{ "contactlist": "CONTACT LIST", "connectionsettings": "Connection Settings", "poweredby": "powered by", "downloadlogs": "Download logs", "welcomepage":{ "go": "GO", "roomname": "Enter room name", "disable": "Don't show this page next time I enter", "feature1": { "title": "Simple to use", "content": "No downloads required. __app__ works directly within your browser. Simply share your conference URL with others to get started." }, "feature2": { "title": "Low bandwidth", "content": "Multi-party video conferences work with as little as 128Kbps. Screen-sharing and audio-only conferences are possible with far less." }, "feature3": { "title": "Open source", "content": "__app__ is licensed under MIT. You are free to download, use, modify, and share them as per these licenses." }, "feature4": { "title": "Unlimited users", "content": "There are no artificial restrictions on the number of users or conference participants. Server power and bandwidth are the only limiting factors." }, "feature5": { "title": "Screen sharing", "content": "It's easy to share your screen with others. __app__ is ideal for on-line presentations, lectures, and tech support sessions." }, "feature6": { "title": "Secure rooms", "content": "Need some privacy? __app__ conference rooms can be secured with a password in order to exclude unwanted guests and prevent interruptions." }, "feature7": { "title": "Shared notes", "content": "__app__ features Etherpad, a real-time collaborative text editor that's great for meeting minutes, writing articles, and more." }, "feature8": { "title": "Usage statistics", "content": "Learn about your users through easy integration with Piwik, Google Analytics, and other usage monitoring and statistics systems." } }, "toolbar": { "mute": "Mute / Unmute", "videomute": "Start / stop camera", "authenticate": "Authenticate", "record": "Record", "lock": "Lock / unlock room", "invite": "Invite others", "chat": "Open / close chat", "prezi": "Share Prezi", "etherpad": "Shared document", "sharescreen": "Share screen", "fullscreen": "Enter / Exit Full Screen", "sip": "Call SIP number", "Settings": "Settings", "hangup": "Hang Up" }, "bottomtoolbar": { "chat": "Open / close chat", "filmstrip": "Open / close contact list", "contactlist": "Show / hide film strip" }, "chat":{ "nickname": { "title": "Enter a nickname in the box below", "popover": "Choose a nickname" }, "messagebox": "Enter text..." }, "settings": { "title": "SETTINGS", "update": "Update", "name": "Name" }, "videothumbnail": { "editnickname": "Click to edit your
display name", "moderator": "The owner of
this conference", "videomute": "Participant has
stopped the camera.", "mute": "Participant is muted", "kick": "Kick out", "muted": "Muted", "domute": "Mute" }, "connectionindicator": { "bitrate": "Bitrate:", "packetloss": "Packet loss: ", "resolution": "Resolution:", "less": "Show less", "more": "Show more", "address": "Address:", "remoteports": "Remote ports:", "localports": "Local ports:", "remoteport": "Remote port:", "localport": "Local port:", "localaddress": "Local address: ", "localaddresses": "Local addresses: ", "remoteaddress": "Remote address: ", "remoteaddresses": "Remote addresses: ", "transport": "Transport: ", "bandwidth": "Estimated bandwidth:", "na": "Come back here for connection information once the conference starts" }, "notify": { "disconnected": "disconnected", "moderator": "Moderator rights granted !", "connected": "connected" } }