/* colibri.js -- a COLIBRI focus * The colibri spec has been submitted to the XMPP Standards Foundation * for publications as a XMPP extensions: * http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/colibri.html * * colibri.js is a participating focus, i.e. the focus participates * in the conference. The conference itself can be ad-hoc, through a * MUC, through PubSub, etc. * * colibri.js relies heavily on the strophe.jingle library available * from https://github.com/ESTOS/strophe.jingle * and interoperates with the Jitsi videobridge available from * https://jitsi.org/Projects/JitsiVideobridge */ /* Copyright (c) 2013 ESTOS GmbH Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* jshint -W117 */ ColibriFocus.prototype = Object.create(SessionBase.prototype); function ColibriFocus(connection, bridgejid) { SessionBase.call(this, connection, Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 12)); this.bridgejid = bridgejid; this.peers = []; this.remoteStreams = []; this.confid = null; /** * Local XMPP resource used to join the multi user chat. * @type {*} */ this.myMucResource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(connection.emuc.myroomjid); /** * Default channel expire value in seconds. * @type {number} */ this.channelExpire = ('number' === typeof(config.channelExpire)) ? config.channelExpire : 15; /** * Default channel last-n value. * @type {number} */ this.channelLastN = ('number' === typeof(config.channelLastN)) ? config.channelLastN : -1; // media types of the conference if (config.openSctp) this.media = ['audio', 'video', 'data']; else this.media = ['audio', 'video']; this.connection.jingle.sessions[this.sid] = this; this.bundledTransports = {}; this.mychannel = []; this.channels = []; this.remotessrc = {}; // container for candidates from the focus // gathered before confid is known this.drip_container = []; // silly wait flag this.wait = true; this.recordingEnabled = false; // stores information about the endpoints (i.e. display names) to // be sent to the videobridge. this.endpointsInfo = null; } // creates a conferences with an initial set of peers ColibriFocus.prototype.makeConference = function (peers, errorCallback) { var self = this; if (this.confid !== null) { console.error('makeConference called twice? Ignoring...'); // FIXME: just invite peers? return; } this.confid = 0; // !null this.peers = []; peers.forEach(function (peer) { self.peers.push(peer); self.channels.push([]); }); this.peerconnection = new TraceablePeerConnection( this.connection.jingle.ice_config, this.connection.jingle.pc_constraints ); if(this.connection.jingle.localAudio) { this.peerconnection.addStream(this.connection.jingle.localAudio); } if(this.connection.jingle.localVideo) { this.peerconnection.addStream(this.connection.jingle.localVideo); } this.peerconnection.oniceconnectionstatechange = function (event) { console.warn('ice connection state changed to', self.peerconnection.iceConnectionState); /* if (self.peerconnection.signalingState == 'stable' && self.peerconnection.iceConnectionState == 'connected') { console.log('adding new remote SSRCs from iceconnectionstatechange'); window.setTimeout(function() { self.modifySources(); }, 1000); } */ $(document).trigger('iceconnectionstatechange.jingle', [self.sid, self]); }; this.peerconnection.onsignalingstatechange = function (event) { console.warn(self.peerconnection.signalingState); /* if (self.peerconnection.signalingState == 'stable' && self.peerconnection.iceConnectionState == 'connected') { console.log('adding new remote SSRCs from signalingstatechange'); window.setTimeout(function() { self.modifySources(); }, 1000); } */ }; this.peerconnection.onaddstream = function (event) { // search the jid associated with this stream Object.keys(self.remotessrc).forEach(function (jid) { if (self.remotessrc[jid].join('\r\n').indexOf('mslabel:' + event.stream.id) != -1) { event.peerjid = jid; } }); self.remoteStreams.push(event.stream); $(document).trigger('remotestreamadded.jingle', [event, self.sid]); }; this.peerconnection.onicecandidate = function (event) { //console.log('focus onicecandidate', self.confid, new Date().getTime(), event.candidate); if (!event.candidate) { console.log('end of candidates'); return; } self.sendIceCandidate(event.candidate); }; this._makeConference(errorCallback); /* this.peerconnection.createOffer( function (offer) { self.peerconnection.setLocalDescription( offer, function () { // success $(document).trigger('setLocalDescription.jingle', [self.sid]); // FIXME: could call _makeConference here and trickle candidates later self._makeConference(); }, function (error) { console.log('setLocalDescription failed', error); } ); }, function (error) { console.warn(error); } ); */ }; // Sends a COLIBRI message which enables or disables (according to 'state') the // recording on the bridge. Waits for the result IQ and calls 'callback' with // the new recording state, according to the IQ. ColibriFocus.prototype.setRecording = function(state, token, callback) { var self = this; var elem = $iq({to: this.bridgejid, type: 'set'}); elem.c('conference', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: this.confid }); elem.c('recording', {state: state, token: token}); elem.up(); this.connection.sendIQ(elem, function (result) { console.log('Set recording "', state, '". Result:', result); var recordingElem = $(result).find('>conference>recording'); var newState = ('true' === recordingElem.attr('state')); self.recordingEnabled = newState; callback(newState); }, function (error) { console.warn(error); } ); }; /* * Updates the display name for an endpoint with a specific jid. * jid: the jid associated with the endpoint. * displayName: the new display name for the endpoint. */ ColibriFocus.prototype.setEndpointDisplayName = function(jid, displayName) { var endpointId = jid.substr(1 + jid.lastIndexOf('/')); var update = false; if (this.endpointsInfo === null) { this.endpointsInfo = {}; } var endpointInfo = this.endpointsInfo[endpointId]; if ('undefined' === typeof endpointInfo) { endpointInfo = this.endpointsInfo[endpointId] = {}; } if (endpointInfo['displayname'] !