/* global APP */ var StreamEventTypes = require("../../service/RTC/StreamEventTypes.js"); var RTCEvents = require("../../service/RTC/RTCEvents"); var RTCBrowserType = require("./RTCBrowserType"); /** * This implements 'onended' callback normally fired by WebRTC after the stream * is stopped. There is no such behaviour yet in FF, so we have to add it. * @param stream original WebRTC stream object to which 'onended' handling * will be added. */ function implementOnEndedHandling(stream) { var originalStop = stream.stop; stream.stop = function () { originalStop.apply(stream); if (!stream.ended) { stream.ended = true; stream.onended(); } }; } function LocalStream(stream, type, eventEmitter, videoType, isGUMStream) { this.stream = stream; this.eventEmitter = eventEmitter; this.type = type; this.videoType = videoType; this.isGUMStream = true; if(isGUMStream === false) this.isGUMStream = isGUMStream; var self = this; if(type == "audio") { this.getTracks = function () { return self.stream.getAudioTracks(); }; } else { this.getTracks = function () { return self.stream.getVideoTracks(); }; } APP.RTC.addMediaStreamInactiveHandler( this.stream, function () { self.streamEnded(); }); if (RTCBrowserType.isFirefox()) { implementOnEndedHandling(this.stream); } } LocalStream.prototype.streamEnded = function () { this.eventEmitter.emit(StreamEventTypes.EVENT_TYPE_LOCAL_ENDED, this); }; LocalStream.prototype.getOriginalStream = function() { return this.stream; }; LocalStream.prototype.isAudioStream = function () { return this.type === "audio"; }; LocalStream.prototype.setMute = function (mute) { var isAudio = this.isAudioStream(); var eventType = isAudio ? RTCEvents.AUDIO_MUTE : RTCEvents.VIDEO_MUTE; if ((window.location.protocol != "https:" && this.isGUMStream) || (isAudio && this.isGUMStream) || this.videoType === "screen" || // FIXME FF does not support 'removeStream' method used to mute RTCBrowserType.isFirefox()) { var tracks = this.getTracks(); for (var idx = 0; idx < tracks.length; idx++) { tracks[idx].enabled = !mute; } this.eventEmitter.emit(eventType, mute); } else { if (mute) { APP.xmpp.removeStream(this.stream); this.stream.stop(); this.eventEmitter.emit(eventType, true); } else { var self = this; APP.RTC.rtcUtils.obtainAudioAndVideoPermissions( (this.isAudioStream() ? ["audio"] : ["video"]), function (stream) { if (isAudio) { APP.RTC.changeLocalAudio(stream, function () { self.eventEmitter.emit(eventType, false); }); } else { APP.RTC.changeLocalVideo(stream, false, function () { self.eventEmitter.emit(eventType, false); }); } }); } } }; LocalStream.prototype.isMuted = function () { var tracks = []; if (this.isAudioStream()) { tracks = this.stream.getAudioTracks(); } else { if (this.stream.ended) return true; tracks = this.stream.getVideoTracks(); } for (var idx = 0; idx < tracks.length; idx++) { if(tracks[idx].enabled) return false; } return true; }; LocalStream.prototype.getId = function () { return this.stream.getTracks()[0].id; }; module.exports = LocalStream;