import { IStore } from '../../app/types'; import { IStateful } from '../app/types'; import { isMobileBrowser } from '../environment/utils'; import JitsiMeetJS from '../lib-jitsi-meet'; import { setAudioMuted } from '../media/actions'; import { toState } from '../redux/functions'; import { getUserSelectedCameraDeviceId, getUserSelectedMicDeviceId } from '../settings/functions.web'; import loadEffects from './loadEffects'; import logger from './logger'; import { ITrackOptions } from './types'; export * from './functions.any'; /** * Create local tracks of specific types. * * @param {Object} options - The options with which the local tracks are to be * created. * @param {string|null} [options.cameraDeviceId] - Camera device id or * {@code undefined} to use app's settings. * @param {string[]} options.devices - Required track types such as 'audio' * and/or 'video'. * @param {string|null} [options.micDeviceId] - Microphone device id or * {@code undefined} to use app's settings. * @param {number|undefined} [oprions.timeout] - A timeout for JitsiMeetJS.createLocalTracks used to create the tracks. * @param {boolean} [options.firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent] - Whether lib-jitsi-meet * should check for a {@code getUserMedia} permission prompt and fire a * corresponding event. * @param {IStore} store - The redux store in the context of which the function * is to execute and from which state such as {@code config} is to be retrieved. * @returns {Promise} */ export function createLocalTracksF(options: ITrackOptions = {}, store?: IStore) { let { cameraDeviceId, micDeviceId } = options; const { desktopSharingSourceDevice, desktopSharingSources, firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent, timeout } = options; // TODO The app's settings should go in the redux store and then the // reliance on the global variable APP will go away. store = store ||; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign const state = store.getState(); if (typeof cameraDeviceId === 'undefined' || cameraDeviceId === null) { cameraDeviceId = getUserSelectedCameraDeviceId(state); } if (typeof micDeviceId === 'undefined' || micDeviceId === null) { micDeviceId = getUserSelectedMicDeviceId(state); } const { desktopSharingFrameRate, firefox_fake_device, // eslint-disable-line camelcase resolution } = state['features/base/config']; const constraints = options.constraints ?? state['features/base/config'].constraints; return ( loadEffects(store).then((effectsArray: Object[]) => { // Filter any undefined values returned by Promise.resolve(). const effects = effectsArray.filter(effect => Boolean(effect)); return JitsiMeetJS.createLocalTracks( { cameraDeviceId, constraints, desktopSharingFrameRate, desktopSharingSourceDevice, desktopSharingSources, // Copy array to avoid mutations inside library. devices: options.devices?.slice(0), effects, firefox_fake_device, // eslint-disable-line camelcase firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent, micDeviceId, resolution, timeout }) .catch((err: Error) => { logger.error('Failed to create local tracks', options.devices, err); return Promise.reject(err); }); })); } /** * Returns an object containing a promise which resolves with the created tracks & * the errors resulting from that process. * * @returns {Promise} * * @todo Refactor to not use APP. */ export function createPrejoinTracks() { const errors: any = {}; const initialDevices = [ 'audio' ]; const requestedAudio = true; let requestedVideo = false; const { startAudioOnly, startWithAudioMuted, startWithVideoMuted } =['features/base/settings']; // Always get a handle on the audio input device so that we have statistics even if the user joins the // conference muted. Previous implementation would only acquire the handle when the user first unmuted, // which would results in statistics ( such as "No audio input" or "Are you trying to speak?") being available // only after that point. if (startWithAudioMuted) {; } if (!startWithVideoMuted && !startAudioOnly) { initialDevices.push('video'); requestedVideo = true; } let tryCreateLocalTracks; if (!requestedAudio && !requestedVideo) { // Resolve with no tracks tryCreateLocalTracks = Promise.resolve([]); } else { tryCreateLocalTracks = createLocalTracksF({ devices: initialDevices, firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent: true }, .catch((err: Error) => { if (requestedAudio && requestedVideo) { // Try audio only... errors.audioAndVideoError = err; return ( createLocalTracksF({ devices: [ 'audio' ], firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent: true })); } else if (requestedAudio && !requestedVideo) { errors.audioOnlyError = err; return []; } else if (requestedVideo && !requestedAudio) { errors.videoOnlyError = err; return []; } logger.error('Should never happen'); }) .catch((err: Error) => { // Log this just in case... if (!requestedAudio) { logger.error('The impossible just happened', err); } errors.audioOnlyError = err; // Try video only... return requestedVideo ? createLocalTracksF({ devices: [ 'video' ], firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent: true }) : []; }) .catch((err: Error) => { // Log this just in case... if (!requestedVideo) { logger.error('The impossible just happened', err); } errors.videoOnlyError = err; return []; }); } return { tryCreateLocalTracks, errors }; } /** * Determines whether toggle camera should be enabled or not. * * @param {Function|Object} stateful - The redux store or {@code getState} function. * @returns {boolean} - Whether toggle camera should be enabled. */ export function isToggleCameraEnabled(stateful: IStateful) { const state = toState(stateful); const { videoInput } = state['features/base/devices'].availableDevices; return isMobileBrowser() && Number(videoInput?.length) > 1; }