/* global interfaceConfig */ import { URI_PROTOCOL_PATTERN } from '../base/util'; import { Platform } from '../base/react'; import { DeepLinkingDesktopPage, DeepLinkingMobilePage, NoMobileApp } from './components'; import { _shouldShowDeepLinkingDesktopPage } from './shouldShowDeepLinkingDesktopPage'; /** * Generates a deep linking URL based on the current window URL. * * @returns {string} - The generated URL. */ export function generateDeepLinkingURL() { // If the user installed the app while this Component was displayed // (e.g. the user clicked the Download the App button), then we would // like to open the current URL in the mobile app. The only way to do it // appears to be a link with an app-specific scheme, not a Universal // Link. const appScheme = interfaceConfig.APP_SCHEME || 'org.jitsi.meet'; // Replace the protocol part with the app scheme. return window.location.href.replace( new RegExp(`^${URI_PROTOCOL_PATTERN}`), `${appScheme}:`); } /** * Resolves with the component that should be displayed if the deep linking page * should be shown and with undefined otherwise. * * @param {Object} state - Object containing current redux state. * @returns {Promise} */ export function getDeepLinkingPage(state) { const { room } = state['features/base/conference']; // Show only if we are about to join a conference. if (!room) { return Promise.resolve(); } const OS = Platform.OS; const isUsingMobileBrowser = OS === 'android' || OS === 'ios'; if (isUsingMobileBrowser) { // mobile const mobileAppPromo = typeof interfaceConfig === 'object' && interfaceConfig.MOBILE_APP_PROMO; return Promise.resolve( typeof mobileAppPromo === 'undefined' || Boolean(mobileAppPromo) ? DeepLinkingMobilePage : NoMobileApp); } // desktop const { launchInWeb } = state['features/deep-linking']; if (launchInWeb) { return Promise.resolve(); } return _shouldShowDeepLinkingDesktopPage().then( // eslint-disable-next-line no-confusing-arrow show => show ? DeepLinkingDesktopPage : undefined); } /** * Opens the desktop app. * * @returns {void} */ export function openDesktopApp() { window.location.href = generateDeepLinkingURL(); }