/* @flow */ import SideContainerToggler from '../../../modules/UI/side_pannels/SideContainerToggler'; import { appNavigate } from '../app'; import { toggleAudioMuted, toggleVideoMuted } from '../base/media'; import defaultToolbarButtons from './defaultToolbarButtons'; import type { Dispatch } from 'redux-thunk'; type MapOfAttributes = { [key: string]: * }; declare var $: Function; declare var AJS: Object; declare var interfaceConfig: Object; /** * Maps (redux) actions to React component props. * * @param {Function} dispatch - Redux action dispatcher. * @returns {{ * _onHangup: Function, * _onToggleAudio: Function, * _onToggleVideo: Function * }} * @private */ export function abstractMapDispatchToProps(dispatch: Dispatch<*>): Object { return { /** * Dispatches action to leave the current conference. * * @private * @returns {void} * @type {Function} */ _onHangup() { // XXX We don't know here which value is effectively/internally // used when there's no valid room name to join. It isn't our // business to know that anyway. The undefined value is our // expression of (1) the lack of knowledge & (2) the desire to no // longer have a valid room name to join. return dispatch(appNavigate(undefined)); }, /** * Dispatches an action to toggle the mute state of the * audio/microphone. * * @private * @returns {Object} - Dispatched action. * @type {Function} */ _onToggleAudio() { return dispatch(toggleAudioMuted()); }, /** * Dispatches an action to toggle the mute state of the video/camera. * * @private * @returns {Object} - Dispatched action. * @type {Function} */ _onToggleVideo() { return dispatch(toggleVideoMuted()); } }; } /** * Maps parts of media state to component props. * * @param {Object} state - Redux state. * @protected * @returns {{ * _audioMuted: boolean, * _videoMuted: boolean, * _visible: boolean * }} */ export function abstractMapStateToProps(state: Object): Object { const media = state['features/base/media']; const { visible } = state['features/toolbox']; return { /** * Flag showing that audio is muted. * * @protected * @type {boolean} */ _audioMuted: media.audio.muted, /** * Flag showing whether video is muted. * * @protected * @type {boolean} */ _videoMuted: media.video.muted, /** * Flag showing whether toolbox is visible. * * @protected * @type {boolean} */ _visible: visible }; } /** * Takes toolbar button props and maps them to HTML attributes to set. * * @param {Object} props - Props set to the React component. * @returns {MapOfAttributes} */ export function getButtonAttributesByProps(props: Object): MapOfAttributes { const classNames = [ ...props.classNames ]; props.toggled && classNames.push('toggled'); props.unclickable && classNames.push('unclickable'); const result: MapOfAttributes = { className: classNames.join(' '), 'data-container': 'body', 'data-placement': 'bottom', id: props.id }; if (!props.enabled) { result.disabled = 'disabled'; } if (props.hidden) { result.style = { display: 'none' }; } return result; } /** * Returns object containing default buttons for the primary and secondary * toolbars. * * @returns {Object} */ export function getDefaultToolbarButtons(): Object { let toolbarButtons = { primaryToolbarButtons: new Map(), secondaryToolbarButtons: new Map() }; if (typeof interfaceConfig !== 'undefined' && interfaceConfig.TOOLBAR_BUTTONS) { toolbarButtons = interfaceConfig.TOOLBAR_BUTTONS.reduce( (acc, buttonName) => { const button = defaultToolbarButtons[buttonName]; if (button) { const place = _getToolbarButtonPlace(buttonName); button.buttonName = buttonName; acc[place].set(buttonName, button); } return acc; }, toolbarButtons); } return toolbarButtons; } /** * Get place for toolbar button. Now it can be in the primary Toolbar or in the * secondary Toolbar. * * @param {string} btn - Button name. * @private * @returns {string} */ function _getToolbarButtonPlace(btn) { return ( interfaceConfig.MAIN_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS.includes(btn) ? 'primaryToolbarButtons' : 'secondaryToolbarButtons'); } /** * Returns toolbar class names to add while rendering. * * @param {Object} props - Props object pass to React component. * @returns {Object} * @private */ export function getToolbarClassNames(props: Object) { const primaryToolbarClassNames = [ 'toolbar_primary' ]; const secondaryToolbarClassNames = [ 'toolbar_secondary' ]; if (props._visible) { const slideInAnimation = SideContainerToggler.isVisible ? 'slideInExtX' : 'slideInX'; primaryToolbarClassNames.push('fadeIn'); secondaryToolbarClassNames.push(slideInAnimation); } else { const slideOutAnimation = SideContainerToggler.isVisible ? 'slideOutExtX' : 'slideOutX'; primaryToolbarClassNames.push('fadeOut'); secondaryToolbarClassNames.push(slideOutAnimation); } return { primaryToolbarClassName: primaryToolbarClassNames.join(' '), secondaryToolbarClassName: secondaryToolbarClassNames.join(' ') }; } /** * Show custom popup/tooltip for a specified button. * * @param {string} popupSelectorID - The selector id of the popup to show. * @param {boolean} show - True or false/show or hide the popup. * @param {number} timeout - The time to show the popup. * @returns {void} */ export function showCustomToolbarPopup( popupSelectorID: string, show: boolean, timeout: number) { AJS.$(popupSelectorID).tooltip({ gravity: $(popupSelectorID).attr('data-popup'), html: true, title: 'title', trigger: 'manual' }); if (show) { AJS.$(popupSelectorID).tooltip('show'); setTimeout( () => { // hide the tooltip AJS.$(popupSelectorID).tooltip('hide'); }, timeout); } else { AJS.$(popupSelectorID).tooltip('hide'); } }