import { jitsiLocalStorage } from '@jitsi/js-utils/jitsi-local-storage'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { urlObjectToString } from '../../../react/features/base/util/uri'; import { PostMessageTransportBackend, Transport } from '../../transport'; import { getAvailableDevices, getCurrentDevices, isDeviceChangeAvailable, isDeviceListAvailable, isMultipleAudioInputSupported, setAudioInputDevice, setAudioOutputDevice, setVideoInputDevice } from './functions'; const ALWAYS_ON_TOP_FILENAMES = [ 'css/all.css', 'libs/alwaysontop.min.js' ]; /** * Maps the names of the commands expected by the API with the name of the * commands expected by jitsi-meet. */ const commands = { addBreakoutRoom: 'add-breakout-room', answerKnockingParticipant: 'answer-knocking-participant', approveVideo: 'approve-video', askToUnmute: 'ask-to-unmute', autoAssignToBreakoutRooms: 'auto-assign-to-breakout-rooms', avatarUrl: 'avatar-url', cancelPrivateChat: 'cancel-private-chat', closeBreakoutRoom: 'close-breakout-room', displayName: 'display-name', e2eeKey: 'e2ee-key', endConference: 'end-conference', email: 'email', grantModerator: 'grant-moderator', hangup: 'video-hangup', hideNotification: 'hide-notification', initiatePrivateChat: 'initiate-private-chat', joinBreakoutRoom: 'join-breakout-room', localSubject: 'local-subject', kickParticipant: 'kick-participant', muteEveryone: 'mute-everyone', overwriteConfig: 'overwrite-config', overwriteNames: 'overwrite-names', password: 'password', pinParticipant: 'pin-participant', rejectParticipant: 'reject-participant', removeBreakoutRoom: 'remove-breakout-room', resizeFilmStrip: 'resize-film-strip', resizeLargeVideo: 'resize-large-video', sendChatMessage: 'send-chat-message', sendEndpointTextMessage: 'send-endpoint-text-message', sendParticipantToRoom: 'send-participant-to-room', sendTones: 'send-tones', setFollowMe: 'set-follow-me', setLargeVideoParticipant: 'set-large-video-participant', setMediaEncryptionKey: 'set-media-encryption-key', setNoiseSuppressionEnabled: 'set-noise-suppression-enabled', setParticipantVolume: 'set-participant-volume', setSubtitles: 'set-subtitles', setTileView: 'set-tile-view', setVideoQuality: 'set-video-quality', showNotification: 'show-notification', startRecording: 'start-recording', startShareVideo: 'start-share-video', stopRecording: 'stop-recording', stopShareVideo: 'stop-share-video', subject: 'subject', submitFeedback: 'submit-feedback', toggleAudio: 'toggle-audio', toggleCamera: 'toggle-camera', toggleCameraMirror: 'toggle-camera-mirror', toggleChat: 'toggle-chat', toggleE2EE: 'toggle-e2ee', toggleFilmStrip: 'toggle-film-strip', toggleLobby: 'toggle-lobby', toggleModeration: 'toggle-moderation', toggleNoiseSuppression: 'toggle-noise-suppression', toggleParticipantsPane: 'toggle-participants-pane', toggleRaiseHand: 'toggle-raise-hand', toggleShareScreen: 'toggle-share-screen', toggleSubtitles: 'toggle-subtitles', toggleTileView: 'toggle-tile-view', toggleVirtualBackgroundDialog: 'toggle-virtual-background', toggleVideo: 'toggle-video' }; /** * Maps the names of the events expected by the API with the name of the * events expected by jitsi-meet. */ const events = { 'avatar-changed': 'avatarChanged', 'audio-availability-changed': 'audioAvailabilityChanged', 'audio-mute-status-changed': 'audioMuteStatusChanged', 'audio-or-video-sharing-toggled': 'audioOrVideoSharingToggled', 'breakout-rooms-updated': 'breakoutRoomsUpdated', 'browser-support': 'browserSupport', 'camera-error': 'cameraError', 'chat-updated': 'chatUpdated', 'content-sharing-participants-changed': 'contentSharingParticipantsChanged', 'data-channel-opened': 'dataChannelOpened', 'device-list-changed': 'deviceListChanged', 'display-name-change': 'displayNameChange', 'email-change': 'emailChange', 'error-occurred': 'errorOccurred', 'endpoint-text-message-received': 'endpointTextMessageReceived', 'face-landmark-detected': 'faceLandmarkDetected', 'feedback-submitted': 'feedbackSubmitted', 'feedback-prompt-displayed': 'feedbackPromptDisplayed', 'filmstrip-display-changed': 'filmstripDisplayChanged', 'iframe-dock-state-changed': 'iframeDockStateChanged', 'incoming-message': 'incomingMessage', 'knocking-participant': 'knockingParticipant', 'log': 'log', 'mic-error': 'micError', 'moderation-participant-approved': 'moderationParticipantApproved', 'moderation-participant-rejected': 'moderationParticipantRejected', 'moderation-status-changed': 'moderationStatusChanged', 'mouse-enter': 'mouseEnter', 'mouse-leave': 'mouseLeave', 'mouse-move': 'mouseMove', 'outgoing-message': 'outgoingMessage', 'participant-joined': 'participantJoined', 'participant-kicked-out': 'participantKickedOut', 'participant-left': 'participantLeft', 'participant-role-changed': 'participantRoleChanged', 