import { API_ID } from '../../../modules/API/constants'; import { PostMessageTransportBackend, Transport } from '../../../modules/transport'; import { createDeviceChangedEvent, sendAnalytics } from '../analytics'; import { setAudioInputDevice, setAudioOutputDeviceId, setVideoInputDevice } from '../base/devices'; import { i18next } from '../base/i18n'; import { updateSettings } from '../base/settings'; import { SET_DEVICE_SELECTION_POPUP_DATA } from './actionTypes'; import { getDeviceSelectionDialogProps, processExternalDeviceRequest } from './functions'; const logger = require('jitsi-meet-logger').getLogger(__filename); /** * Opens a popup window with the device selection dialog in it. * * @returns {Function} */ export function openDeviceSelectionPopup() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { popupDialogData } = getState()['features/device-selection']; if (popupDialogData) { popupDialogData.popup.focus(); return; } // API_ID will always be defined because the iframe api is enabled const scope = `dialog_${API_ID}`; const url = `${ window.location.origin}/static/deviceSelectionPopup.html#scope=${ encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(scope))}`; const popup = url, 'device-selection-popup', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=720,height=458'); popup.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { popup.init(i18next); }); const transport = new Transport({ backend: new PostMessageTransportBackend({ postisOptions: { scope, window: popup } }) }); transport.on('request', processExternalDeviceRequest.bind(undefined, dispatch, getState)); transport.on('event', event => { if (event.type === 'devices-dialog' && === 'close') { popup.close(); transport.dispose(); dispatch(_setDeviceSelectionPopupData()); return true; } return false; }); dispatch(_setDeviceSelectionPopupData({ popup, transport })); }; } /** * Sets information about device selection popup in the store. * * @param {Object} popupDialogData - Information about the popup. * @param {Object} popupDialog.popup - The popup object returned from * * @param {Object} popupDialogData.transport - The transport instance used for * communication with the popup window. * @returns {{ * type: SET_DEVICE_SELECTION_POPUP_DATA, * popupDialogData: Object * }} */ function _setDeviceSelectionPopupData(popupDialogData) { return { type: SET_DEVICE_SELECTION_POPUP_DATA, popupDialogData }; } /** * Submits the settings related to device selection. * * @param {Object} newState - The new settings. * @returns {Function} */ export function submitDeviceSelectionTab(newState) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const currentState = getDeviceSelectionDialogProps(getState()); if (newState.selectedVideoInputId && newState.selectedVideoInputId !== currentState.selectedVideoInputId) { dispatch(updateSettings({ cameraDeviceId: newState.selectedVideoInputId })); dispatch( setVideoInputDevice(newState.selectedVideoInputId)); } if (newState.selectedAudioInputId && newState.selectedAudioInputId !== currentState.selectedAudioInputId) { dispatch(updateSettings({ micDeviceId: newState.selectedAudioInputId })); dispatch( setAudioInputDevice(newState.selectedAudioInputId)); } if (newState.selectedAudioOutputId && newState.selectedAudioOutputId !== currentState.selectedAudioOutputId) { sendAnalytics(createDeviceChangedEvent('audio', 'output')); setAudioOutputDeviceId( newState.selectedAudioOutputId, dispatch) .then(() => logger.log('changed audio output device')) .catch(err => { logger.warn( 'Failed to change audio output device.', 'Default or previously set audio output device will', ' be used instead.', err); }); } }; }