import ReducerRegistry from '../base/redux/ReducerRegistry'; import { ADD_PENDING_INVITE_REQUEST, REMOVE_PENDING_INVITE_REQUESTS, SET_CALLEE_INFO_VISIBLE, UPDATE_DIAL_IN_NUMBERS_FAILED, UPDATE_DIAL_IN_NUMBERS_SUCCESS } from './actionTypes'; import logger from './logger'; const DEFAULT_STATE = { /** * The indicator which determines whether (the) {@code CalleeInfo} is * visible. * * @type {boolean|undefined} */ calleeInfoVisible: false, numbersEnabled: true, numbersFetched: false, pendingInviteRequests: [] }; export interface IInviteState { calleeInfoVisible?: boolean; conferenceID?: string; error?: Error; initialCalleeInfo?: Object; numbers?: string; numbersEnabled: boolean; numbersFetched: boolean; pendingInviteRequests: Array<{ callback: Function; invitees: Array; }>; sipUri?: string; } ReducerRegistry.register('features/invite', (state = DEFAULT_STATE, action): IInviteState => { switch (action.type) { case ADD_PENDING_INVITE_REQUEST: return { ...state, pendingInviteRequests: [ ...state.pendingInviteRequests, action.request ] }; case REMOVE_PENDING_INVITE_REQUESTS: return { ...state, pendingInviteRequests: [] }; case SET_CALLEE_INFO_VISIBLE: return { ...state, calleeInfoVisible: action.calleeInfoVisible, initialCalleeInfo: action.initialCalleeInfo }; case UPDATE_DIAL_IN_NUMBERS_FAILED: return { ...state, error: action.error }; case UPDATE_DIAL_IN_NUMBERS_SUCCESS: { if (Array.isArray(action.dialInNumbers)) { return { ...state, conferenceID: action.conferenceID, numbers: action.dialInNumbers, sipUri: action.sipUri, numbersEnabled: true, numbersFetched: true }; } // this is the old format which is deprecated logger.warn('Using deprecated API for retrieving phone numbers'); const { numbersEnabled } = action.dialInNumbers; return { ...state, conferenceID: action.conferenceID, numbers: action.dialInNumbers, numbersEnabled, numbersFetched: true }; } } return state; });