'participants-pane-toggled': 'participantsPaneToggled', 'password-required': 'passwordRequired', 'prejoin-screen-loaded': 'prejoinScreenLoaded', 'proxy-connection-event': 'proxyConnectionEvent', 'raise-hand-updated': 'raiseHandUpdated', 'recording-link-available': 'recordingLinkAvailable', 'recording-status-changed': 'recordingStatusChanged', 'video-ready-to-close': 'readyToClose', 'video-conference-joined': 'videoConferenceJoined', 'video-conference-left': 'videoConferenceLeft', 'video-availability-changed': 'videoAvailabilityChanged', 'video-mute-status-changed': 'videoMuteStatusChanged', 'video-quality-changed': 'videoQualityChanged', 'screen-sharing-status-changed': 'screenSharingStatusChanged', 'dominant-speaker-changed': 'dominantSpeakerChanged', 'subject-change': 'subjectChange', 'suspend-detected': 'suspendDetected', 'tile-view-changed': 'tileViewChanged', 'toolbar-button-clicked': 'toolbarButtonClicked' }; /** * Last id of api object. * * @type {number} */ let id = 0; /** * Adds given number to the numberOfParticipants property of given APIInstance. * * @param {JitsiMeetExternalAPI} APIInstance - The instance of the API. * @param {int} number - The number of participants to be added to * numberOfParticipants property (this parameter can be negative number if the * numberOfParticipants should be decreased). * @returns {void} */ function changeParticipantNumber(APIInstance, number) { APIInstance._numberOfParticipants += number; } /** * Generates the URL for the iframe. * * @param {string} domain - The domain name of the server that hosts the * conference. * @param {string} [options] - Another optional parameters. * @param {Object} [options.configOverwrite] - Object containing configuration * options defined in config.js to be overridden. * @param {Object} [options.interfaceConfigOverwrite] - Object containing * configuration options defined in interface_config.js to be overridden. * @param {string} [options.jwt] - The JWT token if needed by jitsi-meet for * authentication. * @param {string} [options.lang] - The meeting's default language. * @param {string} [options.roomName] - The name of the room to join. * @returns {string} The URL. */ function generateURL(domain, options = {}) { return urlObjectToString({ ...options, url: `https://${domain}/#jitsi_meet_external_api_id=${id}` }); } /** * Parses the arguments passed to the constructor. If the old format is used * the function translates the arguments to the new format. * * @param {Array} args - The arguments to be parsed. * @returns {Object} JS object with properties. */ function parseArguments(args) { if (!args.length) { return {}; } const firstArg = args[0]; switch (typeof firstArg) { case 'string': // old arguments format case 'undefined': { // Not sure which format but we are trying to parse the old // format because if the new format is used everything will be undefined // anyway. const [ roomName, width, height, parentNode, configOverwrite, interfaceConfigOverwrite, jwt, onload, lang ] = args; return { roomName, width, height, parentNode, configOverwrite, interfaceConfigOverwrite, jwt, onload, lang }; } case 'object': // new arguments format return args[0]; default: throw new Error('Can\'t parse the arguments!'); } } /** * Compute valid values for height and width. If a number is specified it's * treated as pixel units. If the value is expressed in px, em, pt or * percentage, it's used as is. * * @param {any} value - The value to be parsed. * @returns {string|undefined} The parsed value that can be used for setting * sizes through the style property. If invalid value is passed the method * returns undefined. */ function parseSizeParam(value) { let parsedValue; // This regex parses values of the form 100px, 100em, 100pt or 100%. // Values like 100 or 100px are handled outside of the regex, and // invalid values will be ignored and the minimum will be used. const re = /([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)(em|pt|px|%)$/; if (typeof value === 'string' && String(value).match(re) !== null) { parsedValue = value; } else if (typeof value === 'number') { parsedValue = `${value}px`; } return parsedValue; } /** * The IFrame API interface class. */ export default class JitsiMeetExternalAPI extends EventEmitter { /** * Constructs new API instance. Creates iframe and loads Jitsi Meet in it. * * @param {string} domain - The domain name of the server that hosts the * conference. * @param {Object} [options] - Optional arguments. * @param {string} [options.roomName] - The name of the room to join. * @param {number|string} [options.width] - Width of the iframe. Check * parseSizeParam for format details. * @param {number|string} [options.height] - Height of the iframe. Check * parseSizeParam for format details. * @param {DOMElement} [options.parentNode] - The node that will contain the * iframe. * @param {Object} [options.configOverwrite] - Object containing * configuration options defined in config.js to be overridden. * @param {Object} [options.interfaceConfigOverwrite] - Object containing * configuration options defined in interface_config.js to be overridden. * @param {string} [options.jwt] - The JWT token if needed by jitsi-meet for * authentication. * @param {string} [options.lang] - The meeting's default language. * @param {string} [options.onload] - The onload function that will listen * for iframe onload event. * @param {Array} [options.invitees] - Array of objects containing * information about new participants that will be invited in the call. * @param {Array} [options.devices] - Array of objects containing * information about the initial devices that will be used in the call. * @param {Object} [options.userInfo] - Object containing information about * the participant opening the meeting. * @param {string} [options.e2eeKey] - The key used for End-to-End encryption. * THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL. * @param {string} [options.release] - The key used for specifying release if enabled on the backend. */ constructor(domain, ...args) { super(); const { roomName = '', width = '100%', height = '100%', parentNode = document.body, configOverwrite = {}, interfaceConfigOverwrite = {}, jwt = undefined, lang = undefined, onload = undefined, invitees, devices, userInfo, e2eeKey, release } = parseArguments(args); const localStorageContent = jitsiLocalStorage.getItem('jitsiLocalStorage'); this._parentNode = parentNode; this._url = generateURL(domain, { configOverwrite, interfaceConfigOverwrite, jwt, lang, roomName, devices, userInfo, appData: { localStorageContent }, release }); this._createIFrame(height, width, onload); this._transport = new Transport({ backend: new PostMessageTransportBackend({ postisOptions: { allowedOrigin: new URL(this._url).origin, scope: `jitsi_meet_external_api_${id}`, window: this._frame.contentWindow } }) }); if (Array.isArray(invitees) && invitees.length > 0) { this.invite(invitees); } this._tmpE2EEKey = e2eeKey; this._isLargeVideoVisible = false; this._isPrejoinVideoVisible = false; this._numberOfParticipants = 0; this._participants = {}; this._myUserID = undefined; this._onStageParticipant = undefined; this._setupListeners(); id++; } /** * Creates the iframe element. * * @param {number|string} height - The height of the iframe. Check * parseSizeParam for format details. * @param {number|string} width - The with of the iframe. Check * parseSizeParam for format details. * @param {Function} onload - The function that will listen * for onload event. * @returns {void} * * @private */ _createIFrame(height, width, onload) { const frameName = `jitsiConferenceFrame${id}`; this._frame = document.createElement('iframe'); this._frame.allow = 'camera; microphone; display-capture; autoplay; clipboard-write'; this._frame.src = this._url; = frameName; = frameName; this._setSize(height, width); this._frame.setAttribute('allowFullScreen', 'true'); = 0; if (onload) { // waits for iframe resources to load // and fires event when it is done this._frame.onload = onload; } this._frame = this._parentNode.appendChild(this._frame); } /** * Returns arrays with the all resources for the always on top feature. * * @returns {Array} */ _getAlwaysOnTopResources() { const iframeWindow = this._frame.contentWindow; const iframeDocument = iframeWindow.document; let baseURL = ''; const base = iframeDocument.querySelector('base'); if (base && base.href) { baseURL = base.href; } else { const { protocol, host } = iframeWindow.location; baseURL = `${protocol}//${host}`; } return filename => new URL(filename, baseURL).href ); } /** * Returns the formatted display name of a participant. * * @param {string} participantId - The id of the participant. * @returns {string} The formatted display name. */ _getFormattedDisplayName(participantId) { const { formattedDisplayName } = this._participants[participantId] || {}; return formattedDisplayName; } /** * Returns the id of the on stage participant. * * @returns {string} - The id of the on stage participant. */ _getOnStageParticipant() { return this._onStageParticipant; } /** * Getter for the large video element in Jitsi Meet. * * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} - The large video. */ _getLargeVideo() { const iframe = this.getIFrame(); if (!this._isLargeVideoVisible || !iframe || !iframe.contentWindow || !iframe.contentWindow.document) { return; } return iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById('largeVideo'); } /** * Getter for the prejoin video element in Jitsi Meet. * * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} - The