== displayName) { endpointInfo['displayname'] = displayName; update = true; } if (update) { this.updateEndpoints(); } }; /* * Sends a colibri message to the bridge that contains the * current endpoints and their display names. */ ColibriFocus.prototype.updateEndpoints = function() { if (this.confid === null || this.endpointsInfo === null) { return; } if (this.confid === 0) { // the colibri conference is currently initiating var self = this; window.setTimeout(function() { self.updateEndpoints()}, 1000); return; } var elem = $iq({to: this.bridgejid, type: 'set'}); elem.c('conference', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: this.confid }); for (var id in this.endpointsInfo) { elem.c('endpoint'); elem.attrs({ id: id, displayname: this.endpointsInfo[id]['displayname'] }); elem.up(); } //elem.up(); //conference this.connection.sendIQ( elem, function (result) {}, function (error) { console.warn(error); } ); }; ColibriFocus.prototype._makeConference = function (errorCallback) { var self = this; var elem = $iq({ to: this.bridgejid, type: 'get' }); elem.c('conference', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri' }); this.media.forEach(function (name) { var elemName; var elemAttrs = { initiator: 'true', expire: self.channelExpire }; if ('data' === name) { elemName = 'sctpconnection'; elemAttrs['port'] = 5000; } else { elemName = 'channel'; if ('video' === name) { if (self.channelLastN >= 0) { elemAttrs['last-n'] = self.channelLastN; } if (config.adaptiveLastN) { elemAttrs['adaptive-last-n'] = 'true'; } } } elem.c('content', { name: name }); elem.c(elemName, elemAttrs); elem.attrs({ endpoint: self.myMucResource }); if (config.useBundle) { elem.attrs({ 'channel-bundle-id': self.myMucResource }); } elem.up();// end of channel/sctpconnection for (var j = 0; j < self.peers.length; j++) { var peer = self.peers[j]; var peerEndpoint = peer.substr(1 + peer.lastIndexOf('/')); elem.c(elemName, elemAttrs); elem.attrs({ endpoint: peerEndpoint }); if (config.useBundle) { elem.attrs({ 'channel-bundle-id': peerEndpoint }); } elem.up(); // end of channel/sctpconnection } elem.up(); // end of content }); if (this.endpointsInfo !== null) { for (var id in this.endpointsInfo) { elem.c('endpoint'); elem.attrs({ id: id, displayname: this.endpointsInfo[id]['displayname'] }); elem.up(); } } /* var localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp); localSDP.media.forEach(function (media, channel) { var name = SDPUtil.parse_mline(media.split('\r\n')[0]).media; elem.c('content', {name: name}); elem.c('channel', {initiator: 'false', expire: self.channelExpire}); // FIXME: should reuse code from .toJingle var mline = SDPUtil.parse_mline(media.split('\r\n')[0]); for (var j = 0; j < mline.fmt.length; j++) { var rtpmap = SDPUtil.find_line(media, 'a=rtpmap:' + mline.fmt[j]); elem.c('payload-type', SDPUtil.parse_rtpmap(rtpmap)); elem.up(); } localSDP.TransportToJingle(channel, elem); elem.up(); // end of channel for (j = 0; j < self.peers.length; j++) { elem.c('channel', {initiator: 'true', expire: self.channelExpire }).up(); } elem.up(); // end of content }); */ this.connection.sendIQ(elem, function (result) { self.createdConference(result); }, function (error) { console.warn(error); errorCallback(error); } ); }; // callback when a colibri conference was created ColibriFocus.prototype.createdConference = function (result) { console.log('created a conference on the bridge'); var self = this; var tmp; this.confid = $(result).find('>conference').attr('id'); var remotecontents = $(result).find('>conference>content').get(); var numparticipants = 0; for (var i = 0; i < remotecontents.length; i++) { var contentName = $(remotecontents[i]).attr('name'); var channelName = contentName !== 'data' ? '>channel' : '>sctpconnection'; tmp = $(remotecontents[i]).find(channelName).get(); this.mychannel.push($(tmp.shift())); numparticipants = tmp.length; for (j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) { if (this.channels[j] === undefined) { this.channels[j] = []; } this.channels[j].push(tmp[j]); } } // save the 'transport' elements from 'channel-bundle'-s var channelBundles = $(result).find('>conference>channel-bundle'); for (var i = 0; i < channelBundles.length; i++) { var endpointId = $(channelBundles[i]).attr('id'); this.bundledTransports[endpointId] = $(channelBundles[i]).find('>transport[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1"]'); } console.log('remote channels', this.channels); // Notify that the focus has created the conference on the bridge $(document).trigger('conferenceCreated.jingle', [self]); var bridgeSDP = new SDP( 'v=0\r\n' + 'o=- 5151055458874951233 2 IN IP4\r\n' + 's=-\r\n' + 't=0 0\r\n' + /* Audio */ (config.useBundle ? ('a=group:BUNDLE audio video' + (config.openSctp ? ' data' : '') + '\r\n') : '') + 'm=audio 1 RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 0 8 106 105 13 126\r\n' + 'c=IN IP4\r\n' + 'a=rtcp:1 IN IP4\r\n' + 'a=mid:audio\r\n' + 'a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level\r\n' + 'a=sendrecv\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2\r\n' + 'a=fmtp:111 minptime=10\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000\r\n' + 'a=maxptime:60\r\n' + (config.useRtcpMux ? 