local filters = require 'util.filters'; local jid = require "util.jid"; local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local jid_host = require "util.jid".host; local st = require "util.stanza"; local um_is_admin = require "core.usermanager".is_admin; local util = module:require "util"; local is_healthcheck_room = util.is_healthcheck_room; local extract_subdomain = util.extract_subdomain; local get_room_from_jid = util.get_room_from_jid; local presence_check_status = util.presence_check_status; local MUC_NS = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'; local moderated_subdomains; local moderated_rooms; local disable_revoke_owners; local function load_config() moderated_subdomains = module:get_option_set("allowners_moderated_subdomains", {}) moderated_rooms = module:get_option_set("allowners_moderated_rooms", {}) disable_revoke_owners = module:get_option_boolean("allowners_disable_revoke_owners", false); end load_config(); local function is_admin(_jid) return um_is_admin(_jid, module.host); end -- List of the bare_jids of all occupants that are currently joining (went through pre-join) and will be promoted -- as moderators. As pre-join (where added) and joined event (where removed) happen one after another this list should -- have length of 1 local joining_moderator_participants = {}; -- Checks whether the jid is moderated, the room name is in moderated_rooms -- or if the subdomain is in the moderated_subdomains -- @return returns on of the: -- -> false -- -> true, room_name, subdomain -- -> true, room_name, nil (if no subdomain is used for the room) local function is_moderated(room_jid) if moderated_subdomains:empty() and moderated_rooms:empty() then return false; end local room_node = jid.node(room_jid); -- parses bare room address, for multidomain expected format is: -- [subdomain]roomName@conference.domain local target_subdomain, target_room_name = extract_subdomain(room_node); if target_subdomain then if moderated_subdomains:contains(target_subdomain) then return true, target_room_name, target_subdomain; end elseif moderated_rooms:contains(room_node) then return true, room_node, nil; end return false; end module:hook("muc-occupant-pre-join", function (event) local room, occupant = event.room, event.occupant; if is_healthcheck_room(room.jid) or is_admin(occupant.bare_jid) then return; end local moderated, room_name, subdomain = is_moderated(room.jid); if moderated then local session = event.origin; local token = session.auth_token; if not token then module:log('debug', 'skip allowners for non-auth user subdomain:%s room_name:%s', subdomain, room_name); return; end if not (room_name == session.jitsi_meet_room or session.jitsi_meet_room == '*') then module:log('debug', 'skip allowners for auth user and non matching room name: %s, jwt room name: %s', room_name, session.jitsi_meet_room); return; end if not (subdomain == session.jitsi_meet_context_group) then module:log('debug', 'skip allowners for auth user and non matching room subdomain: %s, jwt subdomain: %s', subdomain, session.jitsi_meet_context_group); return; end end -- mark this participant that it will be promoted and is currently joining joining_moderator_participants[occupant.bare_jid] = true; end, 2); module:hook("muc-occupant-joined", function (event) local room, occupant = event.room, event.occupant; local promote_to_moderator = joining_moderator_participants[occupant.bare_jid]; -- clear it joining_moderator_participants[occupant.bare_jid] = nil; if promote_to_moderator ~= nil then room:set_affiliation(true, occupant.bare_jid, "owner"); end end, 2); module:hook_global('config-reloaded', load_config); -- Filters self-presences to a jid that exist in joining_participants array -- We want to filter those presences where we send first `participant` and just after it `moderator` function filter_stanza(stanza) -- when joining_moderator_participants is empty there is nothing to filter if next(joining_moderator_participants) == nil or not stanza.attr or not stanza.attr.to or stanza.name ~= "presence" then return stanza; end -- we want to filter presences only on this host for allowners and skip anything like lobby etc. local host_from = jid_host(stanza.attr.from); if host_from ~= module.host then return stanza; end local bare_to = jid_bare(stanza.attr.to); if stanza:get_error() and joining_moderator_participants[bare_to] then -- pre-join succeeded but joined did not so we need to clear cache joining_moderator_participants[bare_to] = nil; return stanza; end local muc_x = stanza:get_child('x', MUC_NS..'#user'); if not muc_x then return stanza; end if joining_moderator_participants[bare_to] and presence_check_status(muc_x, '110') then -- skip the local presence for participant return nil; end -- skip sending the 'participant' presences to all other people in the room for item in muc_x:childtags('item') do if joining_moderator_participants[jid_bare(item.attr.jid)] then return nil; end end return stanza; end function filter_session(session) -- domain mapper is filtering on default priority 0, and we need it after that filters.add_filter(session, 'stanzas/out', filter_stanza, -1); end -- enable filtering presences filters.add_filter_hook(filter_session); -- filters any attempt to revoke owner rights on non moderated rooms function filter_admin_set_query(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local room_jid = jid_bare(stanza.attr.to); local room = get_room_from_jid(room_jid); local item = stanza.tags[1].tags[1]; local _aff = item.attr.affiliation; -- if it is a moderated room we skip it if is_moderated(room.jid) then return nil; end -- any revoking is disabled, everyone should be owners if _aff == 'none' or _aff == 'outcast' or _aff == 'member' then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "forbidden")); return true; end end if not disable_revoke_owners then -- default prosody priority for handling these is -2 module:hook("iq-set/bare/http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin:query", filter_admin_set_query, 5); module:hook("iq-set/host/http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin:query", filter_admin_set_query, 5); end