prejoin video. */ _getPrejoinVideo() { const iframe = this.getIFrame(); if (!this._isPrejoinVideoVisible || !iframe || !iframe.contentWindow || !iframe.contentWindow.document) { return; } return iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById('prejoinVideo'); } /** * Getter for participant specific video element in Jitsi Meet. * * @param {string|undefined} participantId - Id of participant to return the video for. * * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} - The requested video. Will return the local video * by default if participantId is undefined. */ _getParticipantVideo(participantId) { const iframe = this.getIFrame(); if (!iframe || !iframe.contentWindow || !iframe.contentWindow.document) { return; } if (typeof participantId === 'undefined' || participantId === this._myUserID) { return iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById('localVideo_container'); } return iframe.contentWindow.document.querySelector(`#participant_${participantId} video`); } /** * Sets the size of the iframe element. * * @param {number|string} height - The height of the iframe. * @param {number|string} width - The with of the iframe. * @returns {void} * * @private */ _setSize(height, width) { const parsedHeight = parseSizeParam(height); const parsedWidth = parseSizeParam(width); if (parsedHeight !== undefined) { this._height = height; = parsedHeight; } if (parsedWidth !== undefined) { this._width = width; = parsedWidth; } } /** * Setups listeners that are used internally for JitsiMeetExternalAPI. * * @returns {void} * * @private */ _setupListeners() { this._transport.on('event', ({ name, }) => { const userID =; switch (name) { case 'video-conference-joined': { if (typeof this._tmpE2EEKey !== 'undefined') { this.executeCommand(commands.e2eeKey, this._tmpE2EEKey); this._tmpE2EEKey = undefined; } this._myUserID = userID; this._participants[userID] = { email:, avatarURL: data.avatarURL }; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough case 'participant-joined': { this._participants[userID] = this._participants[userID] || {}; this._participants[userID].displayName = data.displayName; this._participants[userID].formattedDisplayName = data.formattedDisplayName; changeParticipantNumber(this, 1); break; } case 'participant-left': changeParticipantNumber(this, -1); delete this._participants[userID]; break; case 'display-name-change': { const user = this._participants[userID]; if (user) { user.displayName = data.displayname; user.formattedDisplayName = data.formattedDisplayName; } break; } case 'email-change': { const user = this._participants[userID]; if (user) { =; } break; } case 'avatar-changed': { const user = this._participants[userID]; if (user) { user.avatarURL = data.avatarURL; } break; } case 'on-stage-participant-changed': this._onStageParticipant = userID; this.emit('largeVideoChanged'); break; case 'large-video-visibility-changed': this._isLargeVideoVisible = data.isVisible; this.emit('largeVideoChanged'); break; case 'prejoin-screen-loaded': this._participants[userID] = { displayName: data.displayName, formattedDisplayName: data.formattedDisplayName }; break; case 'on-prejoin-video-changed': this._isPrejoinVideoVisible = data.isVisible; this.emit('prejoinVideoChanged'); break; case 'video-conference-left': changeParticipantNumber(this, -1); delete this._participants[this._myUserID]; break; case 'video-quality-changed': this._videoQuality = data.videoQuality; break; case 'breakout-rooms-updated': this.updateNumberOfParticipants(data.rooms); break; case 'local-storage-changed': jitsiLocalStorage.setItem('jitsiLocalStorage', data.localStorageContent); // Since this is internal event we don't need to emit it to the consumer of the API. return true; } const eventName = events[name]; if (eventName) { this.emit(eventName, data); return true; } return false; }); } /** * Update number of participants based on all rooms. * * @param {Object} rooms - Rooms available rooms in the conference. * @returns {void} */ updateNumberOfParticipants(rooms) { if (!rooms || !Object.keys(rooms).length) { return; } const allParticipants = Object.keys(rooms).reduce((prev, roomItemKey) => { if (rooms[roomItemKey]?.participants) { return Object.keys(rooms[roomItemKey].participants).length + prev; } return prev; }, 0); this._numberOfParticipants = allParticipants; } /** * Returns the rooms info in the conference. * * @returns {Object} Rooms info. */ async getRoomsInfo() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'rooms-info' }); } /** * Adds event listener to Meet Jitsi. * * @param {string} event - The name of the event. * @param {Function} listener - The listener. * @returns {void} * * @deprecated * NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes. */ addEventListener(event, listener) { this.on(event, listener); } /** * Adds event listeners to Meet Jitsi. * * @param {Object} listeners - The object key should be the name of * the event and value - the listener. * Currently we support the following * events: * {@code log} - receives event notifications whenever information has * been logged and has a log level specified within {@code config.apiLogLevels}. