/* global $, config, setLargeVideoVisible, Util */ var VideoLayout = require("../videolayout/VideoLayout"); var Prezi = require("../prezi/Prezi"); var UIUtil = require("../util/UIUtil"); var etherpadName = null; var etherpadIFrame = null; var domain = null; var options = "?showControls=true&showChat=false&showLineNumbers=true" + "&useMonospaceFont=false"; /** * Resizes the etherpad. */ function resize() { if ($('#etherpad>iframe').length) { var remoteVideos = $('#remoteVideos'); var availableHeight = window.innerHeight - remoteVideos.outerHeight(); var availableWidth = UIUtil.getAvailableVideoWidth(); $('#etherpad>iframe').width(availableWidth); $('#etherpad>iframe').height(availableHeight); } } /** * Creates the Etherpad button and adds it to the toolbar. */ function enableEtherpadButton() { if (!$('#toolbar_button_etherpad').is(":visible")) $('#toolbar_button_etherpad').css({display: 'inline-block'}); } /** * Creates the IFrame for the etherpad. */ function createIFrame() { etherpadIFrame = VideoLayout.createEtherpadIframe( domain + etherpadName + options, function() { document.domain = document.domain; bubbleIframeMouseMove(etherpadIFrame); setTimeout(function() { // the iframes inside of the etherpad are // not yet loaded when the etherpad iframe is loaded var outer = etherpadIFrame. contentDocument.getElementsByName("ace_outer")[0]; bubbleIframeMouseMove(outer); var inner = outer. contentDocument.getElementsByName("ace_inner")[0]; bubbleIframeMouseMove(inner); }, 2000); }); } function bubbleIframeMouseMove(iframe){ var existingOnMouseMove = iframe.contentWindow.onmousemove; iframe.contentWindow.onmousemove = function(e){ if(existingOnMouseMove) existingOnMouseMove(e); var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); var boundingClientRect = iframe.getBoundingClientRect(); evt.initMouseEvent( "mousemove", true, // bubbles false, // not cancelable window, e.detail, e.screenX, e.screenY, e.clientX + boundingClientRect.left, e.clientY + boundingClientRect.top, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey, e.button, null // no related element ); iframe.dispatchEvent(evt); }; } var Etherpad = { /** * Initializes the etherpad. */ init: function (name) { if (config.etherpad_base && !etherpadName && name) { domain = config.etherpad_base; etherpadName = name; enableEtherpadButton(); /** * Resizes the etherpad, when the window is resized. */ $(window).resize(function () { resize(); }); } }, /** * Opens/hides the Etherpad. */ toggleEtherpad: function (isPresentation) { if (!etherpadIFrame) createIFrame(); if(VideoLayout.getLargeVideoState() === "etherpad") { VideoLayout.setLargeVideoState("video"); } else { VideoLayout.setLargeVideoState("etherpad"); } resize(); } }; module.exports = Etherpad;