/* @flow */ import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/styles'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import _ from 'lodash'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { FixedSizeList, FixedSizeGrid } from 'react-window'; import type { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { createShortcutEvent, createToolbarEvent, sendAnalytics } from '../../../analytics'; import { getSourceNameSignalingFeatureFlag, getToolbarButtons } from '../../../base/config'; import { isMobileBrowser } from '../../../base/environment/utils'; import { translate } from '../../../base/i18n'; import { Icon, IconMenuDown, IconMenuUp } from '../../../base/icons'; import { connect } from '../../../base/redux'; import { shouldHideSelfView } from '../../../base/settings/functions.any'; import { showToolbox } from '../../../toolbox/actions.web'; import { isButtonEnabled, isToolboxVisible } from '../../../toolbox/functions.web'; import { getCurrentLayout, LAYOUTS } from '../../../video-layout'; import { setFilmstripVisible, setVisibleRemoteParticipants, setUserFilmstripWidth, setUserIsResizing } from '../../actions'; import { ASPECT_RATIO_BREAKPOINT, DEFAULT_FILMSTRIP_WIDTH, MIN_STAGE_VIEW_WIDTH, TILE_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN, TILE_VERTICAL_MARGIN } from '../../constants'; import { getVerticalViewMaxWidth, shouldRemoteVideosBeVisible } from '../../functions'; import AudioTracksContainer from './AudioTracksContainer'; import Thumbnail from './Thumbnail'; import ThumbnailWrapper from './ThumbnailWrapper'; import { styles } from './styles'; declare var APP: Object; declare var interfaceConfig: Object; /** * The type of the React {@code Component} props of {@link Filmstrip}. */ type Props = { /** * Additional CSS class names top add to the root. */ _className: string, /** * The current layout of the filmstrip. */ _currentLayout: string, /** * The number of columns in tile view. */ _columns: number, /** * Whether or not to hide the self view. */ _disableSelfView: boolean, /** * The width of the filmstrip. */ _filmstripWidth: number, /** * The height of the filmstrip. */ _filmstripHeight: number, /** * Whether or not we have scroll on the filmstrip. */ _hasScroll: boolean, /** * Whether this is a recorder or not. */ _iAmRecorder: boolean, /** * Whether the filmstrip button is enabled. */ _isFilmstripButtonEnabled: boolean, /** * Whether or not the toolbox is displayed. */ _isToolboxVisible: Boolean, /** * Whether or not the current layout is vertical filmstrip. */ _isVerticalFilmstrip: boolean, /** * The local screen share participant. This prop is behind the sourceNameSignaling feature flag. */ _localScreenShare: Object, /** * The maximum width of the vertical filmstrip. */ _maxFilmstripWidth: number, /** * The participants in the call. */ _remoteParticipants: Array, /** * The length of the remote participants array. */ _remoteParticipantsLength: number, /** * Whether or not the filmstrip should be user-resizable. */ _resizableFilmstrip: boolean, /** * The number of rows in tile view. */ _rows: number, /** * Whether or not this is the stage filmstrip. */ _stageFilmstrip: boolean, /** * The height of the thumbnail. */ _thumbnailHeight: number, /** * The width of the thumbnail. */ _thumbnailWidth: number, /** * Flag that indicates whether the thumbnails will be reordered. */ _thumbnailsReordered: Boolean, /** * The width of the vertical filmstrip (user resized). */ _verticalFilmstripWidth: ?number, /** * Whether or not the vertical filmstrip should have a background color. */ _verticalViewBackground: boolean, /** * Whether or not the vertical filmstrip should be displayed as grid. */ _verticalViewGrid: boolean, /** * The max width of the vertical filmstrip. */ _verticalViewMaxWidth: number, /** * Additional CSS class names to add to the container of all the thumbnails. */ _videosClassName: string, /** * Whether or not the filmstrip videos