# Setting up Google Authentication - Create a Firebase project here: https://firebase.google.com/. You'll need a signed Android build for that, that can be a debug auto-signed build too, just retrieve the signing hash. - Place the generated ```google-services.json``` file in ```android/app``` for Android and the ```GoogleService-Info.plist``` into ```ios/app/src``` for iOS (you can stop at that step, no need for the driver and the code changes they suggest in the wizard). - You may want to exclude these files in YOUR GIT config (do not exclude them in the ```.gitignore``` of the application itself!). - Your WEB and iOS client IDs are auto generated during the Firebase project creation. Find them in the Google Developer console: https://console.developers.google.com/ - Make sure your config reflects these IDs so then the Redux state of the feature ```features/base/config``` contains variables ```googleApiApplicationClientID``` and ```googleApiIOSClientID``` with the respective values. - Add your iOS client ID as an application URL schema into ```ios/app/src/Info.plist``` (replacing placeholder). - Enable YouTube API access on the developer console (see above) for live streaming.