/* eslint-disable lines-around-comment */ import { SET_CONFIG } from '../config/actionTypes'; import { IConfig } from '../config/configType'; import ReducerRegistry from '../redux/ReducerRegistry'; import { set } from '../redux/functions'; import { SET_LAST_N } from './actionTypes'; // @ts-ignore import { validateLastNLimits } from './functions'; export interface ILastNState { lastNLimits?: { [key: number]: number; }; lastN?: number; } ReducerRegistry.register('features/base/lastn', (state: ILastNState = { }, action) => { switch (action.type) { case SET_CONFIG: return _setConfig(state, action); case SET_LAST_N: { const { lastN } = action; return { ...state, lastN }; } } return state; }); /** * Reduces a specific Redux action SET_CONFIG. * * @param {Object} state - The Redux state of feature base/lastn. * @param {Action} action - The Redux action SET_CONFIG to reduce. * @private * @returns {Object} The new state after the reduction of the specified action. */ function _setConfig(state: ILastNState, { config }: {config: IConfig}) { return set(state, 'lastNLimits', validateLastNLimits(config.lastNLimits)); }