// @flow import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Icon, IconCloseSolid } from '../../../base/icons'; type Props = { /** * String for html autocomplete attribute. */ autoComplete?: string, /** * If the input should be focused on display. */ autoFocus?: boolean, /** * Class name to be appended to the default class list. */ className?: string, /** * Input id. */ id?: string, /** * Callback for the onChange event of the field. */ onChange: Function, /** * Callback to be used when the user hits Enter in the field. */ onSubmit?: Function, /** * Placeholder text for the field. */ placeholder: string, /** * The field type (e.g. Text, password...etc). */ type?: string, /** * TestId of the button. Can be used to locate element when testing UI. */ testId?: string, /** * Externally provided value. */ value?: string }; const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => { return { clearableInput: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'flex-start', height: '20px', border: `1px solid ${theme.palette.border02}`, backgroundColor: theme.palette.uiBackground, position: 'relative', borderRadius: '6px', padding: '10px 16px', '&.focused': { outline: `3px solid ${theme.palette.field01Focus}` } }, clearButton: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', border: 0, position: 'absolute', right: '10px', top: '11px', padding: 0, '& svg': { fill: theme.palette.icon02 } }, input: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', border: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', borderRadius: '6px', fontSize: '14px', lineHeight: '20px', textAlign: 'center', caretColor: theme.palette.text01, color: theme.palette.text01, '&::placeholder': { color: theme.palette.text03 } } }; }); /** * Implements a pre-styled clearable input field. * * @param {Props} props - The props of the component. * @returns {ReactElement} */ function ClearableInput({ autoFocus = false, autoComplete, className = '', id, onChange, onSubmit, placeholder, testId, type = 'text', value }: Props) { const classes = useStyles(); const [ val, setVal ] = useState(value || ''); const [ focused, setFocused ] = useState(false); const inputRef = React.createRef(); useEffect(() => { if (value && value !== val) { setVal(value); } }, [ value ]); /** * Callback for the onBlur event of the field. * * @returns {void} */ const _onBlur = useCallback(() => { setFocused(false); }); /** * Callback for the onChange event of the field. * * @param {Object} evt - The static event. * @returns {void} */ const _onChange = useCallback(evt => { const newValue = evt.target.value; setVal(newValue); onChange && onChange(newValue); }, [ onChange ]); /** * Callback for the onFocus event of the field. * * @returns {void} */ const _onFocus = useCallback(() => { setFocused(true); }); /** * Joins the conference on 'Enter'. * * @param {Event} event - Key down event object. * @returns {void} */ const _onKeyDown = useCallback(event => { onSubmit && event.key === 'Enter' && onSubmit(); }, [ onSubmit ]); /** * Clears the input. * * @returns {void} */ const _clearInput = useCallback(() => { if (inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.focus(); } setVal(''); onChange && onChange(''); }, [ onChange ]); return (
{val !== '' && ( )}
); } export default ClearableInput;