import { IReduxState, IStore } from '../../app/types'; import { MEDIA_TYPE, VIDEO_TYPE } from '../media/constants'; import { getParticipantById, isScreenShareParticipant } from '../participants/functions'; import { getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant, getVideoTrackByParticipant } from '../tracks/functions'; /** * Indicates whether the test mode is enabled. When it's enabled * {@link TestHint} and other components from the testing package will be * rendered in various places across the app to help with automatic testing. * * @param {IReduxState} state - The redux store state. * @returns {boolean} */ export function isTestModeEnabled(state: IReduxState): boolean { const testingConfig = state['features/base/config'].testing; return Boolean(testingConfig?.testMode); } /** * Returns the video type of the remote participant's video. * * @param {IStore} store - The redux store. * @param {string} id - The participant ID for the remote video. * @returns {VIDEO_TYPE} */ export function getRemoteVideoType({ getState }: IStore, id: string) { const state = getState(); const participant = getParticipantById(state, id); if (isScreenShareParticipant(participant)) { return VIDEO_TYPE.DESKTOP; } return getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(state['features/base/tracks'], MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, id)?.videoType; } /** * Returns whether the last media event received for large video indicates that the video is playing, if not muted. * * @param {IStore} store - The redux store. * @returns {boolean} */ export function isLargeVideoReceived({ getState }: IStore): boolean { const state = getState(); const largeVideoParticipantId = state['features/large-video'].participantId ?? ''; const largeVideoParticipant = getParticipantById(state, largeVideoParticipantId ?? ''); const videoTrack = getVideoTrackByParticipant(state, largeVideoParticipant); const lastMediaEvent = state['features/large-video']?.lastMediaEvent; return Boolean(videoTrack && !videoTrack.muted && (lastMediaEvent === 'playing' || lastMediaEvent === 'canplaythrough')); } /** * Returns whether the last media event received for a remote video indicates that the video is playing, if not muted. * * @param {IStore} store - The redux store. * @param {string} id - The participant ID for the remote video. * @returns {boolean} */ export function isRemoteVideoReceived({ getState }: IStore, id: string): boolean { const state = getState(); const participant = getParticipantById(state, id); const videoTrack = getVideoTrackByParticipant(state, participant); const lastMediaEvent = videoTrack?.lastMediaEvent; return Boolean(videoTrack && !videoTrack.muted && (lastMediaEvent === 'playing' || lastMediaEvent === 'canplaythrough')); }