import { IStore } from '../app/types'; import { getMeetingRegion, getRecordingSharingUrl } from '../base/config/functions'; import JitsiMeetJS, { JitsiRecordingConstants } from '../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import { getLocalParticipant, getParticipantDisplayName } from '../base/participants/functions'; import { copyText } from '../base/util/copyText'; import { getVpaasTenant, isVpaasMeeting } from '../jaas/functions'; import { hideNotification, showErrorNotification, showNotification, showWarningNotification } from '../notifications/actions'; import { NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE } from '../notifications/constants'; import { INotificationProps } from '../notifications/types'; import { CLEAR_RECORDING_SESSIONS, RECORDING_SESSION_UPDATED, SET_MEETING_HIGHLIGHT_BUTTON_STATE, SET_PENDING_RECORDING_NOTIFICATION_UID, SET_SELECTED_RECORDING_SERVICE, SET_STREAM_KEY, START_LOCAL_RECORDING, STOP_LOCAL_RECORDING } from './actionTypes'; import { getRecordingLink, getResourceId, isSavingRecordingOnDropbox, sendMeetingHighlight } from './functions'; import logger from './logger'; /** * Clears the data of every recording sessions. * * @returns {{ * type: CLEAR_RECORDING_SESSIONS * }} */ export function clearRecordingSessions() { return { type: CLEAR_RECORDING_SESSIONS }; } /** * Sets the meeting highlight button disable state. * * @param {boolean} disabled - The disabled state value. * @returns {{ * type: CLEAR_RECORDING_SESSIONS * }} */ export function setHighlightMomentButtonState(disabled: boolean) { return { type: SET_MEETING_HIGHLIGHT_BUTTON_STATE, disabled }; } /** * Signals that the pending recording notification should be removed from the * screen. * * @param {string} streamType - The type of the stream ({@code 'file'} or * {@code 'stream'}). * @returns {Function} */ export function hidePendingRecordingNotification(streamType: string) { return (dispatch: IStore['dispatch'], getState: IStore['getState']) => { const { pendingNotificationUids } = getState()['features/recording']; const pendingNotificationUid = pendingNotificationUids[streamType]; if (pendingNotificationUid) { dispatch(hideNotification(pendingNotificationUid)); dispatch( _setPendingRecordingNotificationUid( undefined, streamType)); } }; } /** * Sets the stream key last used by the user for later reuse. * * @param {string} streamKey - The stream key to set. * @returns {{ * type: SET_STREAM_KEY, * streamKey: string * }} */ export function setLiveStreamKey(streamKey: string) { return { type: SET_STREAM_KEY, streamKey }; } /** * Signals that the pending recording notification should be shown on the * screen. * * @param {string} streamType - The type of the stream ({@code file} or * {@code stream}). * @returns {Function} */ export function showPendingRecordingNotification(streamType: string) { return async (dispatch: IStore['dispatch']) => { const isLiveStreaming = streamType === JitsiMeetJS.constants.recording.mode.STREAM; const dialogProps = isLiveStreaming ? { descriptionKey: 'liveStreaming.pending', titleKey: 'dialog.liveStreaming' } : { descriptionKey: 'recording.pending', titleKey: 'dialog.recording' }; const notification = await dispatch(showNotification({ ...dialogProps }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.MEDIUM)); if (notification) { dispatch(_setPendingRecordingNotificationUid(notification.uid, streamType)); } }; } /** * Highlights a meeting moment. * * {@code stream}). * * @returns {Function} */ export function highlightMeetingMoment() { return async (dispatch: Function, getState: Function) => { dispatch(setHighlightMomentButtonState(true)); const success = await sendMeetingHighlight(getState()); if (success) { dispatch(showNotification({ descriptionKey: 'recording.highlightMomentSucessDescription', titleKey: 'recording.highlightMomentSuccess' }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.SHORT)); } dispatch(setHighlightMomentButtonState(false)); }; } /** * Signals that the recording error notification should be shown. * * @param {Object} props - The Props needed to render the notification. * @returns {showErrorNotification} */ export function showRecordingError(props: Object) { return showErrorNotification(props, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.LONG); } /** * Signals that the recording warning notification should be shown. * * @param {Object} props - The Props needed to render the notification. * @returns {showWarningNotification} */ export function showRecordingWarning(props: Object) { return showWarningNotification(props); } /** * Signals that the stopped recording notification should be shown on the * screen for a given period. * * @param {string} streamType - The type of the stream ({@code file} or * {@code stream}). * @param {string?} participantName - The participant name stopping the recording. * @returns {showNotification} */ export function showStoppedRecordingNotification(streamType: string, participantName?: string) { const isLiveStreaming = streamType === JitsiMeetJS.constants.recording.mode.STREAM; const descriptionArguments = { name: participantName }; const dialogProps = isLiveStreaming ? { descriptionKey: participantName ? 