/** * The name of the bundled audio files which will be played for the laugh reaction sound. * * @type {Array} */ export const LAUGH_SOUND_FILES = new Array(3).fill('reactions-laughter.mp3'); /** * The name of the bundled audio file which will be played for the clap reaction sound. * * @type {Array} */ export const CLAP_SOUND_FILES = new Array(3).fill('reactions-applause.mp3'); /** * The name of the bundled audio file which will be played for the like reaction sound. * * @type {Array} */ export const LIKE_SOUND_FILES = new Array(3).fill('reactions-thumbs-up.mp3'); /** * The name of the bundled audio file which will be played for the boo reaction sound. * * @type {Array} */ export const BOO_SOUND_FILES = new Array(3).fill('reactions-boo.mp3'); /** * The name of the bundled audio file which will be played for the surprised reaction sound. * * @type {Array} */ export const SURPRISE_SOUND_FILES = new Array(3).fill('reactions-surprise.mp3'); /** * The name of the bundled audio file which will be played for the silence reaction sound. * * @type {Array} */ export const SILENCE_SOUND_FILES = new Array(3).fill('reactions-crickets.mp3'); /** * The name of the bundled audio file which will be played for the raise hand sound. * * @type {string} */ export const RAISE_HAND_SOUND_FILE = 'reactions-raised-hand.mp3';