/* global $, APP, interfaceConfig */ import { LAYOUTS, getCurrentLayout, getMaxColumnCount, getTileViewGridDimensions, shouldDisplayTileView } from '../../../react/features/video-layout'; import UIUtil from '../util/UIUtil'; const Filmstrip = { /** * Caches jquery lookups of the filmstrip for future use. */ init() { this.filmstripContainerClassName = 'filmstrip'; this.filmstrip = $('#remoteVideos'); this.filmstripRemoteVideos = $('#filmstripRemoteVideosContainer'); }, /** * Shows if filmstrip is visible * @returns {boolean} */ isFilmstripVisible() { return APP.store.getState()['features/filmstrip'].visible; }, /** * Returns the height of filmstrip * @returns {number} height */ getFilmstripHeight() { // FIXME Make it more clear the getFilmstripHeight check is used in // horizontal film strip mode for calculating how tall large video // display should be. if (this.isFilmstripVisible() && !interfaceConfig.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP) { return $(`.${this.filmstripContainerClassName}`).outerHeight(); } return 0; }, /** * Returns the width of filmstip * @returns {number} width */ getFilmstripWidth() { return this.isFilmstripVisible() ? this.filmstrip.outerWidth() - parseInt(this.filmstrip.css('paddingLeft'), 10) - parseInt(this.filmstrip.css('paddingRight'), 10) : 0; }, /** * Calculates the size for thumbnails: local and remote one * @returns {*|{localVideo, remoteVideo}} */ calculateThumbnailSize() { if (shouldDisplayTileView(APP.store.getState())) { return this._calculateThumbnailSizeForTileView(); } const availableSizes = this.calculateAvailableSize(); const width = availableSizes.availableWidth; const height = availableSizes.availableHeight; return this.calculateThumbnailSizeFromAvailable(width, height); }, /** * Calculates available size for one thumbnail according to * the current window size. * * @returns {{availableWidth: number, availableHeight: number}} */ calculateAvailableSize() { const state = APP.store.getState(); const currentLayout = getCurrentLayout(state); const isHorizontalFilmstripView = currentLayout === LAYOUTS.HORIZONTAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW; /** * If the videoAreaAvailableWidth is set we use this one to calculate * the filmstrip width, because we're probably in a state where the * filmstrip size hasn't been updated yet, but it will be. */ const videoAreaAvailableWidth = UIUtil.getAvailableVideoWidth() - this._getFilmstripExtraPanelsWidth() - UIUtil.parseCssInt(this.filmstrip.css('right'), 10) - UIUtil.parseCssInt(this.filmstrip.css('paddingLeft'), 10) - UIUtil.parseCssInt(this.filmstrip.css('paddingRight'), 10) - UIUtil.parseCssInt(this.filmstrip.css('borderLeftWidth'), 10) - UIUtil.parseCssInt(this.filmstrip.css('borderRightWidth'), 10) - 5; let availableHeight = interfaceConfig.FILM_STRIP_MAX_HEIGHT; let availableWidth = videoAreaAvailableWidth; const thumbs = this.getThumbs(true); // If local thumb is not hidden if (thumbs.localThumb) { const localVideoContainer = $('#localVideoContainer'); availableWidth = Math.floor( videoAreaAvailableWidth - ( UIUtil.parseCssInt( localVideoContainer.css('borderLeftWidth'), 10) + UIUtil.parseCssInt( localVideoContainer.css('borderRightWidth'), 10) + UIUtil.parseCssInt( localVideoContainer.css('paddingLeft'), 10) + UIUtil.parseCssInt( localVideoContainer.css('paddingRight'), 10) + UIUtil.parseCssInt( localVideoContainer.css('marginLeft'), 10) + UIUtil.parseCssInt( localVideoContainer.css('marginRight'), 10)) ); } // If the number of videos is 0 or undefined or we're not in horizontal // filmstrip mode we don't need to calculate further any adjustments // to width based on the number of videos present. const numvids = thumbs.remoteThumbs.length; if (numvids && isHorizontalFilmstripView) { const remoteVideoContainer = thumbs.remoteThumbs.eq(0); availableWidth = Math.floor( videoAreaAvailableWidth - (numvids * ( UIUtil.parseCssInt( remoteVideoContainer.css('borderLeftWidth'), 