/* global APP, $, config, interfaceConfig */ const logger = require('jitsi-meet-logger').getLogger(__filename); const UI = {}; import messageHandler from './util/MessageHandler'; import UIUtil from './util/UIUtil'; import UIEvents from '../../service/UI/UIEvents'; import EtherpadManager from './etherpad/Etherpad'; import SharedVideoManager from './shared_video/SharedVideo'; import VideoLayout from './videolayout/VideoLayout'; import Filmstrip from './videolayout/Filmstrip'; import { getLocalParticipant } from '../../react/features/base/participants'; import { toggleChat } from '../../react/features/chat'; import { openDisplayNamePrompt } from '../../react/features/display-name'; import { setEtherpadHasInitialzied } from '../../react/features/etherpad'; import { setFilmstripVisible } from '../../react/features/filmstrip'; import { setNotificationsEnabled } from '../../react/features/notifications'; import { dockToolbox, setToolboxEnabled, showToolbox } from '../../react/features/toolbox'; const EventEmitter = require('events'); UI.messageHandler = messageHandler; const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); UI.eventEmitter = eventEmitter; let etherpadManager; let sharedVideoManager; const UIListeners = new Map([ [ UIEvents.ETHERPAD_CLICKED, () => etherpadManager && etherpadManager.toggleEtherpad() ], [ UIEvents.SHARED_VIDEO_CLICKED, () => sharedVideoManager && sharedVideoManager.toggleSharedVideo() ], [ UIEvents.TOGGLE_FILMSTRIP, () => UI.toggleFilmstrip() ] ]); /** * Indicates if we're currently in full screen mode. * * @return {boolean} {true} to indicate that we're currently in full screen * mode, {false} otherwise */ UI.isFullScreen = function() { return UIUtil.isFullScreen(); }; /** * Returns true if the etherpad window is currently visible. * @returns {Boolean} - true if the etherpad window is currently visible. */ UI.isEtherpadVisible = function() { return Boolean(etherpadManager && etherpadManager.isVisible()); }; /** * Returns true if there is a shared video which is being shown (?). * @returns {boolean} - true if there is a shared video which is being shown. */ UI.isSharedVideoShown = function() { return Boolean(sharedVideoManager && sharedVideoManager.isSharedVideoShown); }; /** * Notify user that server has shut down. */ UI.notifyGracefulShutdown = function() { messageHandler.showError({ descriptionKey: 'dialog.gracefulShutdown', titleKey: 'dialog.serviceUnavailable' }); }; /** * Notify user that reservation error happened. */ UI.notifyReservationError = function(code, msg) { messageHandler.showError({ descriptionArguments: { code, msg }, descriptionKey: 'dialog.reservationErrorMsg', titleKey: 'dialog.reservationError' }); }; /** * Notify user that he has been kicked from the server. */ UI.notifyKicked = function() { messageHandler.showError({ hideErrorSupportLink: true, descriptionKey: 'dialog.kickMessage', titleKey: 'dialog.kickTitle' }); }; /** * Notify user that conference was destroyed. * @param reason {string} the reason text */ UI.notifyConferenceDestroyed = function(reason) { // FIXME: use Session Terminated from translation, but // 'reason' text comes from XMPP packet and is not translated messageHandler.showError({ description: reason, titleKey: 'dialog.sessTerminated' }); }; /** * Change nickname for the user. * @param {string} id user id * @param {string} displayName new nickname */ UI.changeDisplayName = function(id, displayName) { VideoLayout.onDisplayNameChanged(id, displayName); }; /** * Initialize conference UI. */ UI.initConference = function() { const { getState } = APP.store; const { id, name } = getLocalParticipant(getState); // Update default button states before showing the toolbar // if local role changes buttons state will be again updated. UI.updateLocalRole(APP.conference.isModerator); UI.showToolbar(); const displayName = config.displayJids ? id : name; if (displayName) { UI.changeDisplayName('localVideoContainer', displayName); } }; /** * Returns the shared document manager object. * @return {EtherpadManager} the shared document manager object */ UI.getSharedVideoManager = function() { return sharedVideoManager; }; /** * Starts the UI module and initializes all related components. * * @returns {boolean} true if the UI is ready and the conference should be * established, false - otherwise (for example in the case of welcome page) */ UI.start = function() { document.title = interfaceConfig.APP_NAME; // Set the defaults for prompt dialogs. $.prompt.setDefaults({ persistent: false }); Filmstrip.init(eventEmitter); VideoLayout.init(eventEmitter); if (!interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly) { VideoLayout.initLargeVideo(); } // Do not animate the video area on UI start (second argument passed into // resizeVideoArea) because the animation is not visible anyway. Plus with // the current dom layout, the quality label is part of the video layout and // will be seen animating