// @flow import { openDialog } from '../../../base/dialog'; import { JitsiRecordingConstants } from '../../../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import { getLocalParticipant } from '../../../base/participants'; import { AbstractButton, type AbstractButtonProps } from '../../../base/toolbox'; import { getActiveSession } from '../../functions'; import StartLiveStreamDialog from './StartLiveStreamDialog'; import StopLiveStreamDialog from './StopLiveStreamDialog'; /** * The type of the React {@code Component} props of * {@link AbstractLiveStreamButton}. */ export type Props = AbstractButtonProps & { /** * True if there is a running active live stream, false otherwise. */ _isLiveStreamRunning: boolean, /** * The redux {@code dispatch} function. */ dispatch: Function, /** * The i18n translate function. */ t: Function }; /** * An abstract class of a button for starting and stopping live streaming. */ export default class AbstractLiveStreamButton extends AbstractButton { accessibilityLabel = 'dialog.accessibilityLabel.liveStreaming'; label = 'dialog.startLiveStreaming'; toggledLabel = 'dialog.stopLiveStreaming'; /** * Handles clicking / pressing the button. * * @override * @protected * @returns {void} */ _handleClick() { const { _isLiveStreamRunning, dispatch } = this.props; dispatch(openDialog( _isLiveStreamRunning ? StopLiveStreamDialog : StartLiveStreamDialog )); } /** * Indicates whether this button is in toggled state or not. * * @override * @protected * @returns {boolean} */ _isToggled() { return this.props._isLiveStreamRunning; } } /** * Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated props for the * {@code AbstractLiveStreamButton} component. * * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. * @param {Props} ownProps - The own props of the Component. * @private * @returns {{ * _isLiveStreamRunning: boolean, * visible: boolean * }} */ export function _mapStateToProps(state: Object, ownProps: Props) { let { visible } = ownProps; // a button can be disabled/enabled only if enableFeaturesBasedOnToken // is on let disabledByFeatures; if (typeof visible === 'undefined') { // If the containing component provides the visible prop, that is one // above all, but if not, the button should be autonomus and decide on // its own to be visible or not. const { enableFeaturesBasedOnToken, liveStreamingEnabled } = state['features/base/config']; const { features = {} } = getLocalParticipant(state); visible = liveStreamingEnabled; if (enableFeaturesBasedOnToken) { visible = visible && String(features.livestreaming) === 'true'; disabledByFeatures = String(features.livestreaming) === 'disabled'; } } return { _isLiveStreamRunning: Boolean( getActiveSession(state, JitsiRecordingConstants.mode.STREAM)), disabledByFeatures, visible }; }