/* global APP, JitsiMeetJS, $, config, interfaceConfig, toastr */ const logger = require("jitsi-meet-logger").getLogger(__filename); var UI = {}; import Chat from "./side_pannels/chat/Chat"; import SidePanels from "./side_pannels/SidePanels"; import Toolbar from "./toolbars/Toolbar"; import ToolbarToggler from "./toolbars/ToolbarToggler"; import Avatar from "./avatar/Avatar"; import SideContainerToggler from "./side_pannels/SideContainerToggler"; import UIUtil from "./util/UIUtil"; import UIEvents from "../../service/UI/UIEvents"; import EtherpadManager from './etherpad/Etherpad'; import SharedVideoManager from './shared_video/SharedVideo'; import Recording from "./recording/Recording"; import VideoLayout from "./videolayout/VideoLayout"; import FilmStrip from "./videolayout/FilmStrip"; import SettingsMenu from "./side_pannels/settings/SettingsMenu"; import Profile from "./side_pannels/profile/Profile"; import Settings from "./../settings/Settings"; import RingOverlay from "./ring_overlay/RingOverlay"; import UIErrors from './UIErrors'; import { debounce } from "../util/helpers"; var EventEmitter = require("events"); UI.messageHandler = require("./util/MessageHandler"); var messageHandler = UI.messageHandler; var JitsiPopover = require("./util/JitsiPopover"); import Feedback from "./feedback/Feedback"; import FollowMe from "../FollowMe"; var eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); UI.eventEmitter = eventEmitter; /** * Whether an overlay is visible or not. * * FIXME: This is temporary solution. Don't use this variable! * Should be removed when all the code is move to react. * * @type {boolean} * @public */ UI.overlayVisible = false; let etherpadManager; let sharedVideoManager; let followMeHandler; let deviceErrorDialog; const TrackErrors = JitsiMeetJS.errors.track; const JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP = { microphone: {}, camera: {} }; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.camera[TrackErrors.UNSUPPORTED_RESOLUTION] = "dialog.cameraUnsupportedResolutionError"; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.camera[TrackErrors.GENERAL] = "dialog.cameraUnknownError"; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.camera[TrackErrors.PERMISSION_DENIED] = "dialog.cameraPermissionDeniedError"; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.camera[TrackErrors.NOT_FOUND] = "dialog.cameraNotFoundError"; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.camera[TrackErrors.CONSTRAINT_FAILED] = "dialog.cameraConstraintFailedError"; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.camera[TrackErrors.NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE] = "dialog.cameraNotSendingData"; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.microphone[TrackErrors.GENERAL] = "dialog.micUnknownError"; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.microphone[TrackErrors.PERMISSION_DENIED] = "dialog.micPermissionDeniedError"; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.microphone[TrackErrors.NOT_FOUND] = "dialog.micNotFoundError"; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.microphone[TrackErrors.CONSTRAINT_FAILED] = "dialog.micConstraintFailedError"; JITSI_TRACK_ERROR_TO_MESSAGE_KEY_MAP.microphone[TrackErrors.NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE] = "dialog.micNotSendingData"; /** * Initialize toolbars with side panels. */ function setupToolbars() { // Initialize toolbar buttons Toolbar.init(eventEmitter); // Initialize side panels SidePanels.init(eventEmitter); } /** * Toggles the application in and out of full screen mode * (a.k.a. presentation mode in Chrome). */ UI.toggleFullScreen = function() { (UIUtil.isFullScreen()) ? UIUtil.exitFullScreen() : UIUtil.enterFullScreen(); }; /** * Notify user that server has shut down. */ UI.notifyGracefulShutdown = function () { messageHandler.openMessageDialog( 'dialog.serviceUnavailable', 'dialog.gracefulShutdown' ); }; /** * Notify user that reservation error happened. */ UI.notifyReservationError = function (code, msg) { var message = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.reservationErrorMsg", {code: code, msg: msg}); messageHandler.openDialog( "dialog.reservationError", message, true, {}, () => false); }; /** * Notify user that he has been kicked from the server. */ UI.notifyKicked = function () { messageHandler.openMessageDialog( "dialog.sessTerminated", "dialog.kickMessage"); }; /** * Notify user that conference was destroyed. * @param reason {string} the reason text */ UI.notifyConferenceDestroyed = function (reason) { //FIXME: use Session Terminated from translation, but // 'reason' text comes from XMPP packet and is not translated messageHandler.openDialog( "dialog.sessTerminated", reason, true, {}, () => false); }; /** * Show chat error. * @param err the Error * @param msg */ UI.showChatError = function (err, msg) { if (interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly) { return; } Chat.chatAddError(err, msg); }; /** * Change nickname for the user. * @param {string} id user id * @param {string} displayName new nickname */ UI.changeDisplayName = function (id, displayName) { if (UI.ContactList) UI.ContactList.onDisplayNameChange(id, displayName); VideoLayout.onDisplayNameChanged(id, displayName); if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id) || id === 'localVideoContainer') { Profile.changeDisplayName(displayName); Chat.setChatConversationMode(!!displayName); } }; /** * Shows/hides the indication about local connection being interrupted. * * @param {boolean} isInterrupted true if local connection is * currently in the interrupted state or false if the connection * is fine. */ UI.showLocalConnectionInterrupted = function (isInterrupted) { VideoLayout.showLocalConnectionInterrupted(isInterrupted); }; /** * Sets the "raised hand" status for a participant. */ UI.setRaisedHandStatus = (participant, raisedHandStatus) => { VideoLayout.setRaisedHandStatus(participant.getId(), raisedHandStatus); if (raisedHandStatus) { messageHandler.notify(participant.getDisplayName(), 'notify.somebody', 'connected', 'notify.raisedHand'); } }; /** * Sets the local "raised hand" status. */ UI.setLocalRaisedHandStatus = (raisedHandStatus) => { VideoLayout.setRaisedHandStatus( APP.conference.getMyUserId(), raisedHandStatus); }; /** * Initialize conference UI. */ UI.initConference = function () { let id = APP.conference.getMyUserId(); // Add myself to the contact list. if (UI.ContactList) UI.ContactList.addContact(id, true); // Update default button states before showing the toolbar // if local role changes buttons state will be again updated. UI.updateLocalRole(APP.conference.isModerator); UI.showToolbar(); let displayName = config.displayJids ? id : Settings.getDisplayName(); if (displayName) { UI.changeDisplayName('localVideoContainer', displayName); } // Make sure we configure our avatar id, before creating avatar for us let email = Settings.getEmail(); if (email) { UI.setUserEmail(id, email); } else { UI.setUserAvatarID(id, Settings.getAvatarId()); } Toolbar.checkAutoEnableDesktopSharing(); if(!interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly) { Feedback.init(eventEmitter); } // FollowMe attempts to copy certain aspects of the moderator's UI into the // other participants' UI. Consequently, it needs (1) read and write access // to the UI (depending on the moderator role of the local participant) and // (2) APP.conference as means of communication between the participants. followMeHandler = new FollowMe(APP.conference, UI); UIUtil.activateTooltips(); }; UI.mucJoined = function () { VideoLayout.mucJoined(); }; /*** * Handler for toggling filmstrip */ UI.handleToggleFilmStrip = () => UI.toggleFilmStrip(); /** * Sets tooltip defaults. * * @private */ function _setTooltipDefaults() { $.fn.tooltip.defaults = { opacity: 1, //defaults to 1 offset: 1, delayIn: 0, //defaults to 500 hoverable: true, hideOnClick: true, aria: true }; } /** * Returns the shared document manager object. * @return {EtherpadManager} the shared document manager object */ UI.getSharedVideoManager = function () { return sharedVideoManager; }; /** * Starts the UI module and initializes all related components. * * @returns {boolean} true if the UI is ready and the conference should be * esablished, false - otherwise (for example in the case of welcome page) */ UI.start = function () { document.title = interfaceConfig.APP_NAME; // Set the defaults for prompt dialogs. $.prompt.setDefaults({persistent: false}); // Set the defaults for tooltips. _setTooltipDefaults(); ToolbarToggler.init(); SideContainerToggler.init(eventEmitter); FilmStrip.init(eventEmitter); VideoLayout.init(eventEmitter); if (!interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly) { VideoLayout.initLargeVideo(); } VideoLayout.resizeVideoArea(true, true); sharedVideoManager = new SharedVideoManager(eventEmitter); if (!interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly) { let debouncedShowToolbar = debounce(() => { UI.showToolbar(); }, 100, { leading: true, trailing: false }); $("#videoconference_page").mousemove(debouncedShowToolbar); setupToolbars(); // Initialise the recording module. if (config.enableRecording) Recording.init(eventEmitter, config.recordingType); // Display notice message at the top of the toolbar if (config.noticeMessage) { $('#noticeText').text(config.noticeMessage); UIUtil.setVisible('notice', true); } } else { $("body").addClass("filmstrip-only"); UIUtil.setVisible('mainToolbarContainer', false); FilmStrip.setupFilmStripOnly(); messageHandler.enableNotifications(false); JitsiPopover.enabled = false; } document.title = interfaceConfig.APP_NAME; if (!interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly) { toastr.options = { "closeButton": true, "debug": false, "positionClass": "notification-bottom-right", "onclick": null, "showDuration": "300", "hideDuration": "1000", "timeOut": "2000", "extendedTimeOut": "1000", "showEasing": "swing", "hideEasing": "linear", "showMethod": "fadeIn", "hideMethod": "fadeOut", "newestOnTop": false, // this is the default toastr close button html, just adds tabIndex "closeHtml": '' }; } if(APP.tokenData.callee) { UI.showRingOverlay(); } }; /** * Setup some UI event listeners. */ UI.registerListeners = () => UIListeners.forEach((value, key) => UI.addListener(key, value)); /** * Unregister some UI event listeners. */ UI.unregisterListeners = () => UIListeners.forEach((value, key) => UI.removeListener(key, value)); /** * Setup some DOM event listeners. */ UI.bindEvents = () => { function onResize() { SideContainerToggler.resize(); VideoLayout.resizeVideoArea(); } // Resize and reposition videos in full screen mode. $(document).on( 'webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange', () => { eventEmitter.emit( UIEvents.FULLSCREEN_TOGGLED, UIUtil.isFullScreen()); onResize(); }); $(window).resize(onResize); }; /** * Unbind some DOM event listeners. */ UI.unbindEvents = () => { $(document).off( 'webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange'); $(window).off('resize'); }; /** * Show local stream on UI. * @param {JitsiTrack} track stream to show */ UI.addLocalStream = track => { switch (track.getType()) { case 'audio': VideoLayout.changeLocalAudio(track); break; case 'video': VideoLayout.changeLocalVideo(track); break; default: logger.error("Unknown stream type: " + track.getType()); break; } }; /** * Show remote stream on UI. * @param {JitsiTrack} track stream to show */ UI.addRemoteStream = track => VideoLayout.onRemoteStreamAdded(track); /** * Removed remote stream from UI. * @param {JitsiTrack} track stream to remove */ UI.removeRemoteStream = track => VideoLayout.onRemoteStreamRemoved(track); /** * Update chat subject. * @param {string} subject new chat subject */ UI.setSubject = subject => Chat.setSubject(subject); /** * Setup and show Etherpad. * @param {string} name etherpad id */ UI.initEtherpad = name => { if (etherpadManager || !config.etherpad_base || !name) { return; } logger.log('Etherpad is enabled'); etherpadManager = new EtherpadManager(config.etherpad_base, name, eventEmitter); Toolbar.showEtherpadButton(); }; /** * Returns the shared document manager object. * @return {EtherpadManager} the shared document manager object */ UI.getSharedDocumentManager = () => etherpadManager; /** * Show user on UI. * @param {JitsiParticipant} user */ UI.addUser = function (user) { var id = user.getId(); var displayName = user.getDisplayName(); UI.hideRingOverLay(); if (UI.ContactList) UI.ContactList.addContact(id); messageHandler.notify( displayName,'notify.somebody', 'connected', 'notify.connected' ); if (!config.startAudioMuted || config.startAudioMuted > APP.conference.membersCount) UIUtil.playSoundNotification('userJoined'); // Add Peer's container VideoLayout.addParticipantContainer(user); // Configure avatar UI.setUserEmail(id); // set initial display name if(displayName) UI.changeDisplayName(id, displayName); }; /** * Remove user from UI. * @param {string} id user id * @param {string} displayName user nickname */ UI.removeUser = function (id, displayName) { if (UI.ContactList) UI.ContactList.removeContact(id); messageHandler.notify( displayName,'notify.somebody', 'disconnected', 'notify.disconnected' ); if (!config.startAudioMuted || config.startAudioMuted > APP.conference.membersCount) { UIUtil.playSoundNotification('userLeft'); } VideoLayout.removeParticipantContainer(id); }; /** * Update videotype for specified user. * @param {string} id user id * @param {string} newVideoType new videotype */ UI.onPeerVideoTypeChanged = (id, newVideoType) => VideoLayout.onVideoTypeChanged(id, newVideoType); /** * Update