// @flow import { getGravatarURL } from '@jitsi/js-utils/avatar'; import type { Store } from 'redux'; import { GRAVATAR_BASE_URL, isCORSAvatarURL } from '../avatar'; import { JitsiParticipantConnectionStatus } from '../lib-jitsi-meet'; import { MEDIA_TYPE, shouldRenderVideoTrack } from '../media'; import { toState } from '../redux'; import { getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant } from '../tracks'; import { createDeferred } from '../util'; import { JIGASI_PARTICIPANT_ICON, MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LENGTH, PARTICIPANT_ROLE } from './constants'; import { preloadImage } from './preloadImage'; /** * Temp structures for avatar urls to be checked/preloaded. */ const AVATAR_QUEUE = []; const AVATAR_CHECKED_URLS = new Map(); /* eslint-disable arrow-body-style, no-unused-vars */ const AVATAR_CHECKER_FUNCTIONS = [ (participant, _) => { return participant && participant.isJigasi ? JIGASI_PARTICIPANT_ICON : null; }, (participant, _) => { return participant && participant.avatarURL ? participant.avatarURL : null; }, (participant, store) => { if (participant && participant.email) { // TODO: remove once libravatar has deployed their new scaled up infra. -saghul const gravatarBaseURL = store.getState()['features/base/config'].gravatarBaseURL ?? GRAVATAR_BASE_URL; return getGravatarURL(participant.email, gravatarBaseURL); } return null; } ]; /* eslint-enable arrow-body-style, no-unused-vars */ /** * Resolves the first loadable avatar URL for a participant. * * @param {Object} participant - The participant to resolve avatars for. * @param {Store} store - Redux store. * @returns {Promise} */ export function getFirstLoadableAvatarUrl(participant: Object, store: Store) { const deferred = createDeferred(); const fullPromise = deferred.promise .then(() => _getFirstLoadableAvatarUrl(participant, store)) .then(result => { if (AVATAR_QUEUE.length) { const next = AVATAR_QUEUE.shift(); next.resolve(); } return result; }); if (AVATAR_QUEUE.length) { AVATAR_QUEUE.push(deferred); } else { deferred.resolve(); } return fullPromise; } /** * Returns local participant from Redux state. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state * features/base/participants. * @returns {(Participant|undefined)} */ export function getLocalParticipant(stateful: Object | Function) { const state = toState(stateful)['features/base/participants']; return state.local; } /** * Normalizes a display name so then no invalid values (padding, length...etc) * can be set. * * @param {string} name - The display name to set. * @returns {string} */ export function getNormalizedDisplayName(name: string) { if (!name || !name.trim()) { return undefined; } return name.trim().substring(0, MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LENGTH); } /** * Returns participant by ID from Redux state. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state * features/base/participants. * @param {string} id - The ID of the participant to retrieve. * @private * @returns {(Participant|undefined)} */ export function getParticipantById( stateful: Object | Function, id: string): ?Object { const state = toState(stateful)['features/base/participants']; const { local, remote } = state; return remote.get(id) || (local?.id === id ? local : undefined); } /** * Returns the participant with the ID matching the passed ID or the local participant if the ID is * undefined. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state * features/base/participants. * @param {string|undefined} [participantID] - An optional partipantID argument. * @returns {Participant|undefined} */ export function getParticipantByIdOrUndefined(stateful: Object | Function, participantID: ?string) { return participantID ? getParticipantById(stateful, participantID) : getLocalParticipant(stateful); } /** * Returns a count of the known participants in the passed in redux state, * excluding any fake participants. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state * features/base/participants. * @returns {number} */ export function getParticipantCount(stateful: Object | Function) { const state = toState(stateful)['features/base/participants']; const { local, remote, fakeParticipants } = state; return remote.size - fakeParticipants.size + (local ? 1 : 0); } /** * Returns the Map with fake participants. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state * features/base/participants. * @returns {Map} - The Map with fake participants. */ export function getFakeParticipants(stateful: Object | Function) { return toState(stateful)['features/base/participants'].fakeParticipants; } /** * Returns a count of the known remote participants in the passed in redux state. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state * features/base/participants. * @returns {number} */ export function getRemoteParticipantCount(stateful: Object | Function) { const state = toState(stateful)['features/base/participants']; return state.remote.size; } /** * Returns a count of the known participants in the passed in redux state, * including fake participants. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state * features/base/participants. * @returns {number} */ export function getParticipantCountWithFake(stateful: Object | Function) { const state = toState(stateful)['features/base/participants']; const { local, remote } = state; return remote.size + (local ? 1 : 0); } /** * Returns participant's display name. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state. * @param {string} id - The ID of the participant's display name to retrieve. * @returns {string} */ export function getParticipantDisplayName( stateful: Object | Function, id: string) { const participant = getParticipantById(stateful, id); const { defaultLocalDisplayName, defaultRemoteDisplayName } = toState(stateful)['features/base/config']; if (participant) { if (participant.name) { return participant.name; } if (participant.local) { return defaultLocalDisplayName; } } return defaultRemoteDisplayName; } /** * Returns the presence status of a participant associated with the passed id. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state. * @param {string} id - The id of the participant. * @returns {string} - The presence status. */ export function getParticipantPresenceStatus( stateful: Object | Function, id: string) { if (!id) { return undefined; } const participantById = getParticipantById(stateful, id); if (!participantById) { return undefined; } return participantById.presence; } /** * Returns true if there is at least 1 participant with screen sharing feature and false otherwise. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state. * @returns {boolean} */ export function haveParticipantWithScreenSharingFeature(stateful: Object | Function) { return toState(stateful)['features/base/participants'].haveParticipantWithScreenSharingFeature; } /** * Selectors for getting all remote participants. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state * features/base/participants. * @returns {Map} */ export function getRemoteParticipants(stateful: Object | Function) { return toState(stateful)['features/base/participants'].remote; } /** * Selectors for the getting the remote participants in the order that they are displayed in the filmstrip. * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's {@code getState} function to be used to * retrieve the state features/filmstrip. * @returns {Array} */ export function getRemoteParticipantsSorted(stateful: Object | Function) { return toState(stateful)['features/filmstrip'].remoteParticipants; } /** * Returns the participant which has its pinned state set to truthy. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state * features/base/participants. * @returns {(Participant|undefined)} */ export function getPinnedParticipant(stateful: Object | Function) { const state = toState(stateful)['features/base/participants']; const { pinnedParticipant } = state; if (!pinnedParticipant) { return undefined; } return getParticipantById(stateful, pinnedParticipant); } /** * Returns true if the participant is a moderator. * * @param {string} participant - Participant object. * @returns {boolean} */ export function isParticipantModerator(participant: Object) { return participant?.role === PARTICIPANT_ROLE.MODERATOR; } /** * Returns the dominant speaker participant. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state features/base/participants. * @returns {Participant} - The participant from the redux store. */ export function getDominantSpeakerParticipant(stateful: Object | Function) { const state = toState(stateful)['features/base/participants']; const { dominantSpeaker } = state; if (!dominantSpeaker) { return undefined; } return getParticipantById(stateful, dominantSpeaker); } /** * Returns true if all of the meeting participants are moderators. * * @param {Object|Function} stateful -Object or function that can be resolved * to the Redux state. * @returns {boolean} */ export function isEveryoneModerator(stateful: Object | Function) { const state = toState(stateful)['features/base/participants']; return state.everyoneIsModerator === true; } /** * Checks a value and returns true if it's a preloaded icon object. * * @param {?string | ?Object} icon - The icon to check. * @returns {boolean} */ export function isIconUrl(icon: ?string | ?Object) { return Boolean(icon) && (typeof icon === 'object' || typeof icon === 'function'); } /** * Returns true if the current local participant is a moderator in the * conference. * * @param {Object|Function} stateful - Object or function that can be resolved * to the Redux state. * @returns {boolean} */ export function isLocalParticipantModerator(stateful: Object | Function) { const state = toState(stateful)['features/base/participants']; const { local } = state; if (!local) { return false; } return isParticipantModerator(local); } /** * Returns true if the video of the participant should be rendered. * NOTE: This is currently only used on mobile. * * @param {Object|Function} stateful - Object or function that can be resolved * to the Redux state. * @param {string} id - The ID of the participant. * @returns {boolean} */ export function shouldRenderParticipantVideo(stateful: Object | Function, id: string) { const state = toState(stateful); const participant = getParticipantById(state, id); if (!participant) { return false; } /* First check if we have an unmuted video track. */ const videoTrack = getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(state['features/base/tracks'], MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, id); if (!shouldRenderVideoTrack(videoTrack, /* waitForVideoStarted */ false)) { return false; } /* Then check if the participant connection is active. */ const connectionStatus = participant.connectionStatus || JitsiParticipantConnectionStatus.ACTIVE; if (connectionStatus !== JitsiParticipantConnectionStatus.ACTIVE) { return false; } /* Then check if audio-only mode is not active. */ const audioOnly = state['features/base/audio-only'].enabled; if (!audioOnly) { return true; } /* Last, check if the participant is sharing their screen and they are on stage. */ const remoteScreenShares = state['features/video-layout'].remoteScreenShares || []; const largeVideoParticipantId = state['features/large-video'].participantId; const participantIsInLargeVideoWithScreen = participant.id === largeVideoParticipantId && remoteScreenShares.includes(participant.id); return participantIsInLargeVideoWithScreen; } /** * Resolves the first loadable avatar URL for a participant. * * @param {Object} participant - The participant to resolve avatars for. * @param {Store} store - Redux store. * @returns {?string} */ async function _getFirstLoadableAvatarUrl(participant, store) { for (let i = 0; i < AVATAR_CHECKER_FUNCTIONS.length; i++) { const url = AVATAR_CHECKER_FUNCTIONS[i](participant, store); if (url !== null) { if (AVATAR_CHECKED_URLS.has(url)) { const { isLoadable, isUsingCORS } = AVATAR_CHECKED_URLS.get(url) || {}; if (isLoadable) { return { isUsingCORS, src: url }; } } else { try { const { corsAvatarURLs } = store.getState()['features/base/config']; const { isUsingCORS, src } = await preloadImage(url, isCORSAvatarURL(url, corsAvatarURLs)); AVATAR_CHECKED_URLS.set(src, { isLoadable: true, isUsingCORS }); return { isUsingCORS, src }; } catch (e) { AVATAR_CHECKED_URLS.set(url, { isLoadable: false, isUsingCORS: false }); } } } } return undefined; } /** * Get the participants queue with raised hands. * * @param {(Function|Object)} stateful - The (whole) redux state, or redux's * {@code getState} function to be used to retrieve the state * features/base/participants. * @returns {Array} */ export function getRaiseHandsQueue(stateful: Object | Function): Array { const { raisedHandsQueue } = toState(stateful)['features/base/participants']; return raisedHandsQueue; } /** * Returns whether the given participant has his hand raised or not. * * @param {Object} participant - The participant. * @returns {boolean} - Whether participant has raise hand or not. */ export function hasRaisedHand(participant: Object): boolean { return Boolean(participant && participant.raisedHandTimestamp); }