/* jshint -W117 */ /* application specific logic */ var connection = null; var focus = null; var RTC; var RTCPeerConnection = null; var nickname = null; var sharedKey = ''; var roomUrl = null; function init() { RTC = setupRTC(); if (RTC === null) { window.location.href = '/webrtcrequired.html'; return; } else if (RTC.browser != 'chrome') { window.location.href = '/chromeonly.html'; return; } RTCPeerconnection = RTC.peerconnection; connection = new Strophe.Connection(document.getElementById('boshURL').value || config.bosh || '/http-bind'); /* connection.rawInput = function (data) { console.log('RECV: ' + data); }; connection.rawOutput = function (data) { console.log('SEND: ' + data); }; */ connection.jingle.pc_constraints = RTC.pc_constraints; var jid = document.getElementById('jid').value || config.hosts.domain || window.location.hostname; connection.connect(jid, document.getElementById('password').value, function (status) { if (status == Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) { console.log('connected'); getUserMediaWithConstraints(['audio', 'video'], '360'); document.getElementById('connect').disabled = true; } else { console.log('status', status); } }); } function doJoin() { var roomnode = null; var path = window.location.pathname; var roomjid; if (path.length > 1) { roomnode = path.substr(1).toLowerCase(); } else { roomnode = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 20); window.history.pushState('VideoChat', 'Room: ' + roomnode, window.location.pathname + roomnode); } roomjid = roomnode + '@' + config.hosts.muc; if (config.useNicks) { var nick = window.prompt('Your nickname (optional)'); if (nick) { roomjid += '/' + nick; } else { roomjid += '/' + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(connection.jid); } } else { roomjid += '/' + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(connection.jid); } connection.emuc.doJoin(roomjid); } $(document).bind('mediaready.jingle', function (event, stream) { connection.jingle.localStream = stream; RTC.attachMediaStream($('#localVideo'), stream); document.getElementById('localVideo').muted = true; document.getElementById('localVideo').autoplay = true; document.getElementById('localVideo').volume = 0; document.getElementById('largeVideo').volume = 0; document.getElementById('largeVideo').src = document.getElementById('localVideo').src; doJoin(); }); $(document).bind('mediafailure.jingle', function () { // FIXME }); $(document).bind('remotestreamadded.jingle', function (event, data, sid) { function waitForRemoteVideo(selector, sid) { var sess = connection.jingle.sessions[sid]; videoTracks = data.stream.getVideoTracks(); if (videoTracks.length === 0 || selector[0].currentTime > 0) { RTC.attachMediaStream(selector, data.stream); // FIXME: why do i have to do this for FF? $(document).trigger('callactive.jingle', [selector, sid]); console.log('waitForremotevideo', sess.peerconnection.iceConnectionState, sess.peerconnection.signalingState); } else { setTimeout(function () { waitForRemoteVideo(selector, sid); }, 100); } } var sess = connection.jingle.sessions[sid]; var vid = document.createElement('video'); var id = 'remoteVideo_' + sid + '_' + data.stream.id; vid.id = id; vid.autoplay = true; vid.oncontextmenu = function () { return false; }; var remotes = document.getElementById('remoteVideos'); remotes.appendChild(vid); var sel = $('#' + id); sel.hide(); RTC.attachMediaStream(sel, data.stream); waitForRemoteVideo(sel, sid); data.stream.onended = function () { console.log('stream ended', this.id); var src = $('#' + id).attr('src'); $('#' + id).remove(); if (src === $('#largeVideo').attr('src')) { // this is currently displayed as large // pick the last visible video in the row // if nobody else is left, this picks the local video var pick = $('#remoteVideos :visible:last').get(0); // mute if localvideo document.getElementById('largeVideo').volume = pick.volume; document.getElementById('largeVideo').src = pick.src; } resizeThumbnails(); }; sel.click( function () { console.log('hover in', $(this).attr('src')); var newSrc = $(this).attr('src'); if ($('#largeVideo').attr('src') != newSrc) { document.getElementById('largeVideo').volume = 1; $('#largeVideo').fadeOut(300, function () { $(this).attr('src', newSrc); $(this).fadeIn(300); }); } } ); }); $(document).bind('callincoming.jingle', function (event, sid) { var sess = connection.jingle.sessions[sid]; // TODO: check affiliation and/or role console.log('emuc data for', sess.peerjid, connection.emuc.members[sess.peerjid]); sess.sendAnswer(); sess.accept(); }); $(document).bind('callactive.jingle', function (event, videoelem, sid) { console.log('call active'); if (videoelem.attr('id').indexOf('mixedmslabel') == -1) { // ignore mixedmslabela0 and v0 videoelem.show(); resizeThumbnails(); document.getElementById('largeVideo').volume = 1; $('#largeVideo').attr('src', videoelem.attr('src')); } }); $(document).bind('callterminated.jingle', function (event, sid, reason) { // FIXME }); $(document).bind('joined.muc', function (event, jid, info) { console.log('onJoinComplete', info); updateRoomUrl(window.location.href); if (Object.keys(connection.emuc.members).length < 1) { focus = new ColibriFocus(connection, config.hosts.bridge); return; } }); $(document).bind('entered.muc', function (event, jid, info) { console.log('entered', jid, info); console.log(focus); if (focus !