/*! jQuery-Impromptu - v5.1.1 * http://trentrichardson.com/Impromptu * Copyright (c) 2013 Trent Richardson; Licensed MIT */ (function($) { "use strict"; /** * setDefaults - Sets the default options * @param message String/Object - String of html or Object of states * @param options Object - Options to set the prompt * @return jQuery - container with overlay and prompt */ $.prompt = function(message, options) { // only for backwards compat, to be removed in future version if(options !== undefined && options.classes !== undefined && typeof options.classes === 'string'){ options = { box: options.classes }; } $.prompt.options = $.extend({},$.prompt.defaults,options); $.prompt.currentPrefix = $.prompt.options.prefix; // Be sure any previous timeouts are destroyed if($.prompt.timeout){ clearTimeout($.prompt.timeout); } $.prompt.timeout = false; var opts = $.prompt.options, $body = $(document.body), $window = $(window); //build the box and fade var msgbox = '
'; $.prompt.jqib = $(msgbox).appendTo($body); $.prompt.jqi = $.prompt.jqib.children('.'+ opts.prefix);//.data('jqi',opts); $.prompt.jqif = $.prompt.jqib.children('.'+ opts.prefix +'fade'); //if a string was passed, convert to a single state if(message.constructor === String){ message = { state0: { title: opts.title, html: message, buttons: opts.buttons, position: opts.position, focus: opts.focus, submit: opts.submit } }; } //build the states $.prompt.options.states = {}; var k,v; for(k in message){ v = $.extend({},$.prompt.defaults.state,{name:k},message[k]); $.prompt.addState(v.name, v); if($.prompt.currentStateName === ''){ $.prompt.currentStateName = v.name; } } // Go ahead and transition to the first state. It won't be visible just yet though until we show the prompt var $firstState = $.prompt.jqi.find('.'+ opts.prefix +'states .'+ opts.prefix +'state').eq(0); $.prompt.goToState($firstState.data('jqi-name')); //Events $.prompt.jqi.on('click', '.'+ opts.prefix +'buttons button', function(e){ var $t = $(this), $state = $t.parents('.'+ opts.prefix +'state'), stateobj = $.prompt.options.states[$state.data('jqi-name')], msg = $state.children('.'+ opts.prefix +'message'), clicked = stateobj.buttons[$t.text()] || stateobj.buttons[$t.html()], forminputs = {}; // if for some reason we couldn't get the value if(clicked === undefined){ for(var i in stateobj.buttons){ if(stateobj.buttons[i].title === $t.text() || stateobj.buttons[i].title === $t.html()){ clicked = stateobj.buttons[i].value; } } } //collect all form element values from all states. $.each($.prompt.jqi.children('form').serializeArray(),function(i,obj){ if (forminputs[obj.name] === undefined) { forminputs[obj.name] = obj.value; } else if (typeof forminputs[obj.name] === Array || typeof forminputs[obj.name] === 'object') { forminputs[obj.name].push(obj.value); } else { forminputs[obj.name] = [forminputs[obj.name],obj.value]; } }); // trigger an event var promptsubmite = new $.Event('impromptu:submit'); promptsubmite.stateName = stateobj.name; promptsubmite.state = $state; $state.trigger(promptsubmite, [clicked, msg, forminputs]); if(!promptsubmite.isDefaultPrevented()){ $.prompt.close(true, clicked,msg,forminputs); } }); // if the fade is clicked blink the prompt var fadeClicked = function(){ if(opts.persistent){ var offset = (opts.top.toString().indexOf('%') >= 0? ($window.height()*(parseInt(opts.top,10)/100)) : parseInt(opts.top,10)), top = parseInt($.prompt.jqi.css('top').replace('px',''),10) - offset; //$window.scrollTop(top); $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: top }, 'fast', function(){ var i = 0; $.prompt.jqib.addClass(opts.prefix +'warning'); var intervalid = setInterval(function(){ $.prompt.jqib.toggleClass(opts.prefix +'warning'); if(i++ > 1){ clearInterval(intervalid); $.prompt.jqib.removeClass(opts.prefix +'warning'); } }, 100); }); } else { $.prompt.close(true); } }; // listen for esc or tab keys var keyPressEventHandler = function(e){ var key = (window.event) ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode; //escape key closes if(key===27) { fadeClicked(); } //constrain tabs, tabs should iterate through the state and not leave if (key === 9){ var $inputels = $('input,select,textarea,button',$.prompt.getCurrentState()); var fwd = !e.shiftKey && e.target === $inputels[$inputels.length-1]; var back = e.shiftKey && e.target === $inputels[0]; if (fwd || back) { setTimeout(function(){ if (!$inputels){ return; } var el = $inputels[back===true ? $inputels.length-1 : 0]; if (el){ el.focus(); } },10); return false; } } }; $.prompt.position(); $.prompt.style(); $.prompt.jqif.click(fadeClicked); $window.resize({animate:false}, $.prompt.position); $.prompt.jqi.find('.'