should currently be displayed. */ _visible: boolean, /** * An object containing the CSS classes. */ classes: Object, /** * The redux {@code dispatch} function. */ dispatch: Dispatch, /** * Invoked to obtain translated strings. */ t: Function }; type State = { /** * Whether or not the mouse is pressed. */ isMouseDown: boolean, /** * Initial mouse position on drag handle mouse down. */ mousePosition: ?number, /** * Initial filmstrip width on drag handle mouse down. */ dragFilmstripWidth: ?number } /** * Implements a React {@link Component} which represents the filmstrip on * Web/React. * * @augments Component */ class Filmstrip extends PureComponent { _throttledResize: Function; /** * Initializes a new {@code Filmstrip} instance. * * @param {Object} props - The read-only properties with which the new * instance is to be initialized. */ constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { isMouseDown: false, mousePosition: null, dragFilmstripWidth: null }; // Bind event handlers so they are only bound once for every instance. this._onShortcutToggleFilmstrip = this._onShortcutToggleFilmstrip.bind(this); this._onToolbarToggleFilmstrip = this._onToolbarToggleFilmstrip.bind(this); this._onTabIn = this._onTabIn.bind(this); this._gridItemKey = this._gridItemKey.bind(this); this._listItemKey = this._listItemKey.bind(this); this._onGridItemsRendered = this._onGridItemsRendered.bind(this); this._onListItemsRendered = this._onListItemsRendered.bind(this); this._onToggleButtonTouch = this._onToggleButtonTouch.bind(this); this._onDragHandleMouseDown = this._onDragHandleMouseDown.bind(this); this._onDragMouseUp = this._onDragMouseUp.bind(this); this._onFilmstripResize = this._onFilmstripResize.bind(this); this._throttledResize = _.throttle( this._onFilmstripResize, 50, { leading: true, trailing: false }); } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#componentDidMount}. * * @inheritdoc */ componentDidMount() { APP.keyboardshortcut.registerShortcut( 'F', 'filmstripPopover', this._onShortcutToggleFilmstrip, 'keyboardShortcuts.toggleFilmstrip' ); document.addEventListener('mouseup', this._onDragMouseUp); document.addEventListener('mousemove', this._throttledResize); } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#componentDidUpdate}. * * @inheritdoc */ componentWillUnmount() { APP.keyboardshortcut.unregisterShortcut('F'); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this._onDragMouseUp); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._throttledResize); } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {ReactElement} */ render() { const filmstripStyle = { }; const { _currentLayout, _disableSelfView, _localScreenShare, _resizableFilmstrip, _stageFilmstrip, _visible, _verticalViewBackground, _verticalViewGrid, _verticalViewMaxWidth, classes } = this.props; const { isMouseDown } = this.state; const tileViewActive = _currentLayout === LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW; if (_currentLayout === LAYOUTS.STAGE_FILMSTRIP_VIEW && _stageFilmstrip) { if (_visible) { filmstripStyle.maxWidth = `calc(100% - ${_verticalViewMaxWidth}px)`; } } else if (_currentLayout === LAYOUTS.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW || (_currentLayout === LAYOUTS.STAGE_FILMSTRIP_VIEW && !_stageFilmstrip)) { filmstripStyle.maxWidth = _verticalViewMaxWidth; if (!_visible) { filmstripStyle.right = `-${filmstripStyle.maxWidth}px`; } } let toolbar = null; if (!this.props._iAmRecorder && this.props._isFilmstripButtonEnabled && _currentLayout !== LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW && !_stageFilmstrip) { toolbar = this._renderToggleButton(); } const filmstrip = (<>
{!_disableSelfView && !_verticalViewGrid && (
{ !tileViewActive && !_stageFilmstrip &&
)} {_localScreenShare && !_disableSelfView && !_verticalViewGrid && (
{ !tileViewActive && !_stageFilmstrip && }
)} { this._renderRemoteParticipants() }
); return (
{ toolbar } {_resizableFilmstrip ?
