import { IReduxState } from '../app/types'; import { CONFERENCE_JOINED, CONFERENCE_WILL_LEAVE, SET_ROOM } from '../base/conference/actionTypes'; import { SET_CONFIG } from '../base/config/actionTypes'; import { SET_NETWORK_INFO } from '../base/net-info/actionTypes'; import MiddlewareRegistry from '../base/redux/MiddlewareRegistry'; import { TRACK_ADDED, TRACK_REMOVED, TRACK_UPDATED } from '../base/tracks/actionTypes'; import { getLocalAudioTrack, getLocalVideoTrack } from '../base/tracks/functions'; import { createLocalTracksDurationEvent, createNetworkInfoEvent } from './AnalyticsEvents'; import { UPDATE_LOCAL_TRACKS_DURATION } from './actionTypes'; import { createHandlers, initAnalytics, resetAnalytics, sendAnalytics } from './functions'; /** * Calculates the duration of the local tracks. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state. * @returns {Object} - The local tracks duration. */ function calculateLocalTrackDuration(state: IReduxState) { const now =; const { localTracksDuration } = state['features/analytics']; const { conference } = state['features/base/conference']; const { audio, video } = localTracksDuration; const { camera, desktop } = video; const tracks = state['features/base/tracks']; const audioTrack = getLocalAudioTrack(tracks); const videoTrack = getLocalVideoTrack(tracks); const newDuration = { ...localTracksDuration }; if (!audioTrack || audioTrack.muted || !conference) { = { startedTime: -1, value: audio.value + (audio.startedTime === -1 ? 0 : now - audio.startedTime) }; } else if (audio.startedTime === -1) { = now; } if (!videoTrack || videoTrack.muted || !conference) { = { camera: { startedTime: -1, value: camera.value + (camera.startedTime === -1 ? 0 : now - camera.startedTime) }, desktop: { startedTime: -1, value: desktop.value + (desktop.startedTime === -1 ? 0 : now - desktop.startedTime) } }; } else { const { videoType } = videoTrack; if (video[videoType as keyof typeof video].startedTime === -1) {[videoType as keyof typeof video].startedTime = now; } } return { ...localTracksDuration, ...newDuration }; } /** * Middleware which intercepts config actions to handle evaluating analytics * config based on the config stored in the store. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @returns {Function} */ MiddlewareRegistry.register(store => next => action => { switch (action.type) { case SET_CONFIG: if (navigator.product === 'ReactNative') { // Resetting the analytics is currently not needed for web because // the user will be redirected to another page and new instance of // Analytics will be created and initialized. resetAnalytics(); } break; case SET_ROOM: { // createHandlers is called before the SET_ROOM action is executed in order for Amplitude to initialize before // the deeplinking logic is executed (after the SET_ROOM action) so that the Amplitude device id is available // if needed. const createHandlersPromise = createHandlers(store); const result = next(action); createHandlersPromise.then(handlers => { initAnalytics(store, handlers); }); return result; } } const result = next(action); switch (action.type) { case CONFERENCE_JOINED: { const { dispatch, getState } = store; const state = getState(); dispatch({ type: UPDATE_LOCAL_TRACKS_DURATION, localTracksDuration: { ...calculateLocalTrackDuration(state), conference: { startedTime:, value: 0 } } }); break; } case CONFERENCE_WILL_LEAVE: { const { dispatch, getState } = store; const state = getState(); const { localTracksDuration } = state['features/analytics']; const newLocalTracksDuration = { ...calculateLocalTrackDuration(state), conference: { startedTime: -1, value: - localTracksDuration.conference.startedTime } }; sendAnalytics(createLocalTracksDurationEvent(newLocalTracksDuration)); dispatch({ type: UPDATE_LOCAL_TRACKS_DURATION, localTracksDuration: newLocalTracksDuration }); break; } case SET_NETWORK_INFO: sendAnalytics( createNetworkInfoEvent({ isOnline: action.isOnline, details: action.details, networkType: action.networkType })); break; case TRACK_ADDED: case TRACK_REMOVED: case TRACK_UPDATED: { const { dispatch, getState } = store; const state = getState(); const { localTracksDuration } = state['features/analytics']; if (localTracksDuration.conference.startedTime === -1) { // We don't want to track the media duration if the conference is not joined yet because otherwise we won't // be able to compare them with the conference duration (from conference join to conference will leave). break; } dispatch({ type: UPDATE_LOCAL_TRACKS_DURATION, localTracksDuration: { ...localTracksDuration, ...calculateLocalTrackDuration(state) } }); break; } } return result; });