import extraConfigWhitelist from './extraConfigWhitelist'; /** * The config keys to whitelist, the keys that can be overridden. * Currently we can only whitelist the first part of the properties, like * 'p2p.enabled' we whitelist all p2p options. * The whitelist is used only for config.js. * * @type Array */ export default [ '_desktopSharingSourceDevice', '_peerConnStatusOutOfLastNTimeout', '_peerConnStatusRtcMuteTimeout', 'abTesting', 'analytics.disabled', 'audioLevelsInterval', 'apiLogLevels', 'avgRtpStatsN', /** * The display name of the CallKit call representing the conference/meeting * associated with this config.js including while the call is ongoing in the * UI presented by CallKit and in the system-wide call history. The property * is meant for use cases in which the room name is not desirable as a * display name for CallKit purposes and the desired display name is not * provided in the form of a JWT callee. As the value is associated with a * conference/meeting, the value makes sense not as a deployment-wide * configuration, only as a runtime configuration override/overwrite * provided by, for example, Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS. * * @type string */ 'callDisplayName', 'callFlowsEnabled', /** * The handle * ({@link}) of * the CallKit call representing the conference/meeting associated with this * config.js. The property is meant for use cases in which the room URL is * not desirable as the handle for CallKit purposes. As the value is * associated with a conference/meeting, the value makes sense not as a * deployment-wide configuration, only as a runtime configuration * override/overwrite provided by, for example, Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS. * * @type string */ 'callHandle', 'callStatsConfIDNamespace', 'callStatsID', 'callStatsSecret', /** * The UUID of the CallKit call representing the conference/meeting * associated with this config.js. The property is meant for use cases in * which Jitsi Meet is to work with a CallKit call created outside of Jitsi * Meet and to be adopted by Jitsi Meet such as, for example, an incoming * and/or outgoing CallKit call created by Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS * clients/consumers prior to giving control to Jitsi Meet. As the value is * associated with a conference/meeting, the value makes sense not as a * deployment-wide configuration, only as a runtime configuration * override/overwrite provided by, for example, Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS. * * @type string */ 'callUUID', 'channelLastN', 'constraints', 'brandingRoomAlias', 'debug', 'debugAudioLevels', 'defaultLanguage', 'desktopSharingFrameRate', 'desktopSharingSources', 'disable1On1Mode', 'disableAEC', 'disableAGC', 'disableAP', 'disableAudioLevels', 'disableDeepLinking', 'disableInitialGUM', 'disableH264', 'disableHPF', 'disableInviteFunctions', 'disableLocalVideoFlip', 'disableNS', 'disableProfile', 'disableRemoteControl', 'disableRemoteMute', 'disableResponsiveTiles', 'disableRtx', 'disableShortcuts', 'disableSimulcast', 'disableThirdPartyRequests', 'disableTileView', 'displayJids', 'doNotStoreRoom', 'dropbox', 'e2eping', 'enableDisplayNameInStats', 'enableEmailInStats', 'enableIceRestart', 'enableInsecureRoomNameWarning', 'enableLayerSuspension', 'enableLipSync', 'enableOpusRed', 'enableRemb', 'enableScreenshotCapture', 'enableTalkWhileMuted', 'enableNoAudioDetection', 'enableNoisyMicDetection', 'enableTcc', 'enableAutomaticUrlCopy', 'etherpad_base', 'failICE', 'feedbackPercentage', 'fileRecordingsEnabled', 'firefox_fake_device', 'forceJVB121Ratio', 'forceTurnRelay', 'gatherStats', 'googleApiApplicationClientID', 'hideConferenceSubject', 'hideParticipantsStats', 'hideConferenceTimer', 'hiddenDomain', 'hideLobbyButton', 'hosts', 'iAmRecorder', 'iAmSipGateway', 'iceTransportPolicy', 'ignoreStartMuted', 'liveStreamingEnabled', 'localRecording', 'maxFullResolutionParticipants', 'notifications', 'openBridgeChannel', 'openSharedDocumentOnJoin', 'opusMaxAverageBitrate', 'p2p', 'pcStatsInterval', 'preferH264', 'prejoinPageEnabled', 'requireDisplayName', 'remoteVideoMenu', 'roomPasswordNumberOfDigits', 'resolution', 'startAudioMuted', 'startAudioOnly', 'startScreenSharing', 'startSilent', 'startVideoMuted', 'startWithAudioMuted', 'startWithVideoMuted', 'stereo', 'subject', 'testing', 'useTurnUdp', 'videoQuality.persist', 'webrtcIceTcpDisable', 'webrtcIceUdpDisable' ].concat(extraConfigWhitelist);