/* @flow */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; /** * The type of the React {@code Component} props of * {@link RemoteVideoMenuButton}. */ type Props = { /** * Text to display within the component that describes the onClick action. */ buttonText: string, /** * Additional CSS classes to add to the component. */ displayClass?: string, /** * The CSS classes for the icon that will display within the component. */ iconClass: string, /** * The id attribute to be added to the component's DOM for retrieval when * querying the DOM. Not used directly by the component. */ id: string, /** * Callback to invoke when the component is clicked. */ onClick: Function, }; /** * React {@code Component} for displaying an action in {@code RemoteVideoMenu}. * * @extends {Component} */ export default class RemoteVideoMenuButton extends Component { /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {ReactElement} */ render() { const { buttonText, displayClass, iconClass, id, onClick } = this.props; const linkClassName = `popupmenu__link ${displayClass || ''}`; return (
  • { buttonText }
  • ); } }