// @flow import { INIT_SEARCH, INIT_UPDATE_STATS, UPDATE_STATS, INIT_REORDER_STATS, RESET_SEARCH_CRITERIA, TOGGLE_FACIAL_EXPRESSIONS } from './actionTypes'; /** * Starts a search by criteria. * * @param {string | null} criteria - The search criteria. * @returns {Object} */ export function initSearch(criteria: string | null) { return { type: INIT_SEARCH, criteria }; } /** * Gets the new stats and triggers update. * * @param {Function} getSpeakerStats - Function to get the speaker stats. * @returns {Object} */ export function initUpdateStats(getSpeakerStats: Function) { return { type: INIT_UPDATE_STATS, getSpeakerStats }; } /** * Updates the stats with new stats. * * @param {Object} stats - The new stats. * @returns {Object} */ export function updateStats(stats: Object) { return { type: UPDATE_STATS, stats }; } /** * Initiates reordering of the stats. * * @returns {Object} */ export function initReorderStats() { return { type: INIT_REORDER_STATS }; } /** * Resets the search criteria. * * @returns {Object} */ export function resetSearchCriteria() { return { type: RESET_SEARCH_CRITERIA }; } /** * Toggles the facial expressions grid. * * @returns {Object} */ export function toggleFacialExpressions() { return { type: TOGGLE_FACIAL_EXPRESSIONS }; }