'liveStreaming.offBy' : '', descriptionArguments, titleKey: 'dialog.liveStreaming' } : { descriptionKey: participantName ? 'recording.offBy' : '', descriptionArguments, titleKey: 'dialog.recording' }; return showNotification(dialogProps, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.SHORT); } /** * Signals that a started recording notification should be shown on the * screen for a given period. * * @param {string} mode - The type of the recording: Stream of File. * @param {string | Object } initiator - The participant who started recording. * @param {string} sessionId - The recording session id. * @returns {Function} */ export function showStartedRecordingNotification( mode: string, initiator: { getId: Function; } | string, sessionId: string) { return async (dispatch: Function, getState: Function) => { const state = getState(); const initiatorId = getResourceId(initiator); const participantName = getParticipantDisplayName(state, initiatorId); const notifyProps: { dialogProps: INotificationProps; type: string; } = { dialogProps: { descriptionKey: participantName ? 'liveStreaming.onBy' : 'liveStreaming.on', descriptionArguments: { name: participantName }, titleKey: 'dialog.liveStreaming' }, type: NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.SHORT }; if (mode !== JitsiMeetJS.constants.recording.mode.STREAM) { const recordingSharingUrl = getRecordingSharingUrl(state); const iAmRecordingInitiator = getLocalParticipant(state)?.id === initiatorId; notifyProps.dialogProps = { customActionHandler: undefined, customActionNameKey: undefined, descriptionKey: participantName ? 'recording.onBy' : 'recording.on', descriptionArguments: { name: participantName }, titleKey: 'dialog.recording' }; // fetch the recording link from the server for recording initiators in jaas meetings if (recordingSharingUrl && isVpaasMeeting(state) && iAmRecordingInitiator && !isSavingRecordingOnDropbox(state)) { const region = getMeetingRegion(state); const tenant = getVpaasTenant(state); try { const response = await getRecordingLink(recordingSharingUrl, sessionId, region, tenant); const { url: link, urlExpirationTimeMillis: ttl } = response; if (typeof APP === 'object') { APP.API.notifyRecordingLinkAvailable(link, ttl); } // add the option to copy recording link notifyProps.dialogProps = { ...notifyProps.dialogProps, customActionNameKey: [ 'recording.copyLink' ], customActionHandler: [ () => copyText(link) ], titleKey: 'recording.on', descriptionKey: 'recording.linkGenerated' }; notifyProps.type = NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.STICKY; } catch (err) { dispatch(showErrorNotification({ titleKey: 'recording.errorFetchingLink' }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.MEDIUM)); return logger.error('Could not fetch recording link', err); } } } dispatch(showNotification(notifyProps.dialogProps, notifyProps.type)); }; } /** * Updates the known state for a given recording session. * * @param {Object} session - The new state to merge with the existing state in * redux. * @returns {{ * type: RECORDING_SESSION_UPDATED, * sessionData: Object * }} */ export function updateRecordingSessionData(session: any) { const status = session.getStatus(); const timestamp = status === JitsiRecordingConstants.status.ON ? / 1000 : undefined; return { type: RECORDING_SESSION_UPDATED, sessionData: { error: session.getError(), id: session.getID(), initiator: session.getInitiator(), liveStreamViewURL: session.getLiveStreamViewURL(), mode: session.getMode(), status, terminator: session.getTerminator(), timestamp } }; } /** * Sets the selected recording service. * * @param {string} selectedRecordingService - The new selected recording service. * @returns {Object} */ export function setSelectedRecordingService(selectedRecordingService: string) { return { type: SET_SELECTED_RECORDING_SERVICE, selectedRecordingService }; } /** * Sets UID of the the pending streaming notification to use it when hinding * the notification is necessary, or unsets it when undefined (or no param) is * passed. * * @param {?number} uid - The UID of the notification. * @param {string} streamType - The type of the stream ({@code file} or * {@code stream}). * @returns {{ * type: SET_PENDING_RECORDING_NOTIFICATION_UID, * streamType: string, * uid: number * }} */ function _setPendingRecordingNotificationUid(uid: string | undefined, streamType: string) { return { type: SET_PENDING_RECORDING_NOTIFICATION_UID, streamType, uid }; } /** * Starts local recording. * * @param {boolean} onlySelf - Whether to only record the local streams. * @returns {Object} */ export function startLocalVideoRecording(onlySelf: boolean) { return { type: START_LOCAL_RECORDING, onlySelf }; } /** * Stops local recording. * * @returns {Object} */ export function stopLocalVideoRecording() { return { type: STOP_LOCAL_RECORDING }; }