10) + UIUtil.parseCssInt( remoteVideoContainer.css('borderRightWidth'), 10) + UIUtil.parseCssInt( remoteVideoContainer.css('paddingLeft'), 10) + UIUtil.parseCssInt( remoteVideoContainer.css('paddingRight'), 10) + UIUtil.parseCssInt( remoteVideoContainer.css('marginLeft'), 10) + UIUtil.parseCssInt( remoteVideoContainer.css('marginRight'), 10))) ); } const maxHeight // If the MAX_HEIGHT property hasn't been specified // we have the static value. = Math.min(interfaceConfig.FILM_STRIP_MAX_HEIGHT || 120, availableHeight); availableHeight = Math.min(maxHeight, window.innerHeight - 18); return { availableHeight, availableWidth }; }, /** * Traverse all elements inside the filmstrip * and calculates the sum of all of them except * remote videos element. Used for calculation of * available width for video thumbnails. * * @returns {number} calculated width * @private */ _getFilmstripExtraPanelsWidth() { const className = this.filmstripContainerClassName; let width = 0; $(`.${className}`) .children() .each(function() { /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */ if (this.id !== 'remoteVideos') { width += $(this).outerWidth(); } /* eslint-enable no-invalid-this */ }); return width; }, /** Calculate the thumbnail size in order to fit all the thumnails in passed * dimensions. * NOTE: Here we assume that the remote and local thumbnails are with the * same height. * @param {int} availableWidth the maximum width for all thumbnails * @param {int} availableHeight the maximum height for all thumbnails * @returns {{localVideo, remoteVideo}} */ calculateThumbnailSizeFromAvailable(availableWidth, availableHeight) { /** * Let: * lW - width of the local thumbnail * rW - width of the remote thumbnail * h - the height of the thumbnails * remoteRatio - width:height for the remote thumbnail * localRatio - width:height for the local thumbnail * remoteThumbsInRow - number of remote thumbnails in a row (we have * only one local thumbnail) next to the local thumbnail. In vertical * filmstrip mode, this will always be 0. * * Since the height for local thumbnail = height for remote thumbnail * and we know the ratio (width:height) for the local and for the * remote thumbnail we can find rW/lW: * rW / remoteRatio = lW / localRatio then - * remoteLocalWidthRatio = rW / lW = remoteRatio / localRatio * and rW = lW * remoteRatio / localRatio = lW * remoteLocalWidthRatio * And the total width for the thumbnails is: * totalWidth = rW * remoteThumbsInRow + lW * = lW * remoteLocalWidthRatio * remoteThumbsInRow + lW = * lW * (remoteLocalWidthRatio * remoteThumbsInRow + 1) * and the h = lW/localRatio * * In order to fit all the thumbails in the area defined by * availableWidth * availableHeight we should check one of the * following options: * 1) if availableHeight == h - totalWidth should be less than * availableWidth * 2) if availableWidth == totalWidth - h should be less than * availableHeight * * 1) or 2) will be true and we are going to use it to calculate all * sizes. * * if 1) is true that means that * availableHeight/h > availableWidth/totalWidth otherwise 2) is true */ const remoteThumbsInRow = interfaceConfig.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP ? 0 : this.getThumbs(true).remoteThumbs.length; const remoteLocalWidthRatio = interfaceConfig.REMOTE_THUMBNAIL_RATIO / interfaceConfig.LOCAL_THUMBNAIL_RATIO; const lW = Math.min(availableWidth / ((remoteLocalWidthRatio * remoteThumbsInRow) + 1), availableHeight * interfaceConfig.LOCAL_THUMBNAIL_RATIO); const h = lW / interfaceConfig.LOCAL_THUMBNAIL_RATIO; const remoteVideoWidth = lW * remoteLocalWidthRatio; let localVideo; if (interfaceConfig.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP) { localVideo = { thumbWidth: remoteVideoWidth, thumbHeight: h * remoteLocalWidthRatio }; } else { localVideo = { thumbWidth: lW, thumbHeight: h }; } return { localVideo, remoteVideo: { thumbWidth: remoteVideoWidth, thumbHeight: h } }; }, /** * Calculates the size for thumbnails when in tile view layout. * * @returns {{localVideo, remoteVideo}} */ _calculateThumbnailSizeForTileView() { const tileAspectRatio = 16 / 9; // The distance from the top and bottom of the screen, as set by CSS, to // avoid overlapping UI elements. const topBottomPadding = 200; // Minimum space to keep between the sides of the tiles and the sides // of the window. const sideMargins = 30 * 2; const state = APP.store.getState(); const viewWidth = document.body.clientWidth - sideMargins; const viewHeight = document.body.clientHeight - topBottomPadding; const { columns, visibleRows } = getTileViewGridDimensions(state, getMaxColumnCount()); const initialWidth = viewWidth / columns; const aspectRatioHeight = initialWidth / tileAspectRatio; const heightOfEach = Math.floor(Math.min( aspectRatioHeight, viewHeight / visibleRows )); const widthOfEach = Math.floor(tileAspectRatio * heightOfEach); return { localVideo: { thumbWidth: widthOfEach, thumbHeight: heightOfEach }, remoteVideo: { thumbWidth: widthOfEach, thumbHeight: heightOfEach } }; }, /** * Resizes thumbnails * @param local * @param remote * @param forceUpdate * @returns {Promise} */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-params resizeThumbnails(local, remote, forceUpdate = false) { const state = APP.store.getState(); if (shouldDisplayTileView(state)) { // The size of the side margins for each tile as set in CSS. const sideMargins = 10 * 2; const { columns, rows } = getTileViewGridDimensions(state, getMaxColumnCount()); const hasOverflow = rows > columns; // Width is set so that the flex layout can automatically wrap // tiles onto new rows. this.filmstripRemoteVideos.css({ width: (local.thumbWidth * columns) + (columns * sideMargins) }); this.filmstripRemoteVideos.toggleClass('has-overflow', hasOverflow); } else { this.filmstripRemoteVideos.css('width', ''); } const thumbs = this.getThumbs(!forceUpdate); if (thumbs.localThumb) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow thumbs.localThumb.css({ display: 'inline-block', height: `${local.thumbHeight}px`, 'min-height': `${local.thumbHeight}px`, 'min-width': `${local.thumbWidth}px`, width: `${local.thumbWidth}px` }); const avatarSize = local.thumbHeight / 2; thumbs.localThumb.find('.avatar-container') .height(avatarSize) .width(avatarSize); } if (thumbs.remoteThumbs) { thumbs.remoteThumbs.css({ display: 'inline-block', height: `${remote.thumbHeight}px`, 'min-height': `${remote.thumbHeight}px`, 'min-width': `${remote.thumbWidth}px`, width: `${remote.thumbWidth}px` }); const avatarSize = remote.thumbHeight / 2; thumbs.remoteThumbs.find('.avatar-container') .height(avatarSize) .width(avatarSize); } const currentLayout = getCurrentLayout(APP.store.getState()); // Let CSS take care of height in vertical filmstrip mode. if (currentLayout === LAYOUTS.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW) { $('#filmstripLocalVideo').css({ // adds 4 px because of small video 2px border width: `${local.thumbWidth + 4}px` }); } else if (currentLayout === LAYOUTS.HORIZONTAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW) { this.filmstrip.css({ // adds 4 px because of small video 2px border height: `${remote.thumbHeight + 4}px` }); } const { localThumb } = this.getThumbs(); const height = localThumb ? localThumb.height() : 0; const fontSize = UIUtil.getIndicatorFontSize(height); this.filmstrip.find('.indicator').css({ 'font-size': `${fontSize}px` }); }, /** * Returns thumbnails of the filmstrip * @param onlyVisible * @returns {object} thumbnails */ getThumbs(onlyVisible = false) { let selector = 'span'; if (onlyVisible) { selector += ':visible'; } const localThumb = $('#localVideoContainer'); const remoteThumbs = this.filmstripRemoteVideos.children(selector); // Exclude the local video container if it has been hidden. if (localThumb.hasClass('hidden')) { return { remoteThumbs }; } return { remoteThumbs, localThumb }; } }; export default Filmstrip;