local user role and show notification if user is moderator. * @param {boolean} isModerator if local user is moderator or not */ UI.updateLocalRole = isModerator => { VideoLayout.showModeratorIndicator(); Toolbar.showSipCallButton(isModerator); Toolbar.showSharedVideoButton(isModerator); Recording.showRecordingButton(isModerator); SettingsMenu.showStartMutedOptions(isModerator); SettingsMenu.showFollowMeOptions(isModerator); if (isModerator) { if (!interfaceConfig.DISABLE_FOCUS_INDICATOR) messageHandler .notify(null, "notify.me", 'connected', "notify.moderator"); Recording.checkAutoRecord(); } }; /** * Check the role for the user and reflect it in the UI, moderator ui indication * and notifies user who is the moderator * @param user to check for moderator */ UI.updateUserRole = user => { VideoLayout.showModeratorIndicator(); // We don't need to show moderator notifications when the focus (moderator) // indicator is disabled. if (!user.isModerator() || interfaceConfig.DISABLE_FOCUS_INDICATOR) { return; } var displayName = user.getDisplayName(); if (displayName) { messageHandler.notify( displayName, 'notify.somebody', 'connected', 'notify.grantedTo', { to: UIUtil.escapeHtml(displayName) } ); } else { messageHandler.notify( '', 'notify.somebody', 'connected', 'notify.grantedToUnknown', {} ); } }; /** * Toggles smileys in the chat. */ UI.toggleSmileys = () => Chat.toggleSmileys(); /** * Toggles film strip. */ UI.toggleFilmStrip = function () { var self = FilmStrip; self.toggleFilmStrip.apply(self, arguments); VideoLayout.resizeVideoArea(true, false); }; /** * Indicates if the film strip is currently visible or not. * @returns {true} if the film strip is currently visible, otherwise */ UI.isFilmStripVisible = () => FilmStrip.isFilmStripVisible(); /** * Toggles chat panel. */ UI.toggleChat = () => UI.toggleSidePanel("chat_container"); /** * Toggles contact list panel. */ UI.toggleContactList = () => UI.toggleSidePanel("contacts_container"); /** * Toggles the given side panel. * * @param {String} sidePanelId the identifier of the side panel to toggle */ UI.toggleSidePanel = sidePanelId => SideContainerToggler.toggle(sidePanelId); /** * Handle new user display name. */ UI.inputDisplayNameHandler = function (newDisplayName) { eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.NICKNAME_CHANGED, newDisplayName); }; /** * Show custom popup/tooltip for a specified button. * @param popupSelectorID the selector id of the popup to show * @param show true or false/show or hide the popup * @param timeout the time to show the popup */ UI.showCustomToolbarPopup = function (popupSelectorID, show, timeout) { eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.SHOW_CUSTOM_TOOLBAR_BUTTON_POPUP, popupSelectorID, show, timeout); }; /** * Return the type of the remote video. * @param jid the jid for the remote video * @returns the video type video or screen. */ UI.getRemoteVideoType = function (jid) { return VideoLayout.getRemoteVideoType(jid); }; UI.connectionIndicatorShowMore = function(id) { VideoLayout.showMore(id); return false; }; // FIXME check if someone user this UI.showLoginPopup = function(callback) { logger.log('password is required'); let message = ( ` ` ); let submitFunction = (e, v, m, f) => { if (v) { if (f.username && f.password) { callback(f.username, f.password); } } }; messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog({ titleKey : "dialog.passwordRequired", msgString: message, leftButtonKey: 'dialog.Ok', submitFunction, focus: ':input:first' }); }; UI.askForNickname = function () { return window.prompt('Your nickname (optional)'); }; /** * Sets muted audio state for participant */ UI.setAudioMuted = function (id, muted) { VideoLayout.onAudioMute(id, muted); if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { Toolbar.toggleAudioIcon(muted); } }; /** * Sets muted video state for participant */ UI.setVideoMuted = function (id, muted) { VideoLayout.onVideoMute(id, muted); if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { Toolbar.toggleVideoIcon(muted); } }; /** * Adds a listener that would be notified on the given type of event. * * @param type the type of the event we're listening for * @param listener a function that would be called when notified */ UI.addListener = function (type, listener) { eventEmitter.on(type, listener); }; /** * Removes the given listener for the given type of event. * * @param type the type of the event we're listening for * @param listener the listener we want to remove */ UI.removeListener = function (type, listener) { eventEmitter.removeListener(type, listener); }; /** * Emits the event of given type by specifying the parameters in options. * * @param type the type of the event we're emitting * @param options the parameters for the event */ UI.emitEvent = function (type, options) { eventEmitter.emit(type, options); }; UI.clickOnVideo = function (videoNumber) { let videos = $("#remoteVideos .videocontainer:not(#mixedstream)"); let videosLength = videos.length; if(videosLength <= videoNumber) { return; } let videoIndex = videoNumber === 0 ? 