'a=rtcp-mux\r\n' : '') + /* Video */ 'm=video 1 RTP/SAVPF 100 116 117\r\n' + 'c=IN IP4\r\n' + 'a=rtcp:1 IN IP4\r\n' + 'a=mid:video\r\n' + 'a=extmap:2 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset\r\n' + 'a=extmap:3 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-send-time\r\n' + 'a=sendrecv\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:100 VP8/90000\r\n' + 'a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir\r\n' + 'a=rtcp-fb:100 nack\r\n' + 'a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:116 red/90000\r\n' + 'a=rtpmap:117 ulpfec/90000\r\n' + (config.useRtcpMux ? 'a=rtcp-mux\r\n' : '') + /* Data SCTP */ (config.openSctp ? 'm=application 1 DTLS/SCTP 5000\r\n' + 'c=IN IP4\r\n' + 'a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel\r\n' + 'a=mid:data\r\n' : '') ); bridgeSDP.media.length = this.mychannel.length; var channel; /* for (channel = 0; channel < bridgeSDP.media.length; channel++) { bridgeSDP.media[channel] = ''; // unchanged lines bridgeSDP.media[channel] += SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'm=') + '\r\n'; bridgeSDP.media[channel] += SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'c=') + '\r\n'; if (SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=rtcp:')) { bridgeSDP.media[channel] += SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=rtcp:') + '\r\n'; } if (SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=mid:')) { bridgeSDP.media[channel] += SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=mid:') + '\r\n'; } if (SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=sendrecv')) { bridgeSDP.media[channel] += 'a=sendrecv\r\n'; } if (SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=extmap:')) { bridgeSDP.media[channel] += SDPUtil.find_lines(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=extmap:').join('\r\n') + '\r\n'; } // FIXME: should look at m-line and group the ids together if (SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=rtpmap:')) { bridgeSDP.media[channel] += SDPUtil.find_lines(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=rtpmap:').join('\r\n') + '\r\n'; } if (SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=fmtp:')) { bridgeSDP.media[channel] += SDPUtil.find_lines(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=fmtp:').join('\r\n') + '\r\n'; } if (SDPUtil.find_line(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=rtcp-fb:')) { bridgeSDP.media[channel] += SDPUtil.find_lines(localSDP.media[channel], 'a=rtcp-fb:').join('\r\n') + '\r\n'; } // FIXME: changed lines -- a=sendrecv direction, a=setup direction } */ for (channel = 0; channel < bridgeSDP.media.length; channel++) { // get the mixed ssrc tmp = $(this.mychannel[channel]).find('>source[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]'); // FIXME: check rtp-level-relay-type var name = bridgeSDP.media[channel].split(" ")[0].substr(2); // 'm=audio ...' if (name === 'audio' || name === 'video') { // make chrome happy... '3735928559' == 0xDEADBEEF var ssrc = tmp.length ? tmp.attr('ssrc') : '3735928559'; bridgeSDP.media[channel] += 'a=ssrc:' + ssrc + ' cname:mixed\r\n'; bridgeSDP.media[channel] += 'a=ssrc:' + ssrc + ' label:mixedlabel' + name + '0\r\n'; bridgeSDP.media[channel] += 'a=ssrc:' + ssrc + ' msid:mixedmslabel mixedlabel' + name + '0\r\n'; bridgeSDP.media[channel] += 'a=ssrc:' + ssrc + ' mslabel:mixedmslabel\r\n'; } // FIXME: should take code from .fromJingle var channelBundleId = $(this.mychannel[channel]).attr('channel-bundle-id'); if (typeof channelBundleId != 'undefined') { tmp = this.bundledTransports[channelBundleId]; } else { tmp = $(this.mychannel[channel]).find('>transport[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1"]'); } if (tmp.length) { bridgeSDP.media[channel] += 'a=ice-ufrag:' + tmp.attr('ufrag') + '\r\n'; bridgeSDP.media[channel] += 'a=ice-pwd:' + tmp.attr('pwd') + '\r\n'; tmp.find('>candidate').each(function () { bridgeSDP.media[channel] += SDPUtil.candidateFromJingle(this); }); tmp = tmp.find('>fingerprint'); if (tmp.length) { bridgeSDP.media[channel] += 'a=fingerprint:' + tmp.attr('hash') + ' ' + tmp.text() + '\r\n'; bridgeSDP.media[channel] += 'a=setup:actpass\r\n'; // offer so always actpass } } } bridgeSDP.raw = bridgeSDP.session + bridgeSDP.media.join(''); var bridgeDesc = new RTCSessionDescription({type: 'offer', sdp: bridgeSDP.raw}); var bridgeDesc = simulcast.transformRemoteDescription(bridgeDesc); this.peerconnection.setRemoteDescription(bridgeDesc, function () { console.log('setRemoteDescription success'); self.peerconnection.createAnswer( function (answer) { self.peerconnection.setLocalDescription(answer, function () { console.log('setLocalDescription succeeded.'); // make sure our presence is updated $(document).trigger('setLocalDescription.jingle', [self.sid]); var elem = $iq({to: self.bridgejid, type: 'get'}); elem.c('conference', {xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: self.confid}); var localSDP = new SDP(self.