var interfaceConfig = { CANVAS_EXTRA: 104, CANVAS_RADIUS: 7, SHADOW_COLOR: '#ffffff', INITIAL_TOOLBAR_TIMEOUT: 20000, TOOLBAR_TIMEOUT: 4000, DEFAULT_REMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME: "Fellow Jitster", DEFAULT_DOMINANT_SPEAKER_DISPLAY_NAME: "speaker", DEFAULT_LOCAL_DISPLAY_NAME: "me", SHOW_JITSI_WATERMARK: true, JITSI_WATERMARK_LINK: "", SHOW_BRAND_WATERMARK: false, BRAND_WATERMARK_LINK: "", SHOW_POWERED_BY: false, GENERATE_ROOMNAMES_ON_WELCOME_PAGE: true, APP_NAME: "Jitsi Meet", INVITATION_POWERED_BY: true, ACTIVE_SPEAKER_AVATAR_SIZE: 100, TOOLBAR_BUTTONS: ['authentication', 'microphone', 'camera', 'desktop', 'recording', 'security', 'invite', 'chat', 'prezi', 'etherpad', 'fullscreen', 'sip', 'dialpad', 'settings', 'hangup', 'filmstrip', 'contacts'], // Determines how the video would fit the screen. 'both' would fit the whole // screen, 'height' would fit the original video height to the height of the // screen, 'width' would fit the original video width to the width of the // screen respecting ratio. VIDEO_LAYOUT_FIT: 'both', /** * Whether to only show the filmstrip (and hide the toolbar). */ filmStripOnly: false };