0 : videosLength - videoNumber; videos[videoIndex].click(); }; //Used by torture UI.showToolbar = function (timeout) { return ToolbarToggler.showToolbar(timeout); }; //Used by torture UI.dockToolbar = function (isDock) { ToolbarToggler.dockToolbar(isDock); }; /** * Updates the avatar for participant. * @param {string} id user id * @param {string} avatarUrl the URL for the avatar */ function changeAvatar(id, avatarUrl) { VideoLayout.changeUserAvatar(id, avatarUrl); if (UI.ContactList) UI.ContactList.changeUserAvatar(id, avatarUrl); if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { Profile.changeAvatar(avatarUrl); } } /** * Update user email. * @param {string} id user id * @param {string} email user email */ UI.setUserEmail = function (id, email) { // update avatar Avatar.setUserEmail(id, email); changeAvatar(id, Avatar.getAvatarUrl(id)); }; /** * Update user avtar id. * @param {string} id user id * @param {string} avatarId user's avatar id */ UI.setUserAvatarID = function (id, avatarId) { // update avatar Avatar.setUserAvatarID(id, avatarId); changeAvatar(id, Avatar.getAvatarUrl(id)); }; /** * Update user avatar URL. * @param {string} id user id * @param {string} url user avatar url */ UI.setUserAvatarUrl = function (id, url) { // update avatar Avatar.setUserAvatarUrl(id, url); changeAvatar(id, Avatar.getAvatarUrl(id)); }; /** * Notify user that connection failed. * @param {string} stropheErrorMsg raw Strophe error message */ UI.notifyConnectionFailed = function (stropheErrorMsg) { var message; if (stropheErrorMsg) { message = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.connectErrorWithMsg", {msg: stropheErrorMsg}); } else { message = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.connectError"); } messageHandler.openDialog("dialog.error", message, true, {}, () => false); }; /** * Notify user that maximum users limit has been reached. */ UI.notifyMaxUsersLimitReached = function () { var message = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.maxUsersLimitReached"); messageHandler.openDialog("dialog.error", message, true, {}, () => false); }; /** * Notify user that he was automatically muted when joned the conference. */ UI.notifyInitiallyMuted = function () { messageHandler.notify( null, "notify.mutedTitle", "connected", "notify.muted", null, { timeOut: 120000 }); }; /** * Mark user as dominant speaker. * @param {string} id user id */ UI.markDominantSpeaker = function (id) { VideoLayout.onDominantSpeakerChanged(id); }; UI.handleLastNEndpoints = function (ids, enteringIds) { VideoLayout.onLastNEndpointsChanged(ids, enteringIds); }; /** * Will handle notification about participant's connectivity status change. * * @param {string} id the id of remote participant(MUC jid) * @param {boolean} isActive true if the connection is ok or false if the user * is having connectivity issues. */ UI.participantConnectionStatusChanged = function (id, isActive) { VideoLayout.onParticipantConnectionStatusChanged(id, isActive); }; /** * Prompt user for nickname. */ UI.promptDisplayName = () => { const labelKey = 'dialog.enterDisplayName'; const message = ( `
` ); // Don't use a translation string, because we're too early in the call and // the translation may not be initialised. const buttons = { Ok: true }; const dialog = messageHandler.openDialog( 'dialog.displayNameRequired', message, true, buttons, (e, v, m, f) => { e.preventDefault(); if (v) { const displayName = f.displayName; if (displayName) { UI.inputDisplayNameHandler(displayName); dialog.close(); return; } } }, () => { const form = $.prompt.getPrompt(); const input = form.find("input[name='displayName']"); const button = form.find("button"); input.focus(); button.attr("disabled", "disabled"); input.keyup(() => { if (input.val()) { button.removeAttr("disabled"); } else { button.