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp); localSDP.media.forEach(function (media, channel) { var name = SDPUtil.parse_mid(SDPUtil.find_line(media, 'a=mid:')); elem.c('content', {name: name}); var mline = SDPUtil.parse_mline(media.split('\r\n')[0]); if (name !== 'data') { elem.c('channel', { initiator: 'true', expire: self.channelExpire, id: self.mychannel[channel].attr('id'), endpoint: self.myMucResource }); // signal (through COLIBRI) to the bridge // the SSRC groups of the participant // that plays the role of the focus var ssrc_group_lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(media, 'a=ssrc-group:'); var idx = 0; ssrc_group_lines.forEach(function(line) { idx = line.indexOf(' '); var semantics = line.substr(0, idx).substr(13); var ssrcs = line.substr(14 + semantics.length).split(' '); if (ssrcs.length != 0) { elem.c('ssrc-group', { semantics: semantics, xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0' }); ssrcs.forEach(function(ssrc) { elem.c('source', { ssrc: ssrc }) .up(); }); elem.up(); } }); // FIXME: should reuse code from .toJingle for (var j = 0; j < mline.fmt.length; j++) { var rtpmap = SDPUtil.find_line(media, 'a=rtpmap:' + mline.fmt[j]); if (rtpmap) { elem.c('payload-type', SDPUtil.parse_rtpmap(rtpmap)); elem.up(); } } } else { var sctpmap = SDPUtil.find_line(media, 'a=sctpmap:' + mline.fmt[0]); var sctpPort = SDPUtil.parse_sctpmap(sctpmap)[0]; elem.c("sctpconnection", { initiator: 'true', expire: self.channelExpire, id: self.mychannel[channel].attr('id'), endpoint: self.myMucResource, port: sctpPort } ); } localSDP.TransportToJingle(channel, elem); elem.up(); // end of channel elem.up(); // end of content }); self.connection.sendIQ(elem, function (result) { // ... }, function (error) { console.error( "ERROR sending colibri message", error, elem); } ); // now initiate sessions for (var i = 0; i < numparticipants; i++) { self.initiate(self.peers[i], true); } // Notify we've created the conference $(document).trigger( 'conferenceCreated.jingle', self); }, function (error) { console.warn('setLocalDescription failed.', error); } ); }, function (error) { console.warn('createAnswer failed.', error); } ); /* for (var i = 0; i < numparticipants; i++) { self.initiate(self.peers[i], true); } */ }, function (error) { console.log('setRemoteDescription failed.', error); } ); }; // send a session-initiate to a new participant ColibriFocus.prototype.initiate = function (peer, isInitiator) { var participant = this.peers.indexOf(peer); console.log('tell', peer, participant); var sdp; if (!(this.peerconnection !== null && this.peerconnection.signalingState == 'stable')) { console.error('can not initiate a new session without a stable peerconnection'); return; } sdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp); var localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp); // throw away stuff we don't want // not needed with static offer if (!config.useBundle) { sdp.removeSessionLines('a=group:'); } sdp.removeSessionLines('a=msid-semantic:'); // FIXME: not mapped over jingle anyway... for (var i = 0; i < sdp.media.length; i++) { if (!config.useRtcpMux) { sdp.removeMediaLines(i, 'a=rtcp-mux'); } sdp.removeMediaLines(i, 'a=ssrc:'); sdp.removeMediaLines(i, 'a=ssrc-group:'); sdp.removeMediaLines(i, 'a=crypto:'); sdp.removeMediaLines(i, 'a=candidate:'); sdp.removeMediaLines(i, 'a=ice-options:google-ice'); sdp.removeMediaLines(i, 'a=ice-ufrag:'); sdp.removeMediaLines(i, 'a=ice-pwd:'); sdp.removeMediaLines(i, 'a=fingerprint:'); sdp.removeMediaLines(i, 'a=setup:'); } // add stuff we got from the bridge for (var j = 0; j < sdp.media.length; j++) { var chan = $(this.channels[participant][j]); console.log('channel id', chan.attr('id')); tmp = chan.find('>source[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]'); var name = sdp.media[j].split(" ")[0].substr(2); // 'm=audio ...' if (name === 'audio' || name === 'video') { // make chrome happy... '3735928559' == 0xDEADBEEF var ssrc = tmp.length ? tmp.attr('ssrc') : '3735928559'; sdp.media[j] += 'a=ssrc:' + ssrc + ' cname:mixed\r\n'; sdp.media[j] += 'a=ssrc:' + ssrc + ' label:mixedlabel' + name + '0\r\n'; sdp.media[j] += 'a=ssrc:' + ssrc + ' msid:mixedmslabel mixedlabel' + name + '0\r\n'; sdp.media[j] += 'a=ssrc:' + ssrc + ' mslabel:mixedmslabel\r\n'; } // In the case of bundle, we add each candidate to all m= lines/jingle contents, // just as chrome does if (config.useBundle){ tmp = this.bundledTransports[chan.attr('channel-bundle-id')]; } else { tmp = chan.find('>transport[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1"]'); } if (tmp.length) { if (tmp.attr('ufrag')) sdp.media[j] += 'a=ice-ufrag:' + tmp.attr('ufrag') + '\r\n'; if (tmp.attr('pwd')) sdp.media[j] += 'a=ice-pwd:' + tmp.attr('pwd') + '\r\n'; // and the candidates... tmp.find('>candidate').each(function () { sdp.media[j] += SDPUtil.candidateFromJingle(this); }); tmp = tmp.find('>fingerprint'); if (tmp.length) { sdp.media[j] += 'a=fingerprint:' + tmp.attr('hash') + ' ' + tmp.text() + '\r\n'; /* if (tmp.attr('direction')) { sdp.media[j] += 'a=setup:' + tmp.attr('direction') + '\r\n'; } */ sdp.media[j] += 'a=setup:actpass\r\n'; } } } for (var i = 0; i < sdp.media.length; i++) { // re-add all remote a=ssrcs _and_ a=ssrc-group for (var jid in this.remotessrc) { if (jid == peer || !this.remotessrc[jid][i]) continue; sdp.media[i] += this.remotessrc[jid][i]; } // add local a=ssrc-group: lines lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(localSDP.media[i], 