import { NativeModules } from 'react-native'; const { Amplitude: AmplitudeNative } = NativeModules; /** * Wrapper for the Amplitude native module. */ class Amplitude { /** * Create new Amplitude instance. * * @param {string} instanceName - The name of the Amplitude instance. Should * be used only for multi-project logging. */ constructor(instanceName) { this._instanceName = instanceName; } /** * Initializes the Amplitude SDK. * * @param {string} apiKey - The API_KEY of the Amplitude project. * @returns {void} */ init(apiKey) { AmplitudeNative.init(this._instanceName, apiKey); } /** * Sets user properties for the current user. * * @param {Object} userProperties - The user properties to be set. * @returns {void} */ setUserProperties(userProperties) { AmplitudeNative.setUserProperties(this._instanceName, userProperties); } /** * Log an event with eventType and eventProperties. * * @param {string} eventType - The type of the event. * @param {Object} eventProperties - The properties of the event. * @returns {void} */ logEvent(eventType, eventProperties) { // The event properties are converted to JSON string because of known // performance issue when passing objects trough the RN bridge too // often (a few times a second). AmplitudeNative.logEvent( this._instanceName, eventType, JSON.stringify(eventProperties)); } } /** * Cache of Amplitude instances by instanceName. */ const instances = {}; /** * The default (with instanceName - undefined) Amplitude instance. */ let defaultInstance; export default { /** * Returns a Amplitude instance. * * @param {Object} options - Optional parameters. * @param {string} - The host property from the current URL. * @param {string|undefined} options.instanceName - The name of the * amplitude instance. Should be used only for multi-project logging. * @returns {Amplitude} */ getInstance(options = {}) { let instance; const { host = '', instanceName = '' } = options; let internalInstanceName = host; if (instanceName !== '') { internalInstanceName += `-${instanceName}`; } if (internalInstanceName === '') { instance = defaultInstance = defaultInstance || new Amplitude(); } else { instance = instances[internalInstanceName] = instances[internalInstanceName] || new Amplitude(internalInstanceName); } return instance; } };