import _ from 'lodash'; import { IReduxState } from '../app/types'; import { getConferenceTimestamp } from '../base/conference/functions'; import { PARTICIPANT_ROLE } from '../base/participants/constants'; import { getParticipantById } from '../base/participants/functions'; import { FaceLandmarks } from '../face-landmarks/types'; import { THRESHOLD_FIXED_AXIS } from './constants'; import { ISpeaker, ISpeakerStats } from './reducer'; /** * Checks if the speaker stats search is disabled. * * @param {IReduxState} state - The redux state. * @returns {boolean} - True if the speaker stats search is disabled and false otherwise. */ export function isSpeakerStatsSearchDisabled(state: IReduxState) { return state['features/base/config']?.speakerStats?.disableSearch; } /** * Checks if the speaker stats is disabled. * * @param {IReduxState} state - The redux state. * @returns {boolean} - True if the speaker stats search is disabled and false otherwise. */ export function isSpeakerStatsDisabled(state: IReduxState) { return state['features/base/config']?.speakerStats?.disabled; } /** * Gets whether participants in speaker stats should be ordered or not, and with what priority. * * @param {IReduxState} state - The redux state. * @returns {Array} - The speaker stats order array or an empty array. */ export function getSpeakerStatsOrder(state: IReduxState) { return state['features/base/config']?.speakerStats?.order ?? [ 'role', 'name', 'hasLeft' ]; } /** * Gets speaker stats. * * @param {IReduxState} state - The redux state. * @returns {Object} - The speaker stats. */ export function getSpeakerStats(state: IReduxState) { return state['features/speaker-stats']?.stats ?? {}; } /** * Gets speaker stats search criteria. * * @param {IReduxState} state - The redux state. * @returns {string | null} - The search criteria. */ export function getSearchCriteria(state: IReduxState) { return state['features/speaker-stats']?.criteria; } /** * Gets if speaker stats reorder is pending. * * @param {IReduxState} state - The redux state. * @returns {boolean} - The pending reorder flag. */ export function getPendingReorder(state: IReduxState) { return state['features/speaker-stats']?.pendingReorder ?? false; } /** * Get sorted speaker stats ids based on a configuration setting. * * @param {IState} state - The redux state. * @param {IState} stats - The current speaker stats. * @returns {string[] | undefined} - Ordered speaker stats ids. * @public */ export function getSortedSpeakerStatsIds(state: IReduxState, stats: ISpeakerStats) { const orderConfig = getSpeakerStatsOrder(state); if (orderConfig) { const enhancedStats = getEnhancedStatsForOrdering(state, stats, orderConfig); return Object.entries(enhancedStats) .sort(([ , a ], [ , b ]) => compareFn(a, b)) .map(el => el[0]); } /** * * Compares the order of two participants in the speaker stats list. * * @param {ISpeaker} currentParticipant - The first participant for comparison. * @param {ISpeaker} nextParticipant - The second participant for comparison. * @returns {number} - The sort order of the two participants. */ function compareFn(currentParticipant: ISpeaker, nextParticipant: ISpeaker) { if (orderConfig.includes('hasLeft')) { if (nextParticipant.hasLeft() && !currentParticipant.hasLeft()) { return -1; } else if (currentParticipant.hasLeft() && !nextParticipant.hasLeft()) { return 1; } } let result = 0; for (const sortCriteria of orderConfig) { switch (sortCriteria) { case 'role': if (!nextParticipant.isModerator && currentParticipant.isModerator) { result = -1; } else if (!currentParticipant.isModerator && nextParticipant.isModerator) { result = 1; } else { result = 0; } break; case 'name': result = (currentParticipant.displayName || '').localeCompare( nextParticipant.displayName || '' ); break; } if (result !== 0) { break; } } return result; } } /** * Enhance speaker stats to include data needed for ordering. * * @param {IState} state - The redux state. * @param {ISpeakerStats} stats - Speaker stats. * @param {Array} orderConfig - Ordering configuration. * @returns {ISpeakerStats} - Enhanced speaker stats. * @public */ function getEnhancedStatsForOrdering(state: IReduxState, stats: ISpeakerStats, orderConfig: Array) { if (!orderConfig) { return stats; } for (const id in stats) { if (stats[id].hasOwnProperty('_hasLeft') && !stats[id].hasLeft()) { if (orderConfig.includes('role')) { const participant = getParticipantById(state, stats[id].getUserId()); stats[id].isModerator = participant && participant.role === PARTICIPANT_ROLE.MODERATOR; } } } return stats; } /** * Filter stats by search criteria. * * @param {IState} state - The redux state. * @param {ISpeakerStats | undefined} stats - The unfiltered stats. * * @returns {ISpeakerStats} - Filtered speaker stats. * @public */ export function filterBySearchCriteria(state: IReduxState, stats?: ISpeakerStats) { const filteredStats = _.cloneDeep(stats ?? getSpeakerStats(state)); const criteria = getSearchCriteria(state); if (criteria !== null) { const searchRegex = new RegExp(criteria, 'gi'); for (const id in filteredStats) { if (filteredStats[id].hasOwnProperty('_isLocalStats')) { const name = filteredStats[id].getDisplayName(); filteredStats[id].hidden = !name || !name.match(searchRegex); } } } return filteredStats; } /** * Reset the hidden speaker stats. * * @param {IState} state - The redux state. * @param {ISpeakerStats | undefined} stats - The unfiltered stats. * * @returns {Object} - Speaker stats. * @public */ export function resetHiddenStats(state: IReduxState, stats?: ISpeakerStats) { const resetStats = _.cloneDeep(stats ?? getSpeakerStats(state)); for (const id in resetStats) { if (resetStats[id].hidden) { resetStats[id].hidden = false; } } return resetStats; } /** * Gets the current duration of the conference. * * @param {IState} state - The redux state. * @returns {number | null} - The duration in milliseconds or null. */ export function getCurrentDuration(state: IReduxState) { const startTimestamp = getConferenceTimestamp(state); return startTimestamp ? - startTimestamp : null; } /** * Gets the boundaries of the emotion timeline. * * @param {IState} state - The redux state. * @returns {Object} - The left and right boundaries. */ export function getTimelineBoundaries(state: IReduxState) { const { timelineBoundary, offsetLeft, offsetRight } = state['features/speaker-stats']; const currentDuration = getCurrentDuration(state) ?? 0; const rightBoundary = timelineBoundary ? timelineBoundary : currentDuration; let leftOffset = 0; if (rightBoundary > THRESHOLD_FIXED_AXIS) { leftOffset = rightBoundary - THRESHOLD_FIXED_AXIS; } const left = offsetLeft + leftOffset; const right = rightBoundary + offsetRight; return { left, right }; } /** * Returns the conference start time of the face landmarks. * * @param {FaceLandmarks} faceLandmarks - The face landmarks. * @param {number} startTimestamp - The start timestamp of the conference. * @returns {number} */ export function getFaceLandmarksStart(faceLandmarks: FaceLandmarks, startTimestamp: number) { return faceLandmarks.timestamp - startTimestamp; } /** * Returns the conference end time of the face landmarks. * * @param {FaceLandmarks} faceLandmarks - The face landmarks. * @param {number} startTimestamp - The start timestamp of the conference. * @returns {number} */ export function getFaceLandmarksEnd(faceLandmarks: FaceLandmarks, startTimestamp: number) { return getFaceLandmarksStart(faceLandmarks, startTimestamp) + faceLandmarks.duration; }