'a=ssrc-group:'); if (lines.length != 0) sdp.media[i] += lines.join('\r\n') + '\r\n'; // and local a=ssrc: lines sdp.media[i] += SDPUtil.find_lines(localSDP.media[i], 'a=ssrc:').join('\r\n') + '\r\n'; } sdp.raw = sdp.session + sdp.media.join(''); // make a new colibri session and configure it // FIXME: is it correct to use this.connection.jid when used in a MUC? var sess = new ColibriSession(this.connection.jid, Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 12), // random string this.connection); sess.initiate(peer); sess.colibri = this; // We do not announce our audio per conference peer, so only video is set here sess.localVideo = this.connection.jingle.localVideo; sess.media_constraints = this.connection.jingle.media_constraints; sess.pc_constraints = this.connection.jingle.pc_constraints; sess.ice_config = this.connection.jingle.ice_config; this.connection.jingle.sessions[sess.sid] = sess; this.connection.jingle.jid2session[sess.peerjid] = sess; // send a session-initiate var init = $iq({to: peer, type: 'set'}) .c('jingle', {xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1', action: 'session-initiate', initiator: sess.me, sid: sess.sid } ); sdp.toJingle(init, 'initiator'); this.connection.sendIQ(init, function (res) { console.log('got result'); }, function (err) { console.log('got error'); } ); }; // pull in a new participant into the conference ColibriFocus.prototype.addNewParticipant = function (peer) { var self = this; if (this.confid === 0 || !this.peerconnection.localDescription) { // bad state if (this.confid === 0) { console.error('confid does not exist yet, postponing', peer); } else { console.error('local description not ready yet, postponing', peer); } window.setTimeout(function () { self.addNewParticipant(peer); }, 250); return; } var index = this.channels.length; this.channels.push([]); this.peers.push(peer); var elem = $iq({to: this.bridgejid, type: 'get'}); elem.c( 'conference', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: this.confid }); var localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp); localSDP.media.forEach(function (media, channel) { var name = SDPUtil.parse_mid(SDPUtil.find_line(media, 'a=mid:')); var elemName; var endpointId = peer.substr(1 + peer.lastIndexOf('/')); var elemAttrs = { initiator: 'true', expire: self.channelExpire, endpoint: endpointId }; if (config.useBundle) { elemAttrs['channel-bundle-id'] = endpointId; } if ('data' == name) { elemName = 'sctpconnection'; elemAttrs['port'] = 5000; } else { elemName = 'channel'; if ('video' === name) { if (self.channelLastN >= 0) { elemAttrs['last-n'] = self.channelLastN; } if (config.adaptiveLastN) { elemAttrs['adaptive-last-n'] = 'true'; } } } elem.c('content', { name: name }); elem.c(elemName, elemAttrs); elem.up(); // end of channel/sctpconnection elem.up(); // end of content }); this.connection.sendIQ(elem, function (result) { var contents = $(result).find('>conference>content').get(); var i; for (i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) { var channelXml = $(contents[i]).find('>channel'); if (channelXml.length) { tmp = channelXml.get(); } else { tmp = $(contents[i]).find('>sctpconnection').get(); } self.channels[index][i] = tmp[0]; } var channelBundles = $(result).find('>conference>channel-bundle'); for (i = 0; i < channelBundles.length; i++) { var endpointId = $(channelBundles[i]).attr('id'); self.bundledTransports[endpointId] = $(channelBundles[i]).find('>transport[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1"]'); } self.initiate(peer, true); }, function (error) { console.warn(error); } ); }; // update the channel description (payload-types + dtls fp) for a participant ColibriFocus.prototype.updateChannel = function (remoteSDP, participant) { console.log('change allocation for', this.confid); var self = this; var change = $iq({to: this.bridgejid, type: 'set'}); change.c('conference', {xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: this.confid}); for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels[participant].length; channel++) { if (!remoteSDP.media[channel]) continue; var name = SDPUtil.parse_mid(SDPUtil.find_line(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=mid:')); change.c('content', {name: name}); if (name !== 'data') { change.c('channel', { id: $(this.channels[participant][channel]).attr('id'), endpoint: $(this.channels[participant][channel]).attr('endpoint'), expire: self.channelExpire }); // signal (throught COLIBRI) to the bridge the SSRC groups of this // participant var ssrc_group_lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=ssrc-group:'); var idx = 0; ssrc_group_lines.forEach(function(line) { idx = line.indexOf(' '); var semantics = line.substr(0, idx).substr(13); var ssrcs = line.substr(14 + semantics.length).split(' '); if (ssrcs.length != 0) { change.c('ssrc-group', { semantics: semantics, xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0' }); ssrcs.forEach(function(ssrc) { change.c('source', { ssrc: ssrc }) .up(); }); change.up(); } }); var rtpmap = SDPUtil.find_lines(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=rtpmap:'); rtpmap.forEach(function (val) { // TODO: too much copy-paste var rtpmap = SDPUtil.parse_rtpmap(val); change.c('payload-type', rtpmap); // // put any 'a=fmtp:' + mline.fmt[j] lines into <param name=foo value=bar/> /* if (SDPUtil.find_line(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=fmtp:' + rtpmap.id)) { tmp = SDPUtil.parse_fmtp(SDPUtil.find_line(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=fmtp:' + rtpmap.id)); for (var k = 0; k < tmp.length; k++) { change.c('parameter', tmp[k]).up(); } } */ change.up(); }); } else { var sctpmap = SDPUtil.find_line(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=sctpmap:'); change.c('sctpconnection', { id: $(this.channels[participant][channel]).attr('id'), endpoint: $(this.channels[participant][channel]).attr('endpoint'), expire: self.channelExpire, port: SDPUtil.parse_sctpmap(sctpmap)[0] }); } // now add transport remoteSDP.TransportToJingle(channel, change); change.up(); // end of channel/sctpconnection change.up(); // end of content } this.connection.sendIQ(change, function (res) { console.log('got result'); }, function (err) { console.log('got error'); } ); }; // tell everyone about a new participants a=ssrc lines (isadd is true) // or a leaving participants a=ssrc lines ColibriFocus.prototype.sendSSRCUpdate = function (sdpMediaSsrcs, fromJid, isadd) { var self = this; this.peers.forEach(function (peerjid) { if (peerjid == fromJid) return; console.log('tell', peerjid, 'about ' + (isadd ? 'new' : 'removed') + ' ssrcs from', fromJid); if (!self.remotessrc[peerjid]) { // FIXME: this should only send to participants that are stable, i.e. who have sent a session-accept // possibly, this.remoteSSRC[session.peerjid] does not exist yet console.warn('do we really want to bother', peerjid, 'with updates yet?'); } var peersess = self.connection.jingle.jid2session[peerjid]; if(!peersess){ console.warn('no session with peer: '+peerjid+' yet...'); return; } self.sendSSRCUpdateIq(sdpMediaSsrcs, peersess.sid, peersess.initiator, peerjid, isadd); }); }; /** * Overrides SessionBase.addSource. * * @param elem proprietary 'add source' Jingle request(XML node). * @param fromJid JID of the participant to whom new ssrcs belong. */ ColibriFocus.prototype.addSource = function (elem, fromJid) { var self = this; // FIXME: dirty waiting if (!this.peerconnection.localDescription) { console.warn("addSource - localDescription not ready yet") setTimeout(function() { self.addSource(elem, fromJid); }, 200); return; } this.peerconnection.addSource(elem); var peerSsrc = this.remotessrc[fromJid]; //console.log("On ADD", self.addssrc, peerSsrc); this.peerconnection.addssrc.forEach(function(val, idx){ if(!peerSsrc[idx]){ // add ssrc peerSsrc[idx] = val; } else { if(peerSsrc[idx].indexOf(val) == -1){ peerSsrc[idx] = peerSsrc[idx]+val; } } }); var oldRemoteSdp = new SDP(this.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp); this.modifySources(function(){ // Notify other participants about added ssrc var remoteSDP = new SDP(self.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp); var newSSRCs = oldRemoteSdp.getNewMedia(remoteSDP); self.sendSSRCUpdate(newSSRCs, fromJid, true); }); }; /** * Overrides SessionBase.removeSource. * * @param elem proprietary 'remove source' Jingle request(XML node). * @param fromJid JID of the participant to whom removed ssrcs belong. */ ColibriFocus.prototype.removeSource = function (elem, fromJid) { var self = this; // FIXME: dirty waiting if (!self.peerconnection.localDescription) { console.warn("removeSource - localDescription not ready yet"); setTimeout(function() { self.removeSource(elem, fromJid); }, 200); return; } this.peerconnection.removeSource(elem); var peerSsrc = this.remotessrc[fromJid]; //console.log("On REMOVE", self.removessrc, peerSsrc); this.peerconnection.removessrc.forEach(function(val, idx){ if(peerSsrc[idx]){ // Remove ssrc peerSsrc[idx] = peerSsrc[idx].replace(val, ''); } }); var oldSDP = new SDP(self.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp); this.modifySources(function(){ // Notify other participants about removed ssrc var remoteSDP = new SDP(self.peerconnection.remoteDescription.sdp); var removedSSRCs = remoteSDP.getNewMedia(oldSDP); self.sendSSRCUpdate(removedSSRCs, fromJid, false); }); }; ColibriFocus.prototype.setRemoteDescription = function (session, elem, desctype) { var participant = this.peers.indexOf(session.peerjid); console.log('Colibri.setRemoteDescription from', session.peerjid, participant); var remoteSDP = new SDP(''); var channel; remoteSDP.fromJingle(elem); // ACT 1: change allocation on bridge this.updateChannel(remoteSDP, participant); // ACT 2: tell anyone else about the new SSRCs this.sendSSRCUpdate(remoteSDP.getMediaSsrcMap(), session.peerjid, true); // ACT 3: note the SSRCs this.remotessrc[session.peerjid] = []; for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels[participant].length; channel++) { //if (channel == 0) continue; FIXME: does not work as intended if (!remoteSDP.media[channel]) continue; var lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=ssrc-group:'); if (lines.length != 0) // prepend ssrc-groups this.remotessrc[session.peerjid][channel] = lines.join('\r\n') + '\r\n'; if (SDPUtil.find_lines(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=ssrc:').length) { if (!this.remotessrc[session.peerjid][channel]) this.remotessrc[session.peerjid][channel] = ''; this.remotessrc[session.peerjid][channel] += SDPUtil.find_lines(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=ssrc:') .join('\r\n') + '\r\n'; } } // ACT 4: add new a=ssrc and s=ssrc-group lines to local remotedescription for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels[participant].length; channel++) { //if (channel == 