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }); } ); }; /** * Update audio level visualization for specified user. * @param {string} id user id * @param {number} lvl audio level */ UI.setAudioLevel = function (id, lvl) { VideoLayout.setAudioLevel(id, lvl); }; /** * Update state of desktop sharing buttons. */ UI.updateDesktopSharingButtons = function () { Toolbar.updateDesktopSharingButtonState(); }; /** * Hide connection quality statistics from UI. */ UI.hideStats = function () { VideoLayout.hideStats(); }; /** * Update local connection quality statistics. * @param {number} percent * @param {object} stats */ UI.updateLocalStats = function (percent, stats) { VideoLayout.updateLocalConnectionStats(percent, stats); }; /** * Update connection quality statistics for remote user. * @param {string} id user id * @param {number} percent * @param {object} stats */ UI.updateRemoteStats = function (id, percent, stats) { VideoLayout.updateConnectionStats(id, percent, stats); }; /** * Mark video as interrupted or not. * @param {boolean} interrupted if video is interrupted */ UI.markVideoInterrupted = function (interrupted) { if (interrupted) { VideoLayout.onVideoInterrupted(); } else { VideoLayout.onVideoRestored(); } }; /** * Add chat message. * @param {string} from user id * @param {string} displayName user nickname * @param {string} message message text * @param {number} stamp timestamp when message was created */ UI.addMessage = function (from, displayName, message, stamp) { Chat.updateChatConversation(from, displayName, message, stamp); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars UI.updateDTMFSupport = function (isDTMFSupported) { //TODO: enable when the UI is ready //Toolbar.showDialPadButton(isDTMFSupported); }; /** * Show user feedback dialog if its required and enabled after pressing the * hangup button. * @returns {Promise} Resolved with value - false if the dialog is enabled and * resolved with true if the dialog is disabled or the feedback was already * submitted. Rejected if another dialog is already displayed. This values are * used to display or not display the thank you dialog from * conference.maybeRedirectToWelcomePage method. */ UI.requestFeedbackOnHangup = function () { if (Feedback.isVisible()) return Promise.reject(UIErrors.FEEDBACK_REQUEST_IN_PROGRESS); // Feedback has been submitted already. else if (Feedback.isEnabled() && Feedback.isSubmitted()) { return Promise.resolve({ thankYouDialogVisible : true, feedbackSubmitted: true }); } else return new Promise(function (resolve) { if (Feedback.isEnabled()) { Feedback.openFeedbackWindow( (options) => { options.thankYouDialogVisible = false; resolve(options); }); } else { // If the feedback functionality isn't enabled we show a thank // you dialog. Signaling it (true), so the caller // of requestFeedback can act on it resolve( {thankYouDialogVisible : true, feedbackSubmitted: false}); } }); }; UI.updateRecordingState = function (state) { Recording.updateRecordingState(state); }; UI.notifyTokenAuthFailed = function () { messageHandler.showError( "dialog.tokenAuthFailedTitle", "dialog.tokenAuthFailed"); }; UI.notifyInternalError = function () { messageHandler.showError( "dialog.internalErrorTitle", "dialog.internalError"); }; UI.notifyFocusDisconnected = function (focus, retrySec) { messageHandler.notify( null, "notify.focus", 'disconnected', "notify.focusFail", {component: focus, ms: retrySec} ); }; /** * Updates auth info on the UI. * @param {boolean} isAuthEnabled if authentication is enabled * @param {string} [login] current login */ UI.updateAuthInfo = function (isAuthEnabled, login) { let showAuth = isAuthEnabled && UIUtil.isAuthenticationEnabled(); let loggedIn = !!login; Profile.showAuthenticationButtons(showAuth); if (showAuth) { Profile.setAuthenticatedIdentity(login); Profile.showLoginButton(!loggedIn); Profile.showLogoutButton(loggedIn); } }; UI.onStartMutedChanged = function (startAudioMuted, startVideoMuted) { SettingsMenu.updateStartMutedBox(startAudioMuted, startVideoMuted); }; /** * Notifies interested listeners that the raise hand property has changed. * * @param {boolean} isRaisedHand indicates the current state of the * "raised hand" */ UI.onLocalRaiseHandChanged = function (isRaisedHand) { eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.LOCAL_RAISE_HAND_CHANGED, isRaisedHand); }; /** * Update list of available physical devices. * @param {object[]} devices new list of available devices */ UI.onAvailableDevicesChanged = function (devices) { SettingsMenu.changeDevicesList(devices); }; /** * Sets microphone's element to select camera ID from settings. */ UI.setSelectedCameraFromSettings = function () { SettingsMenu.setSelectedCameraFromSettings(); }; /** * Sets audio outputs's