import { createTrackMutedEvent, sendAnalytics } from '../../analytics'; import { showErrorNotification, showNotification } from '../../notifications'; import { JitsiTrackErrors, JitsiTrackEvents } from '../lib-jitsi-meet'; import { CAMERA_FACING_MODE, MEDIA_TYPE, setAudioMuted, setVideoMuted, VIDEO_MUTISM_AUTHORITY, VIDEO_TYPE } from '../media'; import { getLocalParticipant } from '../participants'; import { SET_NO_SRC_DATA_NOTIFICATION_UID, TOGGLE_SCREENSHARING, TRACK_ADDED, TRACK_CREATE_CANCELED, TRACK_CREATE_ERROR, TRACK_NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE, TRACK_REMOVED, TRACK_UPDATED, TRACK_WILL_CREATE, TRACK_UPDATE_LAST_VIDEO_MEDIA_EVENT } from './actionTypes'; import { createLocalTracksF, getLocalTrack, getLocalTracks, getLocalVideoTrack, getTrackByJitsiTrack } from './functions'; import logger from './logger'; /** * Requests the creating of the desired media type tracks. Desire is expressed * by base/media unless the function caller specifies desired media types * explicitly and thus override base/media. Dispatches a * {@code createLocalTracksA} action for the desired media types for which there * are no existing tracks yet. * * @returns {Function} */ export function createDesiredLocalTracks(...desiredTypes) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); dispatch(destroyLocalDesktopTrackIfExists()); if (desiredTypes.length === 0) { const { audio, video } = state['features/base/media']; audio.muted || desiredTypes.push(MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO); // XXX When the app is coming into the foreground from the // background in order to handle a URL, it may realize the new // background state soon after it has tried to create the local // tracks requested by the URL. Ignore // VIDEO_MUTISM_AUTHORITY.BACKGROUND and create the local video // track if no other VIDEO_MUTISM_AUTHORITY has muted it. The local // video track will be muted until the app realizes the new // background state. // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise (video.muted & ~VIDEO_MUTISM_AUTHORITY.BACKGROUND) || desiredTypes.push(MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO); } const availableTypes = getLocalTracks( state['features/base/tracks'], /* includePending */ true) .map(t => t.mediaType); // We need to create the desired tracks which are not already available. const createTypes = desiredTypes.filter(type => availableTypes.indexOf(type) === -1); createTypes.length && dispatch(createLocalTracksA({ devices: createTypes })); }; } /** * Request to start capturing local audio and/or video. By default, the user * facing camera will be selected. * * @param {Object} [options] - For info @see JitsiMeetJS.createLocalTracks. * @returns {Function} */ export function createLocalTracksA(options = {}) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const devices = options.devices || [ MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO ]; const store = { dispatch, getState }; // The following executes on React Native only at the time of this // writing. The effort to port Web's createInitialLocalTracksAndConnect // is significant and that's where the function createLocalTracksF got // born. I started with the idea a porting so that we could inherit the // ability to getUserMedia for audio only or video only if getUserMedia // for audio and video fails. Eventually though, I realized that on // mobile we do not have combined permission prompts implemented anyway // (either because there are no such prompts or it does not make sense // to implement them) and the right thing to do is to ask for each // device separately. for (const device of devices) { if (getLocalTrack( getState()['features/base/tracks'], device, /* includePending */ true)) { throw new Error(`Local track for ${device} already exists`); } const gumProcess = createLocalTracksF( { cameraDeviceId: options.cameraDeviceId, devices: [ device ], facingMode: options.facingMode || CAMERA_FACING_MODE.USER, micDeviceId: options.micDeviceId }, store) .then( localTracks => { // Because GUM is called for 1 device (which is actually // a media type 'audio', 'video', 'screen', etc.) we // should not get more than one JitsiTrack. if (localTracks.length !== 1) { throw new Error( `Expected exactly 1 track, but was given ${ localTracks.length} tracks for device: ${ device}.