0) continue; FIXME: does not work as intended if (!remoteSDP.media[channel]) continue; var lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=ssrc-group:'); if (lines.length != 0) this.peerconnection.enqueueAddSsrc( channel, SDPUtil.find_lines(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=ssrc-group:').join('\r\n') + '\r\n'); if (SDPUtil.find_lines(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=ssrc:').length) { this.peerconnection.enqueueAddSsrc( channel, SDPUtil.find_lines(remoteSDP.media[channel], 'a=ssrc:').join('\r\n') + '\r\n' ); } } this.modifySources(); }; // relay ice candidates to bridge using trickle ColibriFocus.prototype.addIceCandidate = function (session, elem) { var self = this; var participant = this.peers.indexOf(session.peerjid); //console.log('change transport allocation for', this.confid, session.peerjid, participant); var change = $iq({to: this.bridgejid, type: 'set'}); change.c('conference', {xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: this.confid}); $(elem).each(function () { var name = $(this).attr('name'); // If we are using bundle, audio/video/data channel will have the same candidates, so only send them for // the audio channel. if (config.useBundle && name !== 'audio') { return; } var channel = name == 'audio' ? 0 : 1; // FIXME: search mlineindex in localdesc if (name != 'audio' && name != 'video') channel = 2; // name == 'data' change.c('content', {name: name}); if (name !== 'data') { change.c('channel', { id: $(self.channels[participant][channel]).attr('id'), endpoint: $(self.channels[participant][channel]).attr('endpoint'), expire: self.channelExpire }); } else { change.c('sctpconnection', { id: $(self.channels[participant][channel]).attr('id'), endpoint: $(self.channels[participant][channel]).attr('endpoint'), expire: self.channelExpire }); } $(this).find('>transport').each(function () { change.c('transport', { ufrag: $(this).attr('ufrag'), pwd: $(this).attr('pwd'), xmlns: $(this).attr('xmlns') }); if (config.useRtcpMux && 'channel' === change.node.parentNode.nodeName) { change.c('rtcp-mux').up(); } $(this).find('>candidate').each(function () { /* not yet if (this.getAttribute('protocol') == 'tcp' && this.getAttribute('port') == 0) { // chrome generates TCP candidates with port 0 return; } */ var line = SDPUtil.candidateFromJingle(this); change.c('candidate', SDPUtil.candidateToJingle(line)).up(); }); change.up(); // end of transport }); change.up(); // end of channel/sctpconnection change.up(); // end of content }); // FIXME: need to check if there is at least one candidate when filtering TCP ones this.connection.sendIQ(change, function (res) { console.log('got result'); }, function (err) { console.error('got error', err); } ); }; // send our own candidate to the bridge ColibriFocus.prototype.sendIceCandidate = function (candidate) { var self = this; //console.log('candidate', candidate); if (!candidate) { console.log('end of candidates'); return; } if (this.drip_container.length === 0) { // start 20ms callout window.setTimeout( function () { if (self.drip_container.length === 0) return; self.sendIceCandidates(self.drip_container); self.drip_container = []; }, 20); } this.drip_container.push(candidate); }; // sort and send multiple candidates ColibriFocus.prototype.sendIceCandidates = function (candidates) { var self = this; var mycands = $iq({to: this.bridgejid, type: 'set'}); mycands.c('conference', {xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: this.confid}); // FIXME: multi-candidate logic is taken from strophe.jingle, should be refactored there var localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp); for (var mid = 0; mid < localSDP.media.length; mid++) { var cands = candidates.filter(function (el) { return el.sdpMLineIndex == mid; }); if (cands.length > 0) { var name = cands[0].sdpMid; mycands.c('content', {name: name }); if (name !== 'data') { mycands.c('channel', { id: $(this.mychannel[cands[0].sdpMLineIndex]).attr('id'), endpoint: $(this.mychannel[cands[0].sdpMLineIndex]).attr('endpoint'), expire: self.channelExpire }); } else { mycands.c('sctpconnection', { id: $(this.mychannel[cands[0].sdpMLineIndex]).attr('id'), endpoint: $(this.mychannel[cands[0].sdpMLineIndex]).attr('endpoint'), port: $(this.mychannel[cands[0].sdpMLineIndex]).attr('port'), expire: self.channelExpire }); } mycands.c('transport', {xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1'}); if (config.useRtcpMux && name !== 'data') { mycands.c('rtcp-mux').up(); } for (var i = 0; i < cands.length; i++) { mycands.c('candidate', SDPUtil.candidateToJingle(cands[i].candidate)).up(); } mycands.up(); // transport mycands.up(); // channel / sctpconnection mycands.up(); // content } } console.log('send cands', candidates); this.connection.sendIQ(mycands, function (res) { console.log('got result'); }, function (err) { console.error('got error', err); } ); }; ColibriFocus.prototype.terminate = function (session, reason) { console.log('remote session terminated from', session.peerjid); var participant = this.peers.indexOf(session.peerjid); if (!this.remotessrc[session.peerjid] || participant == -1) { return; } var ssrcs = this.remotessrc[session.peerjid]; for (var i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; i++) { this.peerconnection.enqueueRemoveSsrc(i, ssrcs[i]); } // remove from this.peers this.peers.splice(participant, 1); // expire channel on bridge var change = $iq({to: this.bridgejid, type: 'set'}); change.c('conference', {xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: this.confid}); for (var channel = 0; channel < this.channels[participant].length; channel++) { var name = channel === 0 ? 