/* eslint-disable lines-around-comment */ import { Theme } from '@mui/material'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'; import { WithTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { makeStyles } from 'tss-react/mui'; import { createDeepLinkingPageEvent } from '../../analytics/AnalyticsEvents'; import { sendAnalytics } from '../../analytics/functions'; import { IReduxState } from '../../app/types'; import { IDeeplinkingConfig, IDeeplinkingMobileConfig } from '../../base/config/configType'; import { isSupportedMobileBrowser } from '../../base/environment/environment'; import { translate } from '../../base/i18n/functions'; import Platform from '../../base/react/Platform.web'; import { withPixelLineHeight } from '../../base/styles/functions.web'; import Button from '../../base/ui/components/web/Button'; // @ts-ignore import DialInSummary from '../../invite/components/dial-in-summary/web/DialInSummary'; import { openWebApp } from '../actions'; // @ts-ignore import { _TNS } from '../constants'; // @ts-ignore import { generateDeepLinkingURL } from '../functions'; const PADDINGS = { topBottom: 24, leftRight: 40 }; const useStyles = makeStyles()((theme: Theme) => { return { container: { background: '#1E1E1E', width: '100vw', height: '100vh', overflowX: 'hidden', overflowY: 'auto', justifyContent: 'center', display: 'flex', '& a': { textDecoration: 'none' } }, contentPane: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'column', padding: `${PADDINGS.topBottom}px ${PADDINGS.leftRight}px`, maxWidth: 410, color: theme.palette.text01 }, launchingMeetingLabel: { marginTop: 24, textAlign: 'center', marginBottom: 32, ...withPixelLineHeight(theme.typography.heading5) }, roomNameLabel: { ...withPixelLineHeight(theme.typography.bodyLongRegularLarge) }, joinMeetWrapper: { marginTop: 24, width: '100%' }, labelDescription: { textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 16, ...withPixelLineHeight(theme.typography.bodyShortRegularLarge) }, linkWrapper: { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 8, width: '100%' }, linkLabel: { color: theme.palette.link01, ...withPixelLineHeight(theme.typography.bodyLongBoldLarge) }, supportedBrowserContent: { marginTop: 16, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }, labelOr: { ...withPixelLineHeight(theme.typography.bodyShortRegularLarge) }, separator: { marginTop: '32px', height: 1, width: `calc(100% + ${2 * PADDINGS.leftRight}px)`, background: theme.palette.ui03 } }; }); const DeepLinkingMobilePage: React.FC = ({ t }) => { const deeplinkingCfg = useSelector((state: IReduxState) => state['features/base/config']?.deeplinking || {} as IDeeplinkingConfig); const { hideLogo } = deeplinkingCfg; const deepLinkingUrl: string = useSelector(generateDeepLinkingURL); const room = useSelector((state: IReduxState) => decodeURIComponent(state['features/base/conference'].room || '')); const url = useSelector((state: IReduxState) => state['features/base/connection'] || {}); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const { classes: styles } = useStyles(); const generateDownloadURL = useCallback(() => { const { downloadLink, dynamicLink, appScheme } = (deeplinkingCfg?.[Platform.OS as keyof typeof deeplinkingCfg] || {}) as IDeeplinkingMobileConfig; if (downloadLink && typeof dynamicLink === 'undefined') { return downloadLink; } const { apn, appCode, customDomain, ibi, isi } = dynamicLink || {}; const domain = customDomain ?? `https://${appCode}.app.goo.gl`; return `${domain}/?link=${ encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)}&apn=${ apn}&ibi=${ ibi}&isi=${ isi}&ius=${ appScheme}&efr=1`; }, [ deeplinkingCfg ]); const onDownloadApp = useCallback(() => { sendAnalytics( createDeepLinkingPageEvent( 'clicked', 'downloadAppButton', { isMobileBrowser: true })); }, []); const onLaunchWeb = useCallback(() => { sendAnalytics( createDeepLinkingPageEvent( 'clicked', 'launchWebButton', { isMobileBrowser: true })); dispatch(openWebApp()); }, []); const onOpenApp = useCallback(() => { sendAnalytics( createDeepLinkingPageEvent( 'clicked', 'openAppButton', { isMobileBrowser: true })); }, []); const onOpenLinkProperties = useMemo(() => { const { downloadLink } = (deeplinkingCfg?.[Platform.OS as keyof typeof deeplinkingCfg] || {}) as IDeeplinkingMobileConfig; if (downloadLink) { return { // When opening a link to the download page, we want to let the // OS itself handle intercepting and opening the appropriate // app store. This avoids potential issues with browsers, such // as iOS Chrome, not opening the store properly. }; } return { // When falling back to another URL (Firebase) let the page be // opened in a new window. This helps prevent the user getting // trapped in an app-open-cycle where going back to the mobile // browser re-triggers the app-open behavior. target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' }; }, [ deeplinkingCfg ]); useEffect(() => { sendAnalytics( createDeepLinkingPageEvent( 'displayed', 'DeepLinkingMobile', { isMobileBrowser: true })); }, []); return (
{!hideLogo && ({ )}
{ t(`${_TNS}.launchMeetingLabel`) }
); }; export default translate(DeepLinkingMobilePage);