`); } if (gumProcess.canceled) { return _disposeTracks(localTracks) .then(() => dispatch(_trackCreateCanceled(device))); } return dispatch(trackAdded(localTracks[0])); }, reason => dispatch( gumProcess.canceled ? _trackCreateCanceled(device) : _onCreateLocalTracksRejected( reason, device))); /** * Cancels the {@code getUserMedia} process represented by this * {@code Promise}. * * @returns {Promise} This {@code Promise} i.e. {@code gumProcess}. */ gumProcess.cancel = () => { gumProcess.canceled = true; return gumProcess; }; dispatch({ type: TRACK_WILL_CREATE, track: { gumProcess, local: true, mediaType: device } }); } }; } /** * Calls JitsiLocalTrack#dispose() on all local tracks ignoring errors when * track is already disposed. After that signals tracks to be removed. * * @returns {Function} */ export function destroyLocalTracks() { return (dispatch, getState) => { // First wait until any getUserMedia in progress is settled and then get // rid of all local tracks. _cancelGUMProcesses(getState) .then(() => dispatch( _disposeAndRemoveTracks( getState()['features/base/tracks'] .filter(t => t.local) .map(t => t.jitsiTrack)))); }; } /** * Signals that the passed JitsiLocalTrack has triggered a no data from source event. * * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track - The track. * @returns {{ * type: TRACK_NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE, * track: Track * }} */ export function noDataFromSource(track) { return { type: TRACK_NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE, track }; } /** * Displays a no data from source video error if needed. * * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} jitsiTrack - The track. * @returns {Function} */ export function showNoDataFromSourceVideoError(jitsiTrack) { return (dispatch, getState) => { let notificationInfo; const track = getTrackByJitsiTrack(getState()['features/base/tracks'], jitsiTrack); if (!track) { return; } if (track.isReceivingData) { notificationInfo = undefined; } else { const notificationAction = showErrorNotification({ descriptionKey: 'dialog.cameraNotSendingData', titleKey: 'dialog.cameraNotSendingDataTitle' }); dispatch(notificationAction); notificationInfo = { uid: notificationAction.uid }; } dispatch(trackNoDataFromSourceNotificationInfoChanged(jitsiTrack, notificationInfo)); }; } /** * Signals that the local participant is ending screensharing or beginning the * screensharing flow. * * @returns {{ * type: TOGGLE_SCREENSHARING, * }} */ export function toggleScreensharing() { return { type: TOGGLE_SCREENSHARING }; } /** * Replaces one track with another for one renegotiation instead of invoking * two renegotiations with a separate removeTrack and addTrack. Disposes the * removed track as well. * * @param {JitsiLocalTrack|null} oldTrack - The track to dispose. * @param {JitsiLocalTrack|null} newTrack - The track to use instead. * @param {JitsiConference} [conference] - The conference from which to remove * and add the tracks. If one is not provided, the conference in the redux store * will be used. * @returns {Function} */ export function replaceLocalTrack(oldTrack, newTrack, conference) { return async (dispatch, getState) => { conference // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign || (conference = getState()['features/base/conference'].conference); if (conference) { await conference.replaceTrack(oldTrack, newTrack); } return dispatch(replaceStoredTracks(oldTrack, newTrack)); }; } /** * Replaces a stored track with another. * * @param {JitsiLocalTrack|null} oldTrack - The track to dispose. * @param {JitsiLocalTrack|null} newTrack - The track to use instead. * @returns {Function} */ function replaceStoredTracks(oldTrack, newTrack) { return dispatch => { // We call dispose after doing the replace because dispose will // try and do a new o/a after the track removes itself. Doing it // after means the JitsiLocalTrack.conference is already // cleared, so it won't try and do the o/a. const disposePromise = oldTrack ? dispatch(_disposeAndRemoveTracks([ oldTrack ])) : Promise.resolve(); return disposePromise .then(() => { if (newTrack) { // The mute state of the new track should be // reflected in the app's mute state. For example, // if the app is currently muted and changing to a // new track that is not muted, the app's mute // state should be falsey. As such, emit a mute // event here to set up the app to reflect the // track's mute state. If this is not done, the // current mute state of the app will be reflected // on the track, not vice-versa. const setMuted = newTrack.isVideoTrack() ? setVideoMuted : setAudioMuted; const isMuted = newTrack.isMuted(); sendAnalytics(createTrackMutedEvent( newTrack.getType(), 'track.replaced', isMuted)); logger.log(`Replace ${newTrack.getType()} track - ${ isMuted ? 