/* global $, $iq, config, connection, focusJid, forceMuted, messageHandler, setAudioMuted, Strophe, toggleAudio */ /** * Moderate connection plugin. */ Strophe.addConnectionPlugin('moderate', { connection: null, init: function (conn) { this.connection = conn; this.connection.addHandler(this.onMute.bind(this), 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/audio', 'iq', 'set', null, null); }, setMute: function (jid, mute) { console.info("set mute", mute); var iqToFocus = $iq({to: focusJid, type: 'set'}) .c('mute', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/audio', jid: jid }) .t(mute.toString()) .up(); this.connection.sendIQ( iqToFocus, function (result) { console.log('set mute', result); }, function (error) { console.log('set mute error', error); // FIXME: this causes an exception //messageHandler.openReportDialog(null, 'Failed to mute ' + // $("#participant_" + jid).find(".displayname").text() || //"participant" + '.', error); }); }, onMute: function (iq) { var from = iq.getAttribute('from'); if (from !== focusJid) { console.warn("Ignored mute from non focus peer"); return false; } var mute = $(iq).find('mute'); if (mute.length) { var doMuteAudio = mute.text() === "true"; setAudioMuted(doMuteAudio); forceMuted = doMuteAudio; } return true; }, eject: function (jid) { // We're not the focus, so can't terminate //connection.jingle.terminateRemoteByJid(jid, 'kick'); connection.emuc.kick(jid); } });