'audio' : 'video'; if (channel == 2) name = 'data'; change.c('content', {name: name}); if (name !== 'data') { change.c('channel', { id: $(this.channels[participant][channel]).attr('id'), endpoint: $(this.channels[participant][channel]).attr('endpoint'), expire: '0' }); } else { change.c('sctpconnection', { id: $(this.channels[participant][channel]).attr('id'), endpoint: $(this.channels[participant][channel]).attr('endpoint'), expire: '0' }); } change.up(); // end of channel/sctpconnection change.up(); // end of content } this.connection.sendIQ(change, function (res) { console.log('got result'); }, function (err) { console.error('got error', err); } ); // and remove from channels this.channels.splice(participant, 1); // tell everyone about the ssrcs to be removed var sdp = new SDP(''); var localSDP = new SDP(this.peerconnection.localDescription.sdp); var contents = SDPUtil.find_lines(localSDP.raw, 'a=mid:').map(SDPUtil.parse_mid); for (var j = 0; j < ssrcs.length; j++) { sdp.media[j] = 'a=mid:' + contents[j] + '\r\n'; sdp.media[j] += ssrcs[j]; this.peerconnection.enqueueRemoveSsrc(j, ssrcs[j]); } this.sendSSRCUpdate(sdp.getMediaSsrcMap(), session.peerjid, false); delete this.remotessrc[session.peerjid]; this.modifySources(); }; ColibriFocus.prototype.sendTerminate = function (session, reason, text) { var term = $iq({to: session.peerjid, type: 'set'}) .c('jingle', {xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:1', action: 'session-terminate', initiator: session.me, sid: session.sid}) .c('reason') .c(reason || 'success'); if (text) { term.up().c('text').t(text); } this.connection.sendIQ(term, function () { if (!session) return; if (session.peerconnection) { session.peerconnection.close(); session.peerconnection = null; } session.terminate(); var ack = {}; ack.source = 'terminate'; $(document).trigger('ack.jingle', [session.sid, ack]); }, function (stanza) { var error = ($(stanza).find('error').length) ? { code: $(stanza).find('error').attr('code'), reason: $(stanza).find('error :first')[0].tagName, }:{}; $(document).trigger('ack.jingle', [self.sid, error]); }, 10000); if (this.statsinterval !== null) { window.clearInterval(this.statsinterval); this.statsinterval = null; } }; ColibriFocus.prototype.setRTCPTerminationStrategy = function (strategyFQN) { var self = this; // TODO(gp) maybe move the RTCP termination strategy element under the // content or channel element. var strategyIQ = $iq({to: this.bridgejid, type: 'set'}); strategyIQ.c('conference', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: this.confid, }); strategyIQ.c('rtcp-termination-strategy', {name: strategyFQN }); strategyIQ.c('content', {name: "video"}); strategyIQ.up(); // end of content console.log('setting RTCP termination strategy', strategyFQN); this.connection.sendIQ(strategyIQ, function (res) { console.log('got result'); }, function (err) { console.error('got error', err); } ); }; /** * Sets the default value of the channel last-n attribute in this conference and * updates/patches the existing channels. */ ColibriFocus.prototype.setChannelLastN = function (channelLastN) { if (('number' === typeof(channelLastN)) && (this.channelLastN !== channelLastN)) { this.channelLastN = channelLastN; // Update/patch the existing channels. var patch = $iq({ to: this.bridgejid, type: 'set' }); patch.c( 'conference', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: this.confid }); patch.c('content', { name: 'video' }); patch.c( 'channel', { id: $(this.mychannel[1 /* video */]).attr('id'), 'last-n': this.channelLastN }); patch.up(); // end of channel for (var p = 0; p < this.channels.length; p++) { patch.c( 'channel', { id: $(this.channels[p][1 /* video */]).attr('id'), 'last-n': this.channelLastN }); patch.up(); // end of channel } this.connection.sendIQ( patch, function (res) { console.info('Set channel last-n succeeded:', res); }, function (err) { console.error('Set channel last-n failed:', err); }); } }; /** * Sets the default value of the channel simulcast layer attribute in this * conference and updates/patches the existing channels. */ ColibriFocus.prototype.setReceiveSimulcastLayer = function (receiveSimulcastLayer) { if (('number' === typeof(receiveSimulcastLayer)) && (this.receiveSimulcastLayer !== receiveSimulcastLayer)) { // TODO(gp) be able to set the receiving simulcast layer on a per // sender basis. this.receiveSimulcastLayer = receiveSimulcastLayer; // Update/patch the existing channels. var patch = $iq({ to: this.bridgejid, type: 'set' }); patch.c( 'conference', { xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/protocol/colibri', id: this.confid }); patch.c('content', { name: 'video' }); patch.c( 'channel', { id: $(this.mychannel[1 /* video */]).attr('id'), 'receive-simulcast-layer': this.receiveSimulcastLayer }); patch.up(); // end of channel for (var p = 0; p < this.channels.length; p++) { patch.c( 'channel', { id: $(this.channels[p][1 /* video */]).attr('id'), 'receive-simulcast-layer': this.receiveSimulcastLayer }); patch.up(); // end of channel } this.connection.sendIQ( patch, function (res) { console.info('Set channel simulcast receive layer succeeded:', res); }, function (err) { console.error('Set channel simulcast receive layer failed:', err); }); } };