+ opts.prefix +'close').click($.prompt.close); $.prompt.jqib.on("keydown",keyPressEventHandler) .on('impromptu:loaded', opts.loaded) .on('impromptu:close', opts.close) .on('impromptu:statechanging', opts.statechanging) .on('impromptu:statechanged', opts.statechanged); // Show it $.prompt.jqif[opts.show](opts.overlayspeed); $.prompt.jqi[opts.show](opts.promptspeed, function(){ $.prompt.jqib.trigger('impromptu:loaded'); }); // Timeout if(opts.timeout > 0){ $.prompt.timeout = setTimeout(function(){ $.prompt.close(true); },opts.timeout); } return $.prompt.jqib; }; $.prompt.defaults = { prefix:'jqi', classes: { box: '', fade: '', prompt: '', close: '', title: '', message: '', buttons: '', button: '', defaultButton: '' }, title: '', closeText: '×', buttons: { Ok: true }, loaded: function(e){}, submit: function(e,v,m,f){}, close: function(e,v,m,f){}, statechanging: function(e, from, to){}, statechanged: function(e, to){}, opacity: 0.6, zIndex: 999, overlayspeed: 'slow', promptspeed: 'fast', show: 'fadeIn', focus: 0, defaultButton: 0, useiframe: false, top: '15%', position: { container: null, x: null, y: null, arrow: null, width: null }, persistent: true, timeout: 0, states: {}, state: { name: null, title: '', html: '', buttons: { Ok: true }, focus: 0, defaultButton: 0, position: { container: null, x: null, y: null, arrow: null, width: null }, submit: function(e,v,m,f){ return true; } } }; /** * currentPrefix String - At any time this show be the prefix * of the current prompt ex: "jqi" */ $.prompt.currentPrefix = $.prompt.defaults.prefix; /** * currentStateName String - At any time this is the current state * of the current prompt ex: "state0" */ $.prompt.currentStateName = ""; /** * setDefaults - Sets the default options * @param o Object - Options to set as defaults * @return void */ $.prompt.setDefaults = function(o) { $.prompt.defaults = $.extend({}, $.prompt.defaults, o); }; /** * setStateDefaults - Sets the default options for a state * @param o Object - Options to set as defaults * @return void */ $.prompt.setStateDefaults = function(o) { $.prompt.defaults.state = $.extend({}, $.prompt.defaults.state, o); }; /** * position - Repositions the prompt (Used internally) * @return void */ $.prompt.position = function(e){ var restoreFx = $.fx.off, $state = $.prompt.getCurrentState(), stateObj = $.prompt.options.states[$state.data('jqi-name')], pos = stateObj? stateObj.position : undefined, $window = $(window), bodyHeight = document.body.scrollHeight, //$(document.body).outerHeight(true), windowHeight = $(window).height(), documentHeight = $(document).height(), height = bodyHeight > windowHeight ? bodyHeight : windowHeight, top = parseInt($window.scrollTop(),10) + ($.prompt.options.top.toString().indexOf('%') >= 0? (windowHeight*(parseInt($.prompt.options.top,10)/100)) : parseInt($.prompt.options.top,10)); // when resizing the window turn off animation if(e !== undefined && e.data.animate === false){ $.fx.off = true; } $.prompt.jqib.css({ position: "absolute", height: height, width: "100%", top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }); $.prompt.jqif.css({ position: "fixed", height: height, width: "100%", top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }); // tour positioning if(pos && pos.container){ var offset = $(pos.container).offset(); if($.isPlainObject(offset) && offset.top !== undefined){ $.prompt.jqi.css({ position: "absolute" }); $.prompt.jqi.animate({ top: offset.top + pos.y, left: offset.left + pos.x, marginLeft: 0, width: (pos.width !== undefined)? pos.width : null }); top = (offset.top + pos.y) - ($.prompt.options.top.toString().indexOf('%') >= 0? (windowHeight*(parseInt($.prompt.options.top,10)/100)) : parseInt($.prompt.options.top,10)); $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: top }, 'slow', 'swing', function(){}); } } // custom state width animation else if(pos && pos.width){ $.prompt.jqi.css({ position: "absolute", left: '50%' }); $.prompt.jqi.animate({ top: pos.y || top, left: pos.x || '50%', marginLeft: ((pos.width/2)*-1), width: pos.width }); } // standard prompt positioning else{ $.prompt.jqi.css({ position: "absolute", top: top, left: '50%',//$window.width()/2, marginLeft: (($.prompt.jqi.outerWidth(false)/2)*-1) }); } // restore fx settings if(e !== undefined && e.data.animate === false){ $.fx.off = restoreFx; } }; /** * style - Restyles the prompt (Used internally) * @return void */ $.prompt.style = function(){ $.prompt.jqif.css({ zIndex: $.prompt.options.zIndex, display: "none", opacity: $.prompt.options.opacity }); $.prompt.jqi.css({ zIndex: $.prompt.options.zIndex+1, display: "none" }); $.prompt.jqib.css({ zIndex: $.prompt.options.zIndex }); }; /** * get - Get the prompt * @return jQuery - the prompt */ $.prompt.get = function(state) { return $('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix); }; /** * addState - Injects a state into the prompt * @param statename String - Name of the state * @param stateobj Object - options for the state * @param afterState String - selector of the state to insert after * @return jQuery - the newly created state */ $.prompt.addState = function(statename, stateobj, afterState) { var state = "", $state = null, arrow = "", title = "", opts = $.prompt.options, $jqistates = $('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'states'), defbtn,k,v,i=0; stateobj = $.extend({},$.prompt.defaults.state, {name:statename}, stateobj); if(stateobj.position.arrow !== null){ arrow = ''; } if(stateobj.title && stateobj.title !== ''){ title = '