in. VideoLayout.resizeVideoArea(true, false); sharedVideoManager = new SharedVideoManager(eventEmitter); if (interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly) { $('body').addClass('filmstrip-only'); APP.store.dispatch(setNotificationsEnabled(false)); } else if (config.iAmRecorder) { // in case of iAmSipGateway keep local video visible if (!config.iAmSipGateway) { VideoLayout.setLocalVideoVisible(false); } APP.store.dispatch(setToolboxEnabled(false)); APP.store.dispatch(setNotificationsEnabled(false)); UI.messageHandler.enablePopups(false); } document.title = interfaceConfig.APP_NAME; }; /** * Setup some UI event listeners. */ UI.registerListeners = () => UIListeners.forEach((value, key) => UI.addListener(key, value)); /** * Setup some DOM event listeners. */ UI.bindEvents = () => { /** * */ function onResize() { VideoLayout.resizeVideoArea(); } // Resize and reposition videos in full screen mode. $(document).on( 'webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange', onResize); $(window).resize(onResize); }; /** * Unbind some DOM event listeners. */ UI.unbindEvents = () => { $(document).off( 'webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange'); $(window).off('resize'); }; /** * Show local stream on UI. * @param {JitsiTrack} track stream to show */ UI.addLocalStream = track => { switch (track.getType()) { case 'audio': // Local audio is not rendered so no further action is needed at this // point. break; case 'video': VideoLayout.changeLocalVideo(track); break; default: logger.error(`Unknown stream type: ${track.getType()}`); break; } }; /** * Setup and show Etherpad. * @param {string} name etherpad id */ UI.initEtherpad = name => { if (etherpadManager || !config.etherpad_base || !name) { return; } logger.log('Etherpad is enabled'); etherpadManager = new EtherpadManager(config.etherpad_base, name, eventEmitter); APP.store.dispatch(setEtherpadHasInitialzied()); }; /** * Returns the shared document manager object. * @return {EtherpadManager} the shared document manager object */ UI.getSharedDocumentManager = () => etherpadManager; /** * Show user on UI. * @param {JitsiParticipant} user */ UI.addUser = function(user) { const id = user.getId(); const displayName = user.getDisplayName(); const status = user.getStatus(); if (status) { // FIXME: move updateUserStatus in participantPresenceChanged action UI.updateUserStatus(user, status); } // set initial display name if (displayName) { UI.changeDisplayName(id, displayName); } }; /** * Update videotype for specified user. * @param {string} id user id * @param {string} newVideoType new videotype */ UI.onPeerVideoTypeChanged = (id, newVideoType) => VideoLayout.onVideoTypeChanged(id, newVideoType); /** * Update local user role and show notification if user is moderator. * @param {boolean} isModerator if local user is moderator or not */ UI.updateLocalRole = isModerator => { VideoLayout.showModeratorIndicator(); if (isModerator && !interfaceConfig.DISABLE_FOCUS_INDICATOR) { messageHandler.participantNotification( null, 'notify.me', 'connected', 'notify.moderator'); } }; /** * Check the role for the user and reflect it in the UI, moderator ui indication * and notifies user who is the moderator * @param user to check for moderator */ UI.updateUserRole = user => { VideoLayout.showModeratorIndicator(); // We don't need to show moderator notifications when the focus (moderator) // indicator is disabled. if (!user.isModerator() || interfaceConfig.DISABLE_FOCUS_INDICATOR) { return; } const displayName = user.getDisplayName(); messageHandler.participantNotification( displayName, 'notify.somebody', 'connected', 'notify.grantedTo', { to: displayName ? UIUtil.escapeHtml(displayName) : '$t(notify.somebody)' }); }; /** * Updates the user status. * * @param {JitsiParticipant} user - The user which status we need to update. * @param {string} status - The new status. */ UI.updateUserStatus = (user, status) => { const reduxState = APP.store.getState() || {}; const { calleeInfoVisible } = reduxState['features/invite'] || {}; if (!status || calleeInfoVisible) { return; } const displayName = user.getDisplayName(); messageHandler.participantNotification( displayName, '', 'connected', 'dialOut.statusMessage', { status: UIUtil.escapeHtml(status) }); }; /** * Toggles filmstrip. */ UI.toggleFilmstrip = function() { const { visible } = APP.store.getState()['features/filmstrip']; APP.store.dispatch(setFilmstripVisible(!visible)); }; /** * Checks if the filmstrip is currently visible or not. * @returns {true} if the filmstrip is currently visible, and false otherwise. */ UI.isFilmstripVisible = () => Filmstrip.isFilmstripVisible(); /** * Toggles the visibility of the chat panel. */ UI.toggleChat = () => APP.store.dispatch(toggleChat()); /** * Handle new user display name. */ UI.inputDisplayNameHandler = function(newDisplayName) { eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.NICKNAME_CHANGED, newDisplayName); }; /** * Return