# this is jitsi-meet nginx module configuration # this forward all http traffic to the nginx virtual host port # and the rest to the turn server # # Multiplexing based on ALPN is DEPRECATED. ALPN does not play well with websockets on some browsers and reverse proxies. # To migrate away from using it read: https://jitsi.org/multiplexing-to-bridge-ws-howto # This file will be removed at some point and if deployment is still using it, will break. # stream { upstream web { server; } upstream turn { server; } # since 1.13.10 map $ssl_preread_alpn_protocols $upstream { ~\bh2\b web; ~\bhttp/1\. web; default turn; } server { listen 443; listen [::]:443; # since 1.11.5 ssl_preread on; proxy_pass $upstream; # Increase buffer to serve video proxy_buffer_size 10m; } }