazeface from '@tensorflow-models/blazeface'; import { setWasmPaths } from '@tensorflow/tfjs-backend-wasm'; import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs-core'; import { FACE_BOX_MESSAGE, DETECT_FACE_BOX } from './constants'; /** * Indicates whether an init error occured. */ let initError = false; /** * The blazeface model. */ let model; /** * A flag that indicates whether the tensorflow backend is set or not. */ let backendSet = false; /** * Flag for indicating whether an init operation (e.g setting tf backend) is in progress. */ let initInProgress = false; /** * Callbacks queue for avoiding overlapping executions of face detection. */ const queue = []; /** * Contains the last valid face bounding box (passes threshold validation) which was sent to the main process. */ let lastValidFaceBox; const detect = async message => { const { baseUrl, image, isHorizontallyFlipped, threshold } =; if (initInProgress || initError) { return; } if (!backendSet) { initInProgress = true; setWasmPaths(`${baseUrl}libs/`); try { await tf.setBackend('wasm'); } catch (err) { initError = true; return; } backendSet = true; initInProgress = false; } // load face detection model if (!model) { try { model = await blazeface.load(); } catch (err) { initError = true; return; } } tf.engine().startScope(); const imageTensor = tf.browser.fromPixels(image); const detections = await model.estimateFaces(imageTensor, false, isHorizontallyFlipped, false); tf.engine().endScope(); let faceBox; if (detections.length) { faceBox = { // normalize to percentage based left: Math.round(Math.min( => d.topLeft[0])) * 100 / image.width), right: Math.round(Math.max( => d.bottomRight[0])) * 100 / image.width), top: Math.round(Math.min( => d.topLeft[1])) * 100 / image.height), bottom: Math.round(Math.max( => d.bottomRight[1])) * 100 / image.height) }; if (lastValidFaceBox && Math.abs(lastValidFaceBox.left - faceBox.left) < threshold) { return; } lastValidFaceBox = faceBox; self.postMessage({ type: FACE_BOX_MESSAGE, value: faceBox }); } }; onmessage = function(message) { if ( === DETECT_FACE_BOX) { queue.push(() => detect(message)); queue.shift()(); } };