#!/bin/bash set -e -u THIS_DIR=$(cd -P "$(dirname "$(readlink "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" || echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" && pwd) DEFAULT_MVN_REPO="${THIS_DIR}/../../../jitsi-maven-repository/releases" export MVN_REPO=$(realpath ${1:-$DEFAULT_MVN_REPO}) SDK_VERSION=$(grep sdkVersion ${THIS_DIR}/../gradle.properties | cut -d"=" -f2) RN_VERSION=$(jq -r '.dependencies."react-native"' ${THIS_DIR}/../../package.json) echo "Releasing Jitsi Meet SDK ${SDK_VERSION}" echo "Using ${MVN_REPO} as the Maven repo" # Check if an SDK with that same version has already been released if [[ -d ${MVN_REPO}/org/jitsi/react/jitsi-meet-sdk/${SDK_VERSION} ]]; then echo "There is already a release with that version in the Maven repo!" exit 1 fi # First push React Native, if necessary if [[ ! -d ${MVN_REPO}/com/facebook/react/react-native/${RN_VERSION} ]]; then echo "Pushing React Native ${RN_VERSION} to the Maven repo" pushd ${THIS_DIR}/../../node_modules/react-native/android/com/facebook/react/react-native/${RN_VERSION} mvn \ deploy:deploy-file \ -Durl=file://${MVN_REPO} \ -Dfile=react-native-${RN_VERSION}.aar \ -Dpackaging=aar \ -DgeneratePom=false \ -DpomFile=react-native-${RN_VERSION}.pom popd fi # Now build and publish the Jitsi Meet SDK and its dependencies echo "Building and publishing the Jitsi Meet SDK" pushd ${THIS_DIR}/../ ./gradlew clean assembleRelease publish popd # The artifacts are now on the Maven repo, commit them pushd ${MVN_REPO} if [[ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null)" == "true" ]]; then git add -A . git commit -m "Jitsi Meet SDK + dependencies" fi popd # Tag the release git tag -a android-sdk-${SDK_VERSION} # Done! echo "Finished! Don't forget to push the tag and the Maven repo artifacts."