export const screen = { root: 'Main root', welcome: { main: 'Home', tabs: { recent: 'Recent', calendar: 'Calendar' }, settings: 'Settings', terms: 'Terms', privacy: 'Privacy', help: 'Help' }, dialInSummary: 'Dial-In Info', connecting: 'Connecting', conference: { root: 'Conference root', main: 'Conference', carmode: 'Car Mode', chat: 'Chat', chatandpolls: { main: 'Chat and Polls', tab: { chat: 'Chat', polls: 'Polls' } }, container: 'Conference container', security: 'Security Options', recording: 'Recording', liveStream: 'Live stream', speakerStats: 'Speaker Stats', salesforce: 'Link to Salesforce', participants: 'Participants', gifsMenu: 'GIPHY', invite: 'Invite', sharedDocument: 'Shared document' }, lobby: { root: 'Lobby root', main: 'Lobby', chat: 'Lobby chat' } };