: filmstrip }
); } _onDragHandleMouseDown: (MouseEvent) => void; /** * Handles mouse down on the drag handle. * * @param {MouseEvent} e - The mouse down event. * @returns {void} */ _onDragHandleMouseDown(e) { this.setState({ isMouseDown: true, mousePosition: e.clientX, dragFilmstripWidth: this.props._verticalFilmstripWidth || DEFAULT_FILMSTRIP_WIDTH }); this.props.dispatch(setUserIsResizing(true)); } _onDragMouseUp: () => void; /** * Drag handle mouse up handler. * * @returns {void} */ _onDragMouseUp() { if (this.state.isMouseDown) { this.setState({ isMouseDown: false }); this.props.dispatch(setUserIsResizing(false)); } } _onFilmstripResize: (MouseEvent) => void; /** * Handles drag handle mouse move. * * @param {MouseEvent} e - The mousemove event. * @returns {void} */ _onFilmstripResize(e) { if (this.state.isMouseDown) { const { dispatch, _verticalFilmstripWidth, _maxFilmstripWidth } = this.props; const { dragFilmstripWidth, mousePosition } = this.state; const diff = mousePosition - e.clientX; const width = Math.max( Math.min(dragFilmstripWidth + diff, _maxFilmstripWidth), DEFAULT_FILMSTRIP_WIDTH ); if (width !== _verticalFilmstripWidth) { dispatch(setUserFilmstripWidth(width)); } } } /** * Calculates the start and stop indices based on whether the thumbnails need to be reordered in the filmstrip. * * @param {number} startIndex - The start index. * @param {number} stopIndex - The stop index. * @returns {Object} */ _calculateIndices(startIndex, stopIndex) { const { _currentLayout, _iAmRecorder, _thumbnailsReordered, _disableSelfView } = this.props; let start = startIndex; let stop = stopIndex; if (_thumbnailsReordered && !_disableSelfView) { // In tile view, the indices needs to be offset by 1 because the first thumbnail is that of the local // endpoint. The remote participants start from index 1. if (!_iAmRecorder && _currentLayout === LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW) { start = Math.max(startIndex - 1, 0); stop = stopIndex - 1; } } return { startIndex: start, stopIndex: stop }; } _onTabIn: () => void; /** * Toggle the toolbar visibility when tabbing into it. * * @returns {void} */ _onTabIn() { if (!this.props._isToolboxVisible && this.props._visible) { this.props.dispatch(showToolbox()); } } _listItemKey: number => string; /** * The key to be used for every ThumbnailWrapper element in stage view. * * @param {number} index - The index of the ThumbnailWrapper instance. * @returns {string} - The key. */ _listItemKey(index) { const { _remoteParticipants, _remoteParticipantsLength } = this.props; if (typeof index !== 'number' || _remoteParticipantsLength <= index) { return `empty-${index}`; } return _remoteParticipants[index]; } _gridItemKey: Object => string; /** * The key to be used for every ThumbnailWrapper element in tile views. * * @param {Object} data - An object with the indexes identifying the ThumbnailWrapper instance. * @returns {string} - The key. */ _gridItemKey({ columnIndex, rowIndex }) { const { _disableSelfView, _columns, _iAmRecorder, _remoteParticipants, _remoteParticipantsLength, _thumbnailsReordered } = this.props; const index = (rowIndex * _columns) + columnIndex; // When the thumbnails are reordered, local participant is inserted at index 0. const localIndex = _thumbnailsReordered && !_disableSelfView ? 0 : _remoteParticipantsLength; const remoteIndex = _thumbnailsReordered && !_iAmRecorder && !_disableSelfView ? index - 1 : index; if (index > _remoteParticipantsLength - (_iAmRecorder ? 1 : 0)) { return `empty-${index}`; } if (!_iAmRecorder && index === localIndex) { return 'local'; } return _remoteParticipants[remoteIndex]; } _onListItemsRendered: Object => void; /** * Handles items rendered changes in stage view. * * @param {Object} data - Information about the rendered items. * @returns {void} */ _onListItemsRendered({ visibleStartIndex, visibleStopIndex }) { const { dispatch } = this.props; const { startIndex, stopIndex } = this._calculateIndices(visibleStartIndex, visibleStopIndex); dispatch(setVisibleRemoteParticipants(startIndex, stopIndex)); } _onGridItemsRendered: Object => void; /** * Handles items rendered changes in tile view. * * @param {Object} data - Information about the rendered items. * @returns {void} */ _onGridItemsRendered({ visibleColumnStartIndex, visibleColumnStopIndex, visibleRowStartIndex, visibleRowStopIndex }) { const { _columns, dispatch } = this.props; const start = (visibleRowStartIndex * _columns) + visibleColumnStartIndex; const stop = (visibleRowStopIndex * _columns) + visibleColumnStopIndex; const { startIndex, stopIndex } = this._calculateIndices(start, stop); dispatch(setVisibleRemoteParticipants(startIndex, stopIndex)); } /** * Renders the thumbnails for remote participants. * * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderRemoteParticipants() { const { _columns, _currentLayout, _filmstripHeight, _filmstripWidth, _hasScroll, _isVerticalFilmstrip, _remoteParticipantsLength, _resizableFilmstrip, _rows, _stageFilmstrip, _thumbnailHeight, _thumbnailWidth, _verticalViewGrid } = this.props; if (!