// XXX The third-party react-native modules react-native-fetch-blob utilizes the // same HTTP library as react-native i.e. okhttp. Unfortunately, that means that // the versions of okhttp on which react-native and react-native-fetch-blob // depend may have incompatible APIs. Such an incompatibility will be made // apparent at compile time and the developer doing the compilation may choose // to not compile react-native-fetch-blob's source code. // XXX The choice between the use of react-native-img-cache could've been done // at runtime based on whether NativeModules.RNFetchBlob is defined if only // react-native-fetch-blob would've completely protected itself. At the time of // this writing its source code appears to be attempting to protect itself from // missing native binaries but that protection is incomplete and there's a // TypeError. import { Image } from 'react-native'; export { Image as CachedImage, undefined as ImageCache };