/* @flow */ import _ from 'lodash'; import { _CONFIG_STORE_PREFIX } from './constants'; import parseURLParams from './parseURLParams'; declare var $: Object; /** * The config keys to whitelist, the keys that can be overridden. * Currently we can only whitelist the first part of the properties, like * 'p2p.useStunTurn' and 'p2p.enabled' we whitelist all p2p options. * The whitelist is used only for config.js. * * @private * @type Array */ const WHITELISTED_KEYS = [ '_desktopSharingSourceDevice', '_peerConnStatusOutOfLastNTimeout', '_peerConnStatusRtcMuteTimeout', 'abTesting', 'autoRecord', 'autoRecordToken', 'avgRtpStatsN', 'callFlowsEnabled', 'callStatsConfIDNamespace', 'callStatsID', 'callStatsSecret', /** * The display name of the CallKit call representing the conference/meeting * associated with this config.js including while the call is ongoing in the * UI presented by CallKit and in the system-wide call history. The property * is meant for use cases in which the room name is not desirable as a * display name for CallKit purposes and the desired display name is not * provided in the form of a JWT callee. As the value is associated with a * conference/meeting, the value makes sense not as a deployment-wide * configuration, only as a runtime configuration override/overwrite * provided by, for example, Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS. * * @type string */ 'callDisplayName', /** * The handle * ({@link https://developer.apple.com/documentation/callkit/cxhandle}) of * the CallKit call representing the conference/meeting associated with this * config.js. The property is meant for use cases in which the room URL is * not desirable as the handle for CallKit purposes. As the value is * associated with a conference/meeting, the value makes sense not as a * deployment-wide configuration, only as a runtime configuration * override/overwrite provided by, for example, Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS. * * @type string */ 'callHandle', /** * The UUID of the CallKit call representing the conference/meeting * associated with this config.js. The property is meant for use cases in * which Jitsi Meet is to work with a CallKit call created outside of Jitsi * Meet and to be adopted by Jitsi Meet such as, for example, an incoming * and/or outgoing CallKit call created by Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS * clients/consumers prior to giving control to Jitsi Meet. As the value is * associated with a conference/meeting, the value makes sense not as a * deployment-wide configuration, only as a runtime configuration * override/overwrite provided by, for example, Jitsi Meet SDK for iOS. * * @type string */ 'callUUID', 'channelLastN', 'constraints', 'debug', 'debugAudioLevels', 'defaultLanguage', 'desktopSharingChromeDisabled', 'desktopSharingChromeExtId', 'desktopSharingChromeMinExtVersion', 'desktopSharingChromeSources', 'desktopSharingFrameRate', 'desktopSharingFirefoxDisabled', 'desktopSharingSources', 'disable1On1Mode', 'disableAEC', 'disableAGC', 'disableAP', 'disableAudioLevels', 'disableH264', 'disableHPF', 'disableNS', 'disableRemoteControl', 'disableRtx', 'disableSuspendVideo', 'displayJids', 'e2eping', 'enableDisplayNameInStats', 'enableLayerSuspension', 'enableLipSync', 'enableLocalVideoFlip', 'enableRemb', 'enableStatsID', 'enableTalkWhileMuted', 'enableTcc', 'etherpad_base', 'failICE', 'fileRecordingsEnabled', 'firefox_fake_device', 'forceJVB121Ratio', 'gatherStats', 'googleApiApplicationClientID', 'hiddenDomain', 'hosts', 'iAmRecorder', 'iAmSipGateway', 'iceTransportPolicy', 'ignoreStartMuted', 'liveStreamingEnabled', 'localRecording', 'minParticipants', 'nick', 'openBridgeChannel', 'p2p', 'preferH264', 'requireDisplayName', 'resolution', 'startAudioMuted', 'startAudioOnly', 'startBitrate', 'startScreenSharing', 'startVideoMuted', 'startWithAudioMuted', 'startWithVideoMuted', 'testing', 'useIPv6', 'useNicks', 'useStunTurn', 'webrtcIceTcpDisable', 'webrtcIceUdpDisable' ]; const logger = require('jitsi-meet-logger').getLogger(__filename); // XXX The functions getRoomName and parseURLParams are split out of // functions.js because they are bundled in both app.bundle and // do_external_connect, webpack 1 does not support tree shaking, and we don't // want all functions to be bundled in do_external_connect. export { default as getRoomName } from './getRoomName'; export { parseURLParams }; /** * Promise wrapper on obtain config method. When HttpConfigFetch will be moved * to React app it's better to use load config instead. * * @param {string} location - URL of the domain from which the config is to be * obtained. * @param {string} room - Room name. * @private * @returns {Promise} */ export function obtainConfig(location: string, room: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => _obtainConfig(location, room, (success, error) => { success ? resolve() : reject(error); }) ); } /** * Sends HTTP POST request to specified {@code endpoint}. In request the name * of the room is included in JSON format: * { * "rooomName": "someroom12345" * }. * * @param {string} endpoint - The name of HTTP endpoint to which to send * the HTTP POST request. * @param {string} roomName - The name of the conference room for which config * is requested. * @param {Function} complete - The callback to invoke upon success or failure. * @returns {void} */ function _obtainConfig(endpoint: string, roomName: string, complete: Function) { logger.info(`Send config request to ${endpoint} for room: ${roomName}`); $.ajax( endpoint, { contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify({ roomName }), dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { logger.error('Get config error: ', jqXHR, errorThrown); complete(false, `Get config response status: ${textStatus}`); }, success(data) { const { config, interfaceConfig, loggingConfig } = window; try { overrideConfigJSON( config, interfaceConfig, loggingConfig, data); complete(true); } catch (e) { logger.error('Parse config error: ', e); complete(false, e); } } } ); } /* eslint-disable max-params, no-shadow */ /** * Overrides JSON properties in {@code config} and * {@code interfaceConfig} Objects with the values from {@code newConfig}. * Overrides only the whitelisted keys. * * @param {Object} config - The config Object in which we'll be overriding * properties. * @param {Object} interfaceConfig - The interfaceConfig Object in which we'll * be overriding properties. * @param {Object} loggingConfig - The loggingConfig Object in which we'll be * overriding properties. * @param {Object} json - Object containing configuration properties. * Destination object is selected based on root property name: * { * config: { * // config.js properties here * }, * interfaceConfig: { * // interface_config.js properties here * }, * loggingConfig: { * // logging_config.js properties here * } * }. * @returns {void} */ export function overrideConfigJSON( config: ?Object, interfaceConfig: ?Object, loggingConfig: ?Object, json: Object) { for (const configName of Object.keys(json)) { let configObj; if (configName === 'config') { configObj = config; } else if (configName === 'interfaceConfig') { configObj = interfaceConfig; } else if (configName === 'loggingConfig') { configObj = loggingConfig; } if (configObj) { const configJSON = _getWhitelistedJSON(configName, json[configName]); if (!_.isEmpty(configJSON)) { logger.info( `Extending ${configName} with: ${ JSON.stringify(configJSON)}`); // eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style _.mergeWith(configObj, configJSON, (oldValue, newValue) => { // XXX We don't want to merge the arrays, we want to // overwrite them. return Array.isArray(oldValue) ? newValue : undefined; }); } } } } /* eslint-enable max-params, no-shadow */ /** * Whitelist only config.js, skips this for others configs * (interfaceConfig, loggingConfig). * Only extracts overridden values for keys we allow to be overridden. * * @param {string} configName - The config name, one of config, * interfaceConfig, loggingConfig. * @param {Object} configJSON - The object with keys and values to override. * @private * @returns {Object} - The result object only with the keys * that are whitelisted. */ function _getWhitelistedJSON(configName, configJSON) { if (configName !== 'config') { return configJSON; } return _.pick(configJSON, WHITELISTED_KEYS); } /** * Restores a Jitsi Meet config.js from {@code localStorage} if it was * previously downloaded from a specific {@code baseURL} and stored with * {@link storeConfig}. * * @param {string} baseURL - The base URL from which the config.js was * previously downloaded and stored with {@code storeConfig}. * @returns {?Object} The Jitsi Meet config.js which was previously downloaded * from {@code baseURL} and stored with {@code storeConfig} if it was restored; * otherwise, {@code undefined}. */ export function restoreConfig(baseURL: string): ?Object { let storage; const key = `${_CONFIG_STORE_PREFIX}/${baseURL}`; try { // XXX Even reading the property localStorage of window may throw an // error (which is user agent-specific behavior). storage = window.localStorage; const config = storage.getItem(key); if (config) { return JSON.parse(config) || undefined; } } catch (e) { // Somehow incorrect data ended up in the storage. Clean it up. storage && storage.removeItem(key); } return undefined; } /* eslint-disable max-params */ /** * Inspects the hash part of the location URI and overrides values specified * there in the corresponding config objects given as the arguments. The syntax * is: {@code https://server.com/room#config.debug=true * &interfaceConfig.showButton=false&loggingConfig.something=1}. * * In the hash part each parameter will be parsed to JSON and then the root * object will be matched with the corresponding config object given as the * argument to this function. * * @param {Object} config - This is the general config. * @param {Object} interfaceConfig - This is the interface config. * @param {Object} loggingConfig - The logging config. * @param {URI} location - The new location to which the app is navigating to. * @returns {void} */ export function setConfigFromURLParams( config: ?Object, interfaceConfig: ?Object, loggingConfig: ?Object, location: Object) { const params = parseURLParams(location); const json = {}; // At this point we have: // params = { // "config.disableAudioLevels": false, // "config.channelLastN": -1, // "interfaceConfig.APP_NAME": "Jitsi Meet" // } // We want to have: // json = { // config: { // "disableAudioLevels": false, // "channelLastN": -1 // }, // interfaceConfig: { // "APP_NAME": "Jitsi Meet" // } // } config && (json.config = {}); interfaceConfig && (json.interfaceConfig = {}); loggingConfig && (json.loggingConfig = {}); for (const param of Object.keys(params)) { let base = json; const names = param.split('.'); const last = names.pop(); for (const name of names) { base = base[name] = base[name] || {}; } base[last] = params[param]; } overrideConfigJSON(config, interfaceConfig, loggingConfig, json); } /* eslint-enable max-params */