'muted' : 'unmuted'}`); return dispatch(setMuted(isMuted)); } }) .then(() => { if (newTrack) { return dispatch(_addTracks([ newTrack ])); } }); }; } /** * Create an action for when a new track has been signaled to be added to the * conference. * * @param {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)} track - JitsiTrack instance. * @returns {{ type: TRACK_ADDED, track: Track }} */ export function trackAdded(track) { return (dispatch, getState) => { track.on( JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED, () => dispatch(trackMutedChanged(track))); track.on( JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_VIDEOTYPE_CHANGED, type => dispatch(trackVideoTypeChanged(track, type))); // participantId const local = track.isLocal(); const mediaType = track.getType(); let isReceivingData, noDataFromSourceNotificationInfo, participantId; if (local) { // Reset the no data from src notification state when we change the track, as it's context is set // on a per device basis. dispatch(setNoSrcDataNotificationUid()); const participant = getLocalParticipant(getState); if (participant) { participantId =; } isReceivingData = track.isReceivingData(); track.on(JitsiTrackEvents.NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE, () => dispatch(noDataFromSource({ jitsiTrack: track }))); if (!isReceivingData) { if (mediaType === MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO) { const notificationAction = showNotification({ descriptionKey: 'dialog.micNotSendingData', titleKey: 'dialog.micNotSendingDataTitle' }); dispatch(notificationAction); // Set the notification ID so that other parts of the application know that this was // displayed in the context of the current device. // I.E. The no-audio-signal notification shouldn't be displayed if this was already shown. dispatch(setNoSrcDataNotificationUid(notificationAction.uid)); noDataFromSourceNotificationInfo = { uid: notificationAction.uid }; } else { const timeout = setTimeout(() => dispatch(showNoDataFromSourceVideoError(track)), 5000); noDataFromSourceNotificationInfo = { timeout }; } } } else { participantId = track.getParticipantId(); isReceivingData = true; } return dispatch({ type: TRACK_ADDED, track: { jitsiTrack: track, isReceivingData, local, mediaType, mirror: _shouldMirror(track), muted: track.isMuted(), noDataFromSourceNotificationInfo, participantId, videoStarted: false, videoType: track.videoType } }); }; } /** * Create an action for when a track's muted state has been signaled to be * changed. * * @param {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)} track - JitsiTrack instance. * @returns {{ * type: TRACK_UPDATED, * track: Track * }} */ export function trackMutedChanged(track) { return { type: TRACK_UPDATED, track: { jitsiTrack: track, muted: track.isMuted() } }; } /** * Create an action for when a track's no data from source notification information changes. * * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track - JitsiTrack instance. * @param {Object} noDataFromSourceNotificationInfo - Information about no data from source notification. * @returns {{ * type: TRACK_UPDATED, * track: Track * }} */ export function trackNoDataFromSourceNotificationInfoChanged(track, noDataFromSourceNotificationInfo) { return { type: TRACK_UPDATED, track: { jitsiTrack: track, noDataFromSourceNotificationInfo } }; } /** * Create an action for when a track has been signaled for removal from the * conference. * * @param {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)} track - JitsiTrack instance. * @returns {{ * type: TRACK_REMOVED, * track: Track * }} */ export function trackRemoved(track) { track.removeAllListeners(JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED); track.removeAllListeners(JitsiTrackEvents.TRACK_VIDEOTYPE_CHANGED); track.removeAllListeners(JitsiTrackEvents.NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE); return { type: TRACK_REMOVED, track: { jitsiTrack: track } }; } /** * Signal that track's video started to play. * * @param {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)} track - JitsiTrack instance. * @returns {{ * type: TRACK_UPDATED, * track: Track * }} */ export function trackVideoStarted(track) { return { type: TRACK_UPDATED, track: { jitsiTrack: track, videoStarted: true } }; } /** * Create an action for when participant video type changes. * * @param {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)} track - JitsiTrack instance. * @param {VIDEO_TYPE|undefined} videoType - Video type. * @returns {{ * type: TRACK_UPDATED, * track: Track * }} */ export function trackVideoTypeChanged(track, videoType) { return { type: TRACK_UPDATED, track: { jitsiTrack: track, videoType } }; } /** * Signals passed tracks to be added. * * @param {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)[]} tracks - List of tracks. * @private * @returns {Function} */ function _addTracks(tracks) { return dispatch => Promise.all( => dispatch(trackAdded(t)))); } /** * Cancels and waits for any {@code getUserMedia} process/currently in progress * to complete/settle. * * @param {Function} getState - The redux store {@code getState} function used * to obtain the state. * @private * @returns {Promise} - A {@code Promise} resolved once all * {@code gumProcess.cancel()} {@code Promise}s are settled because all we care * about here is to be sure that the {@code getUserMedia} callbacks have * completed (i.e. Returned from the native side). */ function _cancelGUMProcesses(getState) { const logError = error => logger.error('gumProcess.cancel failed', JSON.stringify(error)); return Promise.all( getState()['features/base/tracks'] .filter(t => t.local) .map(({ gumProcess }) => gumProcess && gumProcess.cancel().catch(logError))); } /** * Disposes passed tracks and signals them to be removed. * * @param {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)[]} tracks - List of tracks. * @protected * @returns {Function} */ export function _disposeAndRemoveTracks(tracks) { return dispatch => _disposeTracks(tracks) .then(() => Promise.all( => dispatch(trackRemoved(t))))); } /** * Disposes passed tracks. * * @param {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)[]} tracks - List of tracks. * @private * @returns {Promise} - A Promise resolved once {@link JitsiTrack.dispose()} is * done for every track from the list. */ function _disposeTracks(tracks) { return Promise.all( => t.dispose() .catch(err => { // Track might be already disposed so ignore such an error. // Of course, re-throw any other error(s). if ( !== JitsiTrackErrors.TRACK_IS_DISPOSED) { throw err; } }))); } /** * Implements the {@code Promise} rejection handler of * {@code createLocalTracksA} and {@code createLocalTracksF}. * * @param {Object} reason - The {@code Promise} rejection reason. * @param {string} device - The device/{@code MEDIA_TYPE} associated with the * rejection. * @private * @returns {Function} */ function _onCreateLocalTracksRejected({ gum }, device) { return dispatch => { // If permissions are not allowed, alert the user. if (gum) { const { error } = gum; if (error) { dispatch({ type: TRACK_CREATE_ERROR, permissionDenied: === 'SecurityError', trackType: device }); } } }; } /** * Returns true if the provided {@code JitsiTrack} should be rendered as a * mirror. * * We only want to show a video in mirrored mode when: * 1) The video source is local, and not remote. * 2) The video source is a camera, not a desktop (capture). * 3) The camera is capturing the user, not the environment. * * TODO Similar functionality is part of lib-jitsi-meet. This function should be * removed after is merged. * * @param {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)} track - JitsiTrack instance. * @private * @returns {boolean} */ function _shouldMirror(track) { return ( track && track.isLocal() && track.isVideoTrack() // XXX The type of the return value of JitsiLocalTrack's // getCameraFacingMode happens to be named CAMERA_FACING_MODE as // well, it's defined by lib-jitsi-meet. Note though that the type // of the value on the right side of the equality check is defined // by jitsi-meet. The type definitions are surely compatible today // but that may not be the case tomorrow. && track.getCameraFacingMode() === CAMERA_FACING_MODE.USER); } /** * Signals that track create operation for given media track has been canceled. * Will clean up local track stub from the redux state which holds the * {@code gumProcess} reference. * * @param {MEDIA_TYPE} mediaType - The type of the media for which the track was * being created. * @private * @returns {{ * type, * trackType: MEDIA_TYPE * }} */ function _trackCreateCanceled(mediaType) { return { type: TRACK_CREATE_CANCELED, trackType: mediaType }; } /** * If thee local track if of type Desktop, it calls _disposeAndRemoveTracks) on it. * * @returns {Function} */ export function destroyLocalDesktopTrackIfExists() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const videoTrack = getLocalVideoTrack(getState()['features/base/tracks']); const isDesktopTrack = videoTrack && videoTrack.videoType === VIDEO_TYPE.DESKTOP; if (isDesktopTrack) { dispatch(_disposeAndRemoveTracks([ videoTrack.jitsiTrack ])); } }; } /** * Sets UID of the displayed no data from source notification. Used to track * if the notification was previously displayed in this context. * * @param {number} uid - Notification UID. * @returns {{ * type: SET_NO_AUDIO_SIGNAL_UID, * uid: number * }} */ export function setNoSrcDataNotificationUid(uid) { return { type: SET_NO_SRC_DATA_NOTIFICATION_UID, uid }; } /** * Updates the last media event received for a video track. * * @param {JitsiRemoteTrack} track - JitsiTrack instance. * @param {string} name - The current media event name for the video. * @returns {{ * type: TRACK_UPDATE_LAST_VIDEO_MEDIA_EVENT, * track: Track, * name: string * }} */ export function updateLastTrackVideoMediaEvent(track, name) { return { type: TRACK_UPDATE_LAST_VIDEO_MEDIA_EVENT, track, name }; }