_thumbnailWidth || isNaN(_thumbnailWidth) || !_thumbnailHeight || isNaN(_thumbnailHeight) || !_filmstripHeight || isNaN(_filmstripHeight) || !_filmstripWidth || isNaN(_filmstripWidth)) { return null; } if (_currentLayout === LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW || _verticalViewGrid || _stageFilmstrip) { return ( { ThumbnailWrapper } ); } const props = { itemCount: _remoteParticipantsLength, className: `filmstrip__videos remote-videos ${_resizableFilmstrip ? '' : 'height-transition'}`, height: _filmstripHeight, itemKey: this._listItemKey, itemSize: 0, onItemsRendered: this._onListItemsRendered, overscanCount: 1, width: _filmstripWidth, style: { willChange: 'auto' } }; if (_currentLayout === LAYOUTS.HORIZONTAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW) { const itemSize = _thumbnailWidth + TILE_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN; const isNotOverflowing = !_hasScroll; props.itemSize = itemSize; // $FlowFixMe props.layout = 'horizontal'; if (isNotOverflowing) { props.className += ' is-not-overflowing'; } } else if (_isVerticalFilmstrip) { const itemSize = _thumbnailHeight + TILE_VERTICAL_MARGIN; const isNotOverflowing = !_hasScroll; if (isNotOverflowing) { props.className += ' is-not-overflowing'; } props.itemSize = itemSize; } return ( { ThumbnailWrapper } ); } /** * Dispatches an action to change the visibility of the filmstrip. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _doToggleFilmstrip() { this.props.dispatch(setFilmstripVisible(!this.props._visible)); } _onShortcutToggleFilmstrip: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics keyboard shortcut event and dispatches an action for * toggling filmstrip visibility. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onShortcutToggleFilmstrip() { sendAnalytics(createShortcutEvent( 'toggle.filmstrip', { enable: this.props._visible })); this._doToggleFilmstrip(); } _onToolbarToggleFilmstrip: () => void; /** * Creates an analytics toolbar event and dispatches an action for opening * the speaker stats modal. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _onToolbarToggleFilmstrip() { sendAnalytics(createToolbarEvent( 'toggle.filmstrip.button', { enable: this.props._visible })); this._doToggleFilmstrip(); } _onToggleButtonTouch: (SyntheticEvent) => void; /** * Handler for touch start event of the 'toggle button'. * * @private * @param {Object} e - The synthetic event. * @returns {void} */ _onToggleButtonTouch(e: SyntheticEvent) { // Don't propagate the touchStart event so the toolbar doesn't get toggled. e.stopPropagation(); this._onToolbarToggleFilmstrip(); } /** * Creates a React Element for changing the visibility of the filmstrip when * clicked. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderToggleButton() { const icon = this.props._visible ? IconMenuDown : IconMenuUp; const { t, classes, _isVerticalFilmstrip } = this.props; const actions = isMobileBrowser() ? { onTouchStart: this._onToggleButtonTouch } : { onClick: this._onToolbarToggleFilmstrip }; return (
); } } /** * Maps (parts of) the Redux state to the associated {@code Filmstrip}'s props. * * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. * @param {Object} ownProps - The own props of the component. * @private * @returns {Props} */ function _mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) { const { _hasScroll = false } = ownProps; const toolbarButtons = getToolbarButtons(state); const { testing = {}, iAmRecorder } = state['features/base/config']; const enableThumbnailReordering = testing.enableThumbnailReordering ?? true; const { visible, width: verticalFilmstripWidth } = state['features/filmstrip']; const { localScreenShare } = state['features/base/participants']; const reduceHeight = state['features/toolbox'].visible && toolbarButtons.length; const remoteVideosVisible = shouldRemoteVideosBeVisible(state); const { isOