// Default color palette export const colors = { error03: '#7A141F', error04: '#A21B29', error05: '#CB2233', error06: '#D83848', error08: '#F24D5F', primary01: '#00112D', primary02: '#00225A', primary03: '#003486', primary04: '#0045B3', primary05: '#0056E0', primary06: '#246FE5', primary07: '#4687ED', primary08: '#99BBF3', primary09: '#CCDDF9', surface01: '#040404', surface02: '#141414', surface03: '#292929', surface04: '#3D3D3D', surface05: '#525252', surface06: '#666', surface07: '#858585', surface08: '#A3A3A3', surface09: '#C2C2C2', surface10: '#E0E0E0', surface11: '#FFF', success04: '#189B55', success05: '#1EC26A', warning05: '#F8AE1A', warning06: '#FFD600', support01: '#FF9B42', support02: '#F96E57', support03: '#DF486F', support04: '#B23683', support05: '#73348C', support06: '#6A50D3', support07: '#4380E2', support08: '#00A8B3', support09: '#2AA076', // The following tokens are not in the Design System and they should be removed // after we replace them in the components. primary10: '#17A0DB', primary11: '#1081B2', primary12: '#B8C7E0', surface00: '#111111', surface12: '#AAAAAA', surface13: '#495258', surface14: '#555555', surface15: '#474747', surface16: '#131519', surface17: '#161618', warning07: '#FFD740', disabled01: '#00000040' }; // Mapping between the token used and the color export const colorMap = { // ----- Surfaces ----- // Default page background uiBackground: 'surface01', // Container backgrounds ui01: 'surface02', ui02: 'surface03', ui03: 'surface04', ui04: 'surface05', ui05: 'surface06', ui06: 'surface07', ui07: 'surface08', ui08: 'surface09', ui09: 'surface10', ui10: 'surface11', // ----- Actions ----- // Primary action01: 'primary06', action01Hover: 'primary07', action01Active: 'primary04', // Secondary action02: 'surface10', action02Hover: 'surface11', action02Active: 'surface09', // Destructive actionDanger: 'error05', actionDangerHover: 'error06', actionDangerActive: 'error04', // Tertiary action03: 'transparent', action03Hover: 'surface04', action03Active: 'surface03', // Disabled disabled01: 'surface09', // Focus focus01: 'primary07', // ----- Links ----- link01: 'primary07', link01Hover: 'primary08', link01Active: 'primary06', // ----- Text ----- // Primary text01: 'surface11', // Secondary text02: 'surface09', // Tertiary text03: 'surface07', // High-contrast text04: 'surface01', // Error textError: 'error08', // ----- Icons ----- // Primary icon01: 'surface11', // Secondary icon02: 'surface09', // Tertiary icon03: 'surface07', // High-contrast icon04: 'surface01', // Error iconError: 'error06', // ----- Forms ----- field01: 'surface04', // ----- Feedback ----- // Success success01: 'success05', success02: 'success04', // Warning warning01: 'warning05', warning02: 'warning06', // ----- Support ----- support01: 'support01', support02: 'support02', support03: 'support03', support04: 'support04', support05: 'support05', support06: 'support06', support07: 'support07', support08: 'support08', support09: 'support09', // The following mappings are not in the Design System and they should be removed // after we replace them in the components. ui00: 'surface00', ui12: 'surface11', ui13: 'surface14', ui14: 'surface15', ui15: 'surface12', ui16: 'surface16', action04: 'primary11', action03Focus: 'surface07', action03Disabled: 'transparent', actionDisabled: 'surface09', icon05: 'surface04', text05: 'surface06', text06: 'surface03', text07Info: 'surface02', screen01Header: 'primary10', screen02Header: 'surface17', underlay01: 'surface13', bottomSheet: 'surface00', dividerColor: 'surface12', indicatorColor: 'surface12', section01: 'surface10', border01: 'surface08', border02: 'surface06', border03: 'surface04', border04: 'primary12', border05: 'surface07', borderError: 'error06', warning03: 'warning07', tab01Disabled: 'disabled01', switch01Enabled: 'success04', switch01Disabled: 'surface06', video01Disabled: 'disabled01', field01Hover: 'surface03', field01Focus: 'primary05', field01Disabled: 'surface05', field02: 'surface11', field02Hover: 'primary09', field02Focus: 'primary05', field02Disabled: 'surface06' }; export const font = { weightRegular: '400', weightSemiBold: '600' }; export const shape = { borderRadius: 6, boxShadow: 'inset 0px -1px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)' }; export const spacing = [ 0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128 ]; export const typography = { labelRegular: { fontSize: 12, lineHeight: 16, fontWeight: font.weightRegular, letterSpacing: 0.16 }, labelBold: { fontSize: 12, lineHeight: 16, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0.16 }, bodyShortRegular: { fontSize: 14, lineHeight: 20, fontWeight: font.weightRegular, letterSpacing: 0 }, bodyShortBold: { fontSize: 14, lineHeight: 20, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, bodyShortRegularLarge: { fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 22, fontWeight: font.weightRegular, letterSpacing: 0 }, bodyShortBoldLarge: { fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 22, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, bodyLongRegular: { fontSize: 14, lineHeight: 24, fontWeight: font.weightRegular, letterSpacing: 0 }, bodyLongRegularLarge: { fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 26, fontWeight: font.weightRegular, letterSpacing: 0 }, bodyLongBold: { fontSize: 14, lineHeight: 24, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, bodyLongBoldLarge: { fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 26, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, heading1: { fontSize: 54, lineHeight: 64, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, heading2: { fontSize: 42, lineHeight: 50, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, heading3: { fontSize: 32, lineHeight: 40, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, heading4: { fontSize: 28, lineHeight: 36, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, heading5: { fontSize: 20, lineHeight: 28, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, heading6: { fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 26, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, // These styles are no longer part of the Design System. // They should be replaced and removed. heading7: { fontSize: 14, lineHeight: 24, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, labelButton: { fontSize: 14, lineHeight: 24, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 }, labelButtonLarge: { fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 24, fontWeight: font.weightSemiBold, letterSpacing: 0 } }; export const breakpoints = { values: { '0': 0, '320': 320, '400': 400, '480': 480 } };