/* global $, config, interfaceConfig, APP, JitsiMeetJS */ /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { VideoTrack } from '../../../react/features/base/media'; /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ const logger = require("jitsi-meet-logger").getLogger(__filename); import UIEvents from "../../../service/UI/UIEvents"; import SmallVideo from "./SmallVideo"; const TrackEvents = JitsiMeetJS.events.track; function LocalVideo(VideoLayout, emitter) { this.videoSpanId = "localVideoContainer"; this.container = this.createContainer(); $("#filmstripLocalVideo").append(this.container); this.localVideoId = null; this.bindHoverHandler(); if(config.enableLocalVideoFlip) this._buildContextMenu(); this.isLocal = true; this.emitter = emitter; this.statsPopoverLocation = interfaceConfig.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP ? 'left bottom' : 'top center'; Object.defineProperty(this, 'id', { get: function () { return APP.conference.getMyUserId(); } }); this.initBrowserSpecificProperties(); SmallVideo.call(this, VideoLayout); // Set default display name. this.setDisplayName(); this.addAudioLevelIndicator(); this.updateIndicators(); } LocalVideo.prototype = Object.create(SmallVideo.prototype); LocalVideo.prototype.constructor = LocalVideo; LocalVideo.prototype.createContainer = function () { const containerSpan = document.createElement('span'); containerSpan.classList.add('videocontainer'); containerSpan.id = this.videoSpanId; containerSpan.innerHTML = `
`; return containerSpan; }; /** * Sets the display name for the given video span id. */ LocalVideo.prototype.setDisplayName = function(displayName) { if (!this.container) { logger.warn( "Unable to set displayName - " + this.videoSpanId + " does not exist"); return; } this.updateDisplayName({ allowEditing: true, displayName: displayName, displayNameSuffix: interfaceConfig.DEFAULT_LOCAL_DISPLAY_NAME, elementID: 'localDisplayName', participantID: this.id }); }; LocalVideo.prototype.changeVideo = function (stream) { this.videoStream = stream; let localVideoClick = (event) => { // TODO Checking the classes is a workround to allow events to bubble // into the DisplayName component if it was clicked. React's synthetic // events will fire after jQuery handlers execute, so stop propogation // at this point will prevent DisplayName from getting click events. // This workaround should be removeable once LocalVideo is a React // Component because then the components share the same eventing system. const $source = $(event.target || event.srcElement); const { classList } = event.target; const clickedOnDisplayName = $source.parents('.displayNameContainer').length > 0; const clickedOnPopover = $source.parents('.connection-info').length > 0; const clickedOnPopoverTrigger = $source.parents('.popover-trigger').length > 0 || classList.contains('popover-trigger'); const ignoreClick = clickedOnDisplayName || clickedOnPopoverTrigger || clickedOnPopover; // FIXME: with Temasys plugin event arg is not an event, but // the clicked object itself, so we have to skip this call if (event.stopPropagation && !ignoreClick) { event.stopPropagation(); } if (!ignoreClick) { this.VideoLayout.handleVideoThumbClicked(this.id); } }; let localVideoContainerSelector = $('#localVideoContainer'); localVideoContainerSelector.off('click'); localVideoContainerSelector.on('click', localVideoClick); this.localVideoId = 'localVideo_' + stream.getId(); var localVideoContainer = document.getElementById('localVideoWrapper'); /* jshint ignore:start */ ReactDOM.render( , localVideoContainer ); /* jshint ignore:end */ let isVideo = stream.videoType != "desktop"; this._enableDisableContextMenu(isVideo); this.setFlipX(isVideo? APP.settings.getLocalFlipX() : false); let endedHandler = () => { // Only remove if there is no video and not a transition state. // Previous non-react logic created a new video element with each track // removal whereas react reuses the video component so it could be the // stream ended but a new one is being used. if (this.videoStream.isEnded()) { ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(localVideoContainer); } // when removing only the video element and we are on stage // update the stage if (this.isCurrentlyOnLargeVideo()) { this.VideoLayout.updateLargeVideo(this.id); } stream.off(TrackEvents.LOCAL_TRACK_STOPPED, endedHandler); }; stream.on(TrackEvents.LOCAL_TRACK_STOPPED, endedHandler); }; /** * Shows or hides the local video container. * @param {boolean} true to make the local video container visible, false * otherwise */ LocalVideo.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) { // We toggle the hidden class as an indication to other interested parties // that this container has been hidden on purpose. $("#localVideoContainer").toggleClass("hidden"); // We still show/hide it as we need to overwrite the style property if we // want our action to take effect. Toggling the display property through // the above css class didn't succeed in overwriting the style. if (visible) { $("#localVideoContainer").show(); } else { $("#localVideoContainer").hide(); } }; /** * Sets the flipX state of the video. * @param val {boolean} true for flipped otherwise false; */ LocalVideo.prototype.setFlipX = function (val) { this.emitter.emit(UIEvents.LOCAL_FLIPX_CHANGED, val); if(!this.localVideoId) return; if(val) { this.selectVideoElement().addClass("flipVideoX"); } else { this.selectVideoElement().removeClass("flipVideoX"); } }; /** * Builds the context menu for the local video. */ LocalVideo.prototype._buildContextMenu = function () { $.contextMenu({ selector: '#' + this.videoSpanId, zIndex: 10000, items: { flip: { name: "Flip", callback: () => { let val = !APP.settings.getLocalFlipX(); this.setFlipX(val); APP.settings.setLocalFlipX(val); } } }, events: { show : function(options){ options.items.flip.name = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "videothumbnail.flip"); } } }); }; /** * Enables or disables the context menu for the local video. * @param enable {boolean} true for enable, false for disable */ LocalVideo.prototype._enableDisableContextMenu = function (enable) { if($('#' + this.videoSpanId).contextMenu) $('#' + this.videoSpanId).contextMenu(enable); }; export default LocalVideo;