/* eslint-disable lines-around-comment */ import { generateCollaborationLinkData } from '@jitsi/excalidraw'; import { IStore } from '../app/types'; import { getCurrentConference } from '../base/conference/functions'; import { JitsiConferenceEvents } from '../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import { participantJoined, participantLeft, pinParticipant } from '../base/participants/actions'; import { FakeParticipant } from '../base/participants/types'; import MiddlewareRegistry from '../base/redux/MiddlewareRegistry'; import StateListenerRegistry from '../base/redux/StateListenerRegistry'; // @ts-ignore import { addStageParticipant } from '../filmstrip/actions.web'; // @ts-ignore import { isStageFilmstripAvailable } from '../filmstrip/functions'; import { RESET_WHITEBOARD, SET_WHITEBOARD_OPEN } from './actionTypes'; import { resetWhiteboard, setWhiteboardOpen, setupWhiteboard } from './actions'; import { WHITEBOARD_ID, WHITEBOARD_PARTICIPANT_NAME } from './constants'; import { getCollabDetails, getCollabServerUrl, isWhiteboardPresent } from './functions'; const focusWhiteboard = (store: IStore) => { const { dispatch, getState } = store; const state = getState(); const conference = getCurrentConference(state); const stageFilmstrip = isStageFilmstripAvailable(state); const isPresent = isWhiteboardPresent(state); if (!isPresent) { dispatch(participantJoined({ conference, fakeParticipant: FakeParticipant.Whiteboard, id: WHITEBOARD_ID, name: WHITEBOARD_PARTICIPANT_NAME })); } if (stageFilmstrip) { dispatch(addStageParticipant(WHITEBOARD_ID, true)); } else { dispatch(pinParticipant(WHITEBOARD_ID)); } }; /** * Middleware which intercepts whiteboard actions to handle changes to the related state. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @returns {Function} */ MiddlewareRegistry.register((store: IStore) => (next: Function) => async (action: any) => { const { dispatch, getState } = store; const state = getState(); const conference = getCurrentConference(state); switch (action.type) { case SET_WHITEBOARD_OPEN: { const existingCollabDetails = getCollabDetails(state); if (!existingCollabDetails) { const collabDetails = await generateCollaborationLinkData(); const collabServerUrl = getCollabServerUrl(state); focusWhiteboard(store); dispatch(setupWhiteboard({ collabDetails })); conference.getMetadataHandler().setMetadata(WHITEBOARD_ID, { collabServerUrl, collabDetails }); return; } if (action.isOpen) { focusWhiteboard(store); return; } dispatch(participantLeft(WHITEBOARD_ID, conference, { fakeParticipant: FakeParticipant.Whiteboard })); break; } case RESET_WHITEBOARD: { dispatch(participantLeft(WHITEBOARD_ID, conference, { fakeParticipant: FakeParticipant.Whiteboard })); break; } } return next(action); }); /** * Set up state change listener to perform maintenance tasks when the conference * is left or failed, e.g. Disable the whiteboard if it's left open. */ StateListenerRegistry.register( // @ts-ignore state => getCurrentConference(state), // @ts-ignore (conference, { dispatch }, previousConference): void => { if (conference !== previousConference) { dispatch(resetWhiteboard()); } if (conference && !previousConference) { conference.on(JitsiConferenceEvents.METADATA_UPDATED, (metadata: any) => { if (metadata[WHITEBOARD_ID]) { dispatch(setupWhiteboard({ collabDetails: metadata[WHITEBOARD_ID].collabDetails })); dispatch(setWhiteboardOpen(true)); } }); } });