// @flow declare var APP: Object; import COUNTRIES_RESOURCES from 'i18n-iso-countries/langs/en.json'; import i18next from 'i18next'; import I18nextXHRBackend from 'i18next-xhr-backend'; import LANGUAGES_RESOURCES from '../../../../lang/languages.json'; import MAIN_RESOURCES from '../../../../lang/main.json'; import { I18NEXT_INITIALIZED, LANGUAGE_CHANGED } from './actionTypes'; import languageDetector from './languageDetector'; /** * The available/supported languages. * * @public * @type {Array} */ export const LANGUAGES: Array = Object.keys(LANGUAGES_RESOURCES); /** * The default language. * * English is the default language. * * @public * @type {string} The default language. */ export const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'en'; /** * The options to initialize i18next with. * * @type {Object} */ const options = { backend: { loadPath: 'lang/{{ns}}-{{lng}}.json' }, defaultNS: 'main', fallbackLng: DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, interpolation: { escapeValue: false // not needed for react as it escapes by default }, load: 'languageOnly', ns: [ 'main', 'languages', 'countries' ], react: { // re-render when a new resource bundle is added bindI18nStore: 'added', useSuspense: false }, returnEmptyString: false, returnNull: false, // XXX i18next modifies the array lngWhitelist so make sure to clone // LANGUAGES. whitelist: LANGUAGES.slice() }; i18next .use(navigator.product === 'ReactNative' ? {} : I18nextXHRBackend) .use(languageDetector) .init(options); // Add default language which is preloaded from the source code. i18next.addResourceBundle( DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, 'countries', COUNTRIES_RESOURCES, /* deep */ true, /* overwrite */ true); i18next.addResourceBundle( DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, 'languages', LANGUAGES_RESOURCES, /* deep */ true, /* overwrite */ true); i18next.addResourceBundle( DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, 'main', MAIN_RESOURCES, /* deep */ true, /* overwrite */ true); // Add builtin languages. // XXX: Note we are using require here, because we want the side-effects of the // import, but imports can only be placed at the top, and it would be too early, // since i18next is not yet initialized at that point. require('./BuiltinLanguages'); // Label change through dynamic branding is available only for web if (typeof APP !== 'undefined') { i18next.on('initialized', () => { APP.store.dispatch({ type: I18NEXT_INITIALIZED }); }); i18next.on('languageChanged', () => { APP.store.dispatch({ type: LANGUAGE_CHANGED }); }); } export default i18next;