== null) { // FIXME: this should prepare the video if (focus.confid === null) { console.log('make new conference with', jid); focus.makeConference(Object.keys(connection.emuc.members)); } else { console.log('invite', jid, 'into conference'); focus.addNewParticipant(jid); } } }); $(document).bind('left.muc', function (event, jid) { console.log('left', jid); connection.jingle.terminateByJid(jid); // FIXME: this should actually hide the video already for a nicer UX if (Object.keys(connection.emuc.members).length === 0) { console.log('everyone left'); if (focus !== null) { // FIXME: closing the connection is a hack to avoid some // problemswith reinit if (focus.peerconnection !== null) { focus.peerconnection.close(); } focus = new ColibriFocus(connection, config.hosts.bridge); } } }); function toggleVideo() { if (!(connection && connection.jingle.localStream)) return; for (var idx = 0; idx < connection.jingle.localStream.getVideoTracks().length; idx++) { connection.jingle.localStream.getVideoTracks()[idx].enabled = !connection.jingle.localStream.getVideoTracks()[idx].enabled; } } function toggleAudio() { if (!(connection && connection.jingle.localStream)) return; for (var idx = 0; idx < connection.jingle.localStream.getAudioTracks().length; idx++) { connection.jingle.localStream.getAudioTracks()[idx].enabled = !connection.jingle.localStream.getAudioTracks()[idx].enabled; } } function resizeLarge() { var availableHeight = window.innerHeight; var chatspaceWidth = $('#chatspace').width(); var numvids = $('#remoteVideos>video:visible').length; if (numvids < 5) availableHeight -= 100; // min thumbnail height for up to 4 videos else availableHeight -= 50; // min thumbnail height for more than 5 videos availableHeight -= 79; // padding + link ontop var availableWidth = window.innerWidth - chatspaceWidth; var aspectRatio = 16.0 / 9.0; if (availableHeight < availableWidth / aspectRatio) { availableWidth = Math.floor(availableHeight * aspectRatio); } if (availableWidth < 0 || availableHeight < 0) return; $('#largeVideo').width(availableWidth); $('#largeVideo').height(availableWidth / aspectRatio); resizeThumbnails(); } function resizeThumbnails() { // Calculate the available height, which is the inner window height minus 39px for the header // minus 4px for the delimiter lines on the top and bottom of the large video, // minus the 36px space inside the remoteVideos container used for highlighting shadow. var availableHeight = window.innerHeight - $('#largeVideo').height() - 79; var numvids = $('#remoteVideos>video:visible').length; // Remove the 1px borders arround videos. var availableWinWidth = $('#remoteVideos').width() - 2 * numvids; var availableWidth = availableWinWidth / numvids; var aspectRatio = 16.0 / 9.0; var maxHeight = Math.min(160, availableHeight); availableHeight = Math.min(maxHeight, availableWidth / aspectRatio); if (availableHeight < availableWidth / aspectRatio) { availableWidth = Math.floor(availableHeight * aspectRatio); } // size videos so that while keeping AR and max height, we have a nice fit $('#remoteVideos').height(availableHeight + 36); // add the 2*18px border used for highlighting shadow. $('#remoteVideos>video:visible').width(availableWidth); $('#remoteVideos>video:visible').height(availableHeight); } $(document).ready(function () { $('#nickinput').keydown(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { event.preventDefault(); var val = this.value; this.value = ''; if (!nickname) { nickname = val; $('#nickname').css({visibility:"hidden"}); $('#chatconversation').css({visibility:'visible'}); $('#usermsg').css({visibility:'visible'}); $('#usermsg').focus(); return; } } }); $('#usermsg').keydown(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { event.preventDefault(); var message = this.value; $('#usermsg').val('').trigger('autosize.resize'); this.focus(); connection.emuc.sendMessage(message, nickname); } }); $('#usermsg').autosize(); resizeLarge(); $(window).resize(function () { resizeLarge(); }); if (!$('#settings').is(':visible')) { console.log('init'); init(); } else { loginInfo.onsubmit = function (e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); $('#settings').hide(); init(); }; } }); $(window).bind('beforeunload', function () { if (connection && connection.connected) { // ensure signout $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: config.bosh, async: false, cache: false, contentType: 'application/xml', data: "