/* global $, APP, JitsiMeetJS */ /** * Substate for password * @type {{LOCKED: string, UNLOCKED: string}} */ const States = { LOCKED: 'locked', UNLOCKED: 'unlocked' }; /** * Class representing view for Invite dialog * @class InviteDialogView */ export default class InviteDialogView { constructor(model) { let InviteAttributesKey = 'inviteUrlDefaultMsg'; let title = APP.translation.translateString(InviteAttributesKey); this.unlockHint = "unlockHint"; this.lockHint = "lockHint"; this.model = model; if (this.model.inviteUrl === null) { this.inviteAttributes = ( `data-i18n="[value]inviteUrlDefaultMsg" value="${title}"` ); } else { let encodedInviteUrl = this.model.getEncodedInviteUrl(); this.inviteAttributes = `value="${encodedInviteUrl}"`; } this.initDialog(); } /** * Initialization of dialog property */ initDialog() { let dialog = {}; dialog.closeFunction = this.closeFunction.bind(this); dialog.submitFunction = this.submitFunction.bind(this); dialog.loadedFunction = this.loadedFunction.bind(this); let titleKey = "dialog.shareLink"; let titleString = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML(titleKey); dialog.titleKey = titleKey; dialog.titleString = titleString; this.dialog = dialog; this.dialog.states = this.getStates(); } /** * Event handler for submitting dialog * @param e * @param v */ submitFunction(e, v) { if (v && this.model.inviteUrl) { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.invite.button'); } else { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.invite.cancel'); } } /** * Event handler for load dialog * @param event */ loadedFunction(event) { if (this.model.inviteUrl) { document.getElementById('inviteLinkRef').select(); } else { if (event && event.target) { $(event.target).find('button[value=true]') .prop('disabled', true); } } } /** * Event handler for closing dialog * @param e * @param v * @param m * @param f */ closeFunction(e, v, m, f) { $(document).off('click', '.copyInviteLink', this.copyToClipboard); if(!v && !m && !f) JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('toolbar.invite.close'); } /** * Returns all states of the dialog * @returns {{}} */ getStates() { let { titleString } = this.dialog; let doneKey = 'dialog.done'; let doneMsg = APP.translation.translateString(doneKey); let states = {}; let buttons = {}; buttons[`${doneMsg}`] = true; states[States.UNLOCKED] = { title: titleString, html: this.getShareLinkBlock() + this.getAddPasswordBlock(), buttons }; states[States.LOCKED] = { title: titleString, html: this.getShareLinkBlock() + this.getPasswordBlock(), buttons }; return states; } /** * Layout for invite link input * @returns {string} */ getShareLinkBlock() { let copyKey = 'dialog.copy'; let copyText = APP.translation.translateString(copyKey); let roomLockDescKey = 'dialog.roomLocked'; let roomLockDesc = APP.translation.translateString(roomLockDescKey); let roomUnlockKey = 'roomUnlocked'; let roomUnlock = APP.translation.translateString(roomUnlockKey); let classes = 'button-control button-control_light copyInviteLink'; return ( `



` ); } /** * Layout for adding password input * @returns {string} */ getAddPasswordBlock() { let addPassKey = 'dialog.addPassword'; let addPassText = APP.translation.translateString(addPassKey); let addKey = 'dialog.add'; let addText = APP.translation.translateString(addKey); let hintKey = 'dialog.createPassword'; let hintMsg = APP.translation.translateString(hintKey); let html; if (this.model.isModerator) { html = (`
`); } else { html = ''; } return html; } /** * Layout for password (when room is locked) * @returns {string} */ getPasswordBlock() { let { password, isModerator } = this.model; let removePassKey = 'dialog.removePassword'; let removePassText = APP.translation.translateString(removePassKey); let currentPassKey = 'dialog.currentPassword'; let currentPassText = APP.translation.translateString(currentPassKey); let passwordKey = "dialog.passwordLabel"; let passwordText = APP.translation.translateString(passwordKey); if (isModerator) { return (`

${currentPassText} ${password}

`); } else { return (`

A participant protected this call with a password.

`); } } /** * Opening the dialog */ open() { let { submitFunction, loadedFunction, closeFunction } = this.dialog; let states = this.getStates(); let initial = this.model.roomLocked ? States.LOCKED : States.UNLOCKED; APP.UI.messageHandler.openDialogWithStates(states, { submit: submitFunction, loaded: loadedFunction, close: closeFunction, size: 'medium' }); $.prompt.goToState(initial); this.registerListeners(); this.updateView(); } /** * Setting event handlers * used in dialog */ registerListeners() { const ENTER_KEY = 13; let addPasswordBtn = '#addPasswordBtn'; let copyInviteLink = '.copyInviteLink'; let newPasswordInput = '#newPasswordInput'; let removePassword = '#inviteDialogRemovePassword'; $(document).on('click', copyInviteLink, this.copyToClipboard); $(removePassword).on('click', () => { this.model.setRoomUnlocked(); }); let boundSetPassword = this.setPassword.bind(this); $(document).on('click', addPasswordBtn, boundSetPassword); let boundDisablePass = this.disableAddPassIfInputEmpty.bind(this); $(document).on('keypress', newPasswordInput, boundDisablePass); // We need to handle keydown event because impromptu // is listening to it too for closing the dialog $(newPasswordInput).on('keydown', (e) => { if (e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY) { e.stopPropagation(); this.setPassword(); } }); } setPassword() { let $passInput = $('#newPasswordInput'); let newPass = $passInput.val(); if(newPass) { this.model.setRoomLocked(newPass); } } /** * Checking input and if it's empty then * disable add pass button */ disableAddPassIfInputEmpty() { let $passInput = $('#newPasswordInput'); let $addPassBtn = $('#addPasswordBtn'); if(!$passInput.val()) { $addPassBtn.prop('disabled', true); } else { $addPassBtn.prop('disabled', false); } } /** * Copying text to clipboard */ copyToClipboard() { $('.inviteLink').each(function () { let $el = $(this).closest('.jqistate'); // TOFIX: We can select only visible elements if($el.css('display') === 'block') { this.select(); try { document.execCommand('copy'); this.blur(); } catch (err) { console.error('error when copy the text'); } } }); } /** * Method syncing the view and the model */ updateView() { let pass = this.model.getPassword(); if (!pass) pass = APP.translation.translateString("passwordSetRemotely"); $('#inviteDialogPassword').text(pass); $('#newPasswordInput').val(''); this.disableAddPassIfInputEmpty(); this.updateInviteLink(); $.prompt.goToState( (this.model.isLocked()) ? States.LOCKED : States.UNLOCKED); let roomLocked = `.${this.lockHint}`; let roomUnlocked = `.${this.unlockHint}`; let showDesc = this.model.isLocked() ? roomLocked : roomUnlocked; let hideDesc = !this.model.isLocked() ? roomLocked : roomUnlocked; $(showDesc).show(); $(hideDesc).hide(); } /** * Updates invite link */ updateInviteLink() { // If the invite dialog has been already opened we update the // information. let inviteLink = document.querySelectorAll('.inviteLink'); let list = Array.from(inviteLink); list.forEach((inviteLink) => { inviteLink.value = this.model.inviteUrl; inviteLink.select(); }); $('#inviteLinkRef').parent() .find('button[value=true]').prop('disabled', false); } }