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Simple to use
No downloads required.
works directly within your browser. Simply share your conference URL with others to get started.
Low bandwidth
Multi-party video conferences work with as little as 128Kbps. Screen-sharing and audio-only conferences are possible with far less.
Open source
is licensed under MIT. You are free to download, use, modify, and share them as per these licenses.
Unlimited users
There are no artificial restrictions on the number of users or conference participants. Server power and bandwidth are the only limiting factors.
Screen sharing
It's easy to share your screen with others.
is ideal for on-line presentations, lectures, and tech support sessions.
Secure rooms
Need some privacy?
conference rooms can be secured with a password in order to exclude unwanted guests and prevent interruptions.
Shared notes
features Etherpad, a real-time collaborative text editor that's great for meeting minutes, writing articles, and more.
Usage statistics
Learn about your users through easy integration with Piwik, Google Analytics, and other usage monitoring and statistics systems.
Connection Settings
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