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * logLevel: the message log level * arguments: an array of strings that compose the actual log message * }} * {@code chatUpdated} - receives event notifications about chat state being * updated. The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * 'unreadCount': unreadCounter, // the unread message(s) counter, * 'isOpen': isOpen, // whether the chat panel is open or not * }} * {@code incomingMessage} - receives event notifications about incoming * messages. The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * 'from': from,//JID of the user that sent the message * 'nick': nick,//the nickname of the user that sent the message * 'message': txt//the text of the message * }} * {@code outgoingMessage} - receives event notifications about outgoing * messages. The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * 'message': txt//the text of the message * }} * {@code displayNameChanged} - receives event notifications about display * name change. The listener will receive object with the following * structure: * {{ * jid: jid,//the JID of the participant that changed his display name * displayname: displayName //the new display name * }} * {@code participantJoined} - receives event notifications about new * participant. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * jid: jid //the jid of the participant * }} * {@code participantLeft} - receives event notifications about the * participant that left the room. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * jid: jid //the jid of the participant * }} * {@code videoConferenceJoined} - receives event notifications about the * local user has successfully joined the video conference. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * roomName: room //the room name of the conference * }} * {@code videoConferenceLeft} - receives event notifications about the * local user has left the video conference. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * roomName: room //the room name of the conference * }} * {@code screenSharingStatusChanged} - receives event notifications about * turning on/off the local user screen sharing. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * on: on //whether screen sharing is on * }} * {@code dominantSpeakerChanged} - receives event notifications about * change in the dominant speaker. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * id: participantId //participantId of the new dominant speaker * }} * {@code suspendDetected} - receives event notifications about detecting suspend event in host computer. * {@code readyToClose} - all hangup operations are completed and Jitsi Meet * is ready to be disposed. * @returns {void} * * @deprecated * NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes. */ addEventListeners(listeners) { for (const event in listeners) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in this.addEventListener(event, listeners[event]); } } /** * Captures the screenshot of the large video. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with a base64 encoded image data of the screenshot * if large video is detected, an error otherwise. */ captureLargeVideoScreenshot() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'capture-largevideo-screenshot' }); } /** * Removes the listeners and removes the Jitsi Meet frame. * * @returns {void} */ dispose() { this.emit('_willDispose'); this._transport.dispose(); this.removeAllListeners(); if (this._frame && this._frame.parentNode) { this._frame.parentNode.removeChild(this._frame); } } /** * Executes command. The available commands are: * {@code displayName} - Sets the display name of the local participant to * the value passed in the arguments array. * {@code subject} - Sets the subject of the conference, the value passed * in the arguments array. Note: Available only for moderator. * * {@code toggleAudio} - Mutes / unmutes audio with no arguments. * {@code toggleVideo} - Mutes / unmutes video with no arguments. * {@code toggleFilmStrip} - Hides / shows the filmstrip with no arguments. * * If the command doesn't require any arguments the parameter should be set * to empty array or it may be omitted. * * @param {string} name - The name of the command. * @returns {void} */ executeCommand(name, ...args) { if (!(name in commands)) { console.error('Not supported command name.'); return; } this._transport.sendEvent({ data: args, name: commands[name] }); } /** * Executes commands. The available commands are: * {@code displayName} - Sets the display name of the local participant to * the value passed in the arguments array. * {@code toggleAudio} - Mutes / unmutes audio. No arguments. * {@code toggleVideo} - Mutes / unmutes video. No arguments. * {@code toggleFilmStrip} - Hides / shows the filmstrip. No arguments. * {@code toggleChat} - Hides / shows chat. No arguments. * {@code toggleShareScreen} - Starts / stops screen sharing. No arguments. * * @param {Object} commandList - The object with commands to be executed. * The keys of the object are the commands that will be executed and the * values are the arguments for the command. * @returns {void} */ executeCommands(commandList) { for (const key in commandList) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in this.executeCommand(key, commandList[key]); } } /** * Returns Promise that resolves with a list of available devices. * * @returns {Promise} */ getAvailableDevices() { return getAvailableDevices(this._transport); } /** * Gets a list of the currently sharing participant id's. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the list of participant id's currently sharing. */ getContentSharingParticipants() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'get-content-sharing-participants' }); } /** * Returns Promise that resolves with current selected devices. * * @returns {Promise} */ getCurrentDevices() { return getCurrentDevices(this._transport); } /** * Returns any custom avatars backgrounds. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the list of custom avatar backgrounds. */ getCustomAvatarBackgrounds() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'get-custom-avatar-backgrounds' }); } /** * Returns the current livestream url. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the current livestream URL if exists, with * undefined if not and rejects on failure. */ getLivestreamUrl() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'get-livestream-url' }); } /** * Returns the conference participants information. * * @returns {Array} - Returns an array containing participants * information like participant id, display name, avatar URL and email. */ getParticipantsInfo() { const participantIds = Object.keys(this._participants); const participantsInfo = Object.values(this._participants); participantsInfo.forEach((participant, idx) => { participant.participantId = participantIds[idx]; }); return participantsInfo; } /** * Returns the current video quality setting. * * @returns {number} */ getVideoQuality() { return this._videoQuality; } /** * Check if the audio is available. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with true if the audio available, with * false if not and rejects on failure. */ isAudioAvailable() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'is-audio-available' }); } /** * Returns Promise that resolves with true if the device change is available * and with false if not. * * @param {string} [deviceType] - Values - 'output', 'input' or undefined. * Default - 'input'. * @returns {Promise} */ isDeviceChangeAvailable(deviceType) { return isDeviceChangeAvailable(this._transport, deviceType); } /** * Returns Promise that resolves with true if the device list is available * and with false if not. * * @returns {Promise} */ isDeviceListAvailable() { return isDeviceListAvailable(this._transport); } /** * Returns Promise that resolves with true if multiple audio input is supported * and with false if not. * * @returns {Promise} */ isMultipleAudioInputSupported() { return isMultipleAudioInputSupported(this._transport); } /** * Invite people to the call. * * @param {Array} invitees - The invitees. * @returns {Promise} - Resolves on success and rejects on failure. */ invite(invitees) { if (!Array.isArray(invitees) || invitees.length === 0) { return Promise.reject(new TypeError('Invalid Argument')); } return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'invite', invitees }); } /** * Returns the audio mute status. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the audio mute status and rejects on * failure. */ isAudioMuted() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'is-audio-muted' }); } /** * Returns the audio disabled status. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the audio disabled status and rejects on * failure. */ isAudioDisabled() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'is-audio-disabled' }); } /** * Returns the moderation on status on the given mediaType. * * @param {string} mediaType - The media type for which to check moderation. * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the moderation on status and rejects on * failure. */ isModerationOn(mediaType) { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'is-moderation-on', mediaType }); } /** * Returns force muted status of the given participant id for the given media type. * * @param {string} participantId - The id of the participant to check. * @param {string} mediaType - The media type for which to check. * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the force muted status and rejects on * failure. */ isParticipantForceMuted(participantId, mediaType) { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'is-participant-force-muted', participantId, mediaType }); } /** * Returns whether the participants pane is open. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with true if the participants pane is open * and with false if not. */ isParticipantsPaneOpen() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'is-participants-pane-open' }); } /** * Returns screen sharing status. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with screensharing status and rejects on failure. */ isSharingScreen() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'is-sharing-screen' }); } /** * Returns whether meeting is started silent. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with start silent status. */ isStartSilent() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'is-start-silent' }); } /** * Returns the avatar URL of a participant. * * @param {string} participantId - The id of the participant. * @returns {string} The avatar URL. */ getAvatarURL(participantId) { const { avatarURL } = this._participants[participantId] || {}; return avatarURL; } /** * Gets the deployment info. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the deployment info object. */ getDeploymentInfo() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'deployment-info' }); } /** * Returns the display name of a participant. * * @param {string} participantId - The id of the participant. * @returns {string} The display name. */ getDisplayName(participantId) { const { displayName } = this._participants[participantId] || {}; return displayName; } /** * Returns the email of a participant. * * @param {string} participantId - The id of the participant. * @returns {string} The email. */ getEmail(participantId) { const { email } = this._participants[participantId] || {}; return email; } /** * Returns the iframe that loads Jitsi Meet. * * @returns {HTMLElement} The iframe. */ getIFrame() { return this._frame; } /** * Returns the number of participants in the conference from all rooms. The local * participant is included. * * @returns {int} The number of participants in the conference. */ getNumberOfParticipants() { return this._numberOfParticipants; } /** * Check if the video is available. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with true if the video available, with * false if not and rejects on failure. */ isVideoAvailable() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'is-video-available' }); } /** * Returns the audio mute status. * * @returns {Promise} - Resolves with the audio mute status and rejects on * failure. */ isVideoMuted() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'is-video-muted' }); } /** * Returns the list of breakout rooms. * * @returns {Promise} Resolves with the list of breakout rooms. */ listBreakoutRooms() { return this._transport.sendRequest({ name: 'list-breakout-rooms' }); } /** * Pins a participant's video on to the stage view. * * @param {string} participantId - Participant id (JID) of the participant * that needs to be pinned on the stage view. * @param {string} [videoType] - Indicates the type of thumbnail to be pinned when multistream support is enabled. * Accepts "camera" or "desktop" values. Default is "camera". Any invalid values will be ignored and default will * be used. * @returns {void} */ pinParticipant(participantId, videoType) { this.executeCommand('pinParticipant', participantId, videoType); } /** * Removes event listener. * * @param {string} event - The name of the event. * @returns {void} * * @deprecated * NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes. */ removeEventListener(event) { this.removeAllListeners(event); } /** * Removes event listeners. * * @param {Array} eventList - Array with the names of the events. * @returns {void} * * @deprecated * NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes. */ removeEventListeners(eventList) { eventList.forEach(event => this.removeEventListener(event)); } /** * Resizes the large video container as per the dimensions provided. * * @param {number} width - Width that needs to be applied on the large video container. * @param {number} height - Height that needs to be applied on the large video container. * @returns {void} */ resizeLargeVideo(width, height) { if (width <= this._width && height <= this._height) { this.executeCommand('resizeLargeVideo', width, height); } } /** * Passes an event along to the local conference participant to establish * or update a direct peer connection. This is currently used for developing * wireless screensharing with room integration and it is advised against to * use as its api may change. * * @param {Object} event - An object with information to pass along. * @param {Object} - The payload of the event. * @param {string} event.from - The jid of the sender of the event. Needed * when a reply is to be sent regarding the event. * @returns {void} */ sendProxyConnectionEvent(event) { this._transport.sendEvent({ data: [ event ], name: 'proxy-connection-event' }); } /** * Sets the audio input device to the one with the label or id that is * passed. * * @param {string} label - The label of the new device. * @param {string} deviceId - The id of the new device. * @returns {Promise} */ setAudioInputDevice(label, deviceId) { return setAudioInputDevice(this._transport, label, deviceId); } /** * Sets the audio output device to the one with the label or id that is * passed. * * @param {string} label - The label of the new device. * @param {string} deviceId - The id of the new device. * @returns {Promise} */ setAudioOutputDevice(label, deviceId) { return setAudioOutputDevice(this._transport, label, deviceId); } /** * Displays the given participant on the large video. If no participant id is specified, * dominant and pinned speakers will be taken into consideration while selecting the * the large video participant. * * @param {string} participantId - Jid of the participant to be displayed on the large video. * @param {string} [videoType] - Indicates the type of video to be set when multistream support is enabled. * Accepts "camera" or "desktop" values. Default is "camera". Any invalid values will be ignored and default will * be used. * @returns {void} */ setLargeVideoParticipant(participantId, videoType) { this.executeCommand('setLargeVideoParticipant', participantId, videoType); } /** * Sets the video input device to the one with the label or id that is * passed. * * @param {string} label - The label of the new device. * @param {string} deviceId - The id of the new device. * @returns {Promise} */ setVideoInputDevice(label, deviceId) { return setVideoInputDevice(this._transport, label, deviceId); } /** * Starts a file recording or streaming session depending on the passed on params. * For RTMP streams, `rtmpStreamKey` must be passed on. `rtmpBroadcastID` is optional. * For youtube streams, `youtubeStreamKey` must be passed on. `youtubeBroadcastID` is optional. * For dropbox recording, recording `mode` should be `file` and a dropbox oauth2 token must be provided. * For file recording, recording `mode` should be `file` and optionally `shouldShare` could be passed on. * No other params should be passed. * * @param {Object} options - An object with config options to pass along. * @param { string } options.mode - Recording mode, either `file` or `stream`. * @param { string } options.dropboxToken - Dropbox oauth2 token. * @param { boolean } options.shouldShare - Whether the recording should be shared with the participants or not. * Only applies to certain jitsi meet deploys. * @param { string } options.rtmpStreamKey - The RTMP stream key. * @param { string } options.rtmpBroadcastID - The RTMP broadcast ID. * @param { string } options.youtubeStreamKey - The youtube stream key. * @param { string } options.youtubeBroadcastID - The youtube broadcast ID. * @returns {void} */ startRecording(options) { this.executeCommand('startRecording', options); } /** * Stops a recording or streaming session that is in progress. * * @param {string} mode - `file` or `stream`. * @returns {void} */ stopRecording(mode) { this.executeCommand('stopRecording', mode); } /** * Sets e2ee enabled/disabled. * * @param {boolean} enabled - The new value for e2ee enabled. * @returns {void} */ toggleE2EE(enabled) { this.executeCommand('toggleE2EE', enabled); } /** * Sets the key and keyIndex for e2ee. * * @param {Object} keyInfo - Json containing key information. * @param {CryptoKey} [keyInfo.encryptionKey] - The encryption key. * @param {number} [keyInfo.index] - The index of the encryption key. * @returns {void} */ async setMediaEncryptionKey(keyInfo) { const { key, index } = keyInfo; if (key) { const exportedKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey('raw', key); this.executeCommand('setMediaEncryptionKey', JSON.stringify({ exportedKey: Array.from(new Uint8Array(exportedKey)), index })); } else { this.executeCommand('setMediaEncryptionKey', JSON.stringify({ exportedKey: false, index })); } } }