/* global APP */ import HttpConfigFetch from '../../../modules/config/HttpConfigFetch'; /** * Promise wrapper on obtain config method. * When HttpConfigFetch will be moved to React app * it's better to use load config instead. * * @param {string} location - URL of the domain. * @param {string} room - Room name. * @returns {Promise} */ export function obtainConfig(location, room) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { HttpConfigFetch.obtainConfig(location, room, (success, error) => { if (success) { resolve(); } else { reject(error); } }); }); } /** * If JWT token data it will be used for local user settings. * * @returns {void} */ export function setTokenData() { const localUser = APP.tokenData.caller; if (localUser) { const email = localUser.getEmail(); const avatarUrl = localUser.getAvatarUrl(); const name = localUser.getName(); APP.settings.setEmail((email || '').trim(), true); APP.settings.setAvatarUrl((avatarUrl || '').trim()); APP.settings.setDisplayName((name || '').trim(), true); } }