the type of the remote video. * @param jid the jid for the remote video * @returns the video type video or screen. */ UI.getRemoteVideoType = function(jid) { return VideoLayout.getRemoteVideoType(jid); }; // FIXME check if someone user this UI.showLoginPopup = function(callback) { logger.log('password is required'); const message = ` ` ; // eslint-disable-next-line max-params const submitFunction = (e, v, m, f) => { if (v && f.username && f.password) { callback(f.username, f.password); } }; messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog({ titleKey: 'dialog.passwordRequired', msgString: message, leftButtonKey: 'dialog.Ok', submitFunction, focus: ':input:first' }); }; UI.askForNickname = function() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert return window.prompt('Your nickname (optional)'); }; /** * Sets muted audio state for participant */ UI.setAudioMuted = function(id, muted) { VideoLayout.onAudioMute(id, muted); if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { APP.conference.updateAudioIconEnabled(); } }; /** * Sets muted video state for participant */ UI.setVideoMuted = function(id, muted) { VideoLayout.onVideoMute(id, muted); if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { APP.conference.updateVideoIconEnabled(); } }; /** * Triggers an update of remote video and large video displays so they may pick * up any state changes that have occurred elsewhere. * * @returns {void} */ UI.updateAllVideos = () => VideoLayout.updateAllVideos(); /** * Adds a listener that would be notified on the given type of event. * * @param type the type of the event we're listening for * @param listener a function that would be called when notified */ UI.addListener = function(type, listener) { eventEmitter.on(type, listener); }; /** * Removes the all listeners for all events. * * @returns {void} */ UI.removeAllListeners = function() { eventEmitter.removeAllListeners(); }; /** * Removes the given listener for the given type of event. * * @param type the type of the event we're listening for * @param listener the listener we want to remove */ UI.removeListener = function(type, listener) { eventEmitter.removeListener(type, listener); }; /** * Emits the event of given type by specifying the parameters in options. * * @param type the type of the event we're emitting * @param options the parameters for the event */ UI.emitEvent = (type, ...options) => eventEmitter.emit(type, ...options); UI.clickOnVideo = videoNumber => VideoLayout.togglePin(videoNumber); // Used by torture. UI.showToolbar = timeout => APP.store.dispatch(showToolbox(timeout)); // Used by torture. UI.dockToolbar = dock => APP.store.dispatch(dockToolbox(dock)); /** * Updates the displayed avatar for participant. * * @param {string} id - User id whose avatar should be updated. * @param {string} avatarURL - The URL to avatar image to display. * @returns {void} */ UI.refreshAvatarDisplay = function(id, avatarURL) { VideoLayout.changeUserAvatar(id, avatarURL); }; /** * Notify user that connection failed. * @param {string} stropheErrorMsg raw Strophe error message */ UI.notifyConnectionFailed = function(stropheErrorMsg) { let descriptionKey; let descriptionArguments; if (stropheErrorMsg) { descriptionKey = 'dialog.connectErrorWithMsg'; descriptionArguments = { msg: stropheErrorMsg }; } else { descriptionKey = 'dialog.connectError'; } messageHandler.showError({ descriptionArguments, descriptionKey, titleKey: 'connection.CONNFAIL' }); }; /** * Notify user that maximum users limit has been reached. */ UI.notifyMaxUsersLimitReached = function() { messageHandler.showError({ hideErrorSupportLink: true, descriptionKey: 'dialog.maxUsersLimitReached', titleKey: 'dialog.maxUsersLimitReachedTitle' }); }; /** * Notify user that he was automatically muted when joned the conference. */ UI.notifyInitiallyMuted = function() { messageHandler.participantNotification( null, 'notify.mutedTitle', 'connected', 'notify.muted', null); }; UI.handleLastNEndpoints = function(leavingIds, enteringIds) { VideoLayout.onLastNEndpointsChanged(leavingIds, enteringIds); }; /** * Prompt user for nickname. */ UI.promptDisplayName = () => { APP.store.dispatch(openDisplayNamePrompt(undefined)); }; /** * Update audio level visualization for specified user. * @param {string} id user id * @param {number} lvl audio level */ UI.setAudioLevel = (id, lvl) => VideoLayout.setAudioLevel(id, lvl); /** * Hide connection quality statistics from UI. */ UI.hideStats = function() { VideoLayout.hideStats(); }; UI.notifyTokenAuthFailed = function() { messageHandler.showError({ descriptionKey: 'dialog.tokenAuthFailed', titleKey: 'dialog.tokenAuthFailedTitle' }); }; UI.notifyInternalError = function(error) { messageHandler.showError({ descriptionArguments: { error }, descriptionKey: 'dialog.internalError', titleKey: 'dialog.internalErrorTitle' }); }; UI.notifyFocusDisconnected = function(focus, retrySec) { messageHandler.participantNotification( null, 'notify.focus', 'disconnected', 'notify.focusFail', { component: focus, ms: retrySec } ); }; /** * Notifies interested listeners that the raise hand property has changed. * * @param {boolean} isRaisedHand indicates the current state of the * "raised hand" */ UI.onLocalRaiseHandChanged = function(isRaisedHand) { eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.LOCAL_RAISE_HAND_CHANGED, isRaisedHand); }; /** * Update list of available physical devices. */ UI.onAvailableDevicesChanged = function() { APP.conference.updateAudioIconEnabled(); APP.conference.updateVideoIconEnabled(); }; /** * Returns the id of the current video shown on large. * Currently used by tests (torture). */ UI.getLargeVideoID = function() { return VideoLayout.getLargeVideoID(); }; /** * Returns the current video shown on large. * Currently used by tests (torture). */ UI.getLargeVideo = function() { return VideoLayout.getLargeVideo(); }; /** * Shows "Please go to chrome webstore to install the desktop sharing extension" * 2 button dialog with buttons - cancel and go to web store. * @param url {string} the url of the extension. */ UI.showExtensionExternalInstallationDialog = function(url) { let openedWindow = null; const submitFunction = function(e, v) { if (v) { e.preventDefault(); if (openedWindow === null || openedWindow.closed) { openedWindow = window.open( url, 'extension_store_window', 'resizable,scrollbars=yes,status=1'); } else { openedWindow.focus(); } } }; const closeFunction = function(e, v) { if (openedWindow) { // Ideally we would close the popup, but this does not seem to work // on Chrome. Leaving it uncommented in case it could work // in some version. openedWindow.close(); openedWindow = null; } if (!v) { eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.EXTERNAL_INSTALLATION_CANCELED); } }; messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog({ titleKey: 'dialog.externalInstallationTitle', msgKey: 'dialog.externalInstallationMsg', leftButtonKey: 'dialog.goToStore', submitFunction, loadedFunction: $.noop, closeFunction }); }; /** * Shows a dialog which asks user to install the extension. This one is * displayed after installation is triggered from the script, but fails because * it must be initiated by user gesture. * @param callback {function} function to be executed after user clicks * the install button - it should make another attempt to install the extension. */ UI.showExtensionInlineInstallationDialog = function(callback) { const submitFunction = function(e, v) { if (v) { callback(); } }; const closeFunction = function(e, v) { if (!v) { eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.EXTERNAL_INSTALLATION_CANCELED); } }; messageHandler.openTwoButtonDialog({ titleKey: 'dialog.externalInstallationTitle', msgKey: 'dialog.inlineInstallationMsg', leftButtonKey: 'dialog.inlineInstallExtension', submitFunction, loadedFunction: $.noop, closeFunction }); }; UI.updateDevicesAvailability = function(id, devices) { VideoLayout.setDeviceAvailabilityIcons(id, devices); }; /** * Show shared video. * @param {string} id the id of the sender of the command * @param {string} url video url * @param {string} attributes */ UI.onSharedVideoStart = function(id, url, attributes) { if (sharedVideoManager) { sharedVideoManager.onSharedVideoStart(id, url, attributes); } }; /** * Update shared video. * @param {string} id the id of the sender of the command * @param {string} url video url * @param {string} attributes */ UI.onSharedVideoUpdate = function(id, url, attributes) { if (sharedVideoManager) { sharedVideoManager.onSharedVideoUpdate(id, url, attributes); } }; /** * Stop showing shared video. * @param {string} id the id of the sender of the command * @param {string} attributes */ UI.onSharedVideoStop = function(id, attributes) { if (sharedVideoManager) { sharedVideoManager.onSharedVideoStop(id, attributes); } }; /** * Handles user's features changes. */ UI.onUserFeaturesChanged = user => VideoLayout.onUserFeaturesChanged(user); /** * Returns the number of known remote videos. * * @returns {number} The number of remote videos. */ UI.getRemoteVideosCount = () => VideoLayout.getRemoteVideosCount(); /** * Sets the remote control active status for a remote participant. * * @param {string} participantID - The id of the remote participant. * @param {boolean} isActive - The new remote control active status. * @returns {void} */ UI.setRemoteControlActiveStatus = function(participantID, isActive) { VideoLayout.setRemoteControlActiveStatus(participantID, isActive); }; /** * Sets the remote control active status for the local participant. * * @returns {void} */ UI.setLocalRemoteControlActiveChanged = function() { VideoLayout.setLocalRemoteControlActiveChanged(); }; // TODO: Export every function separately. For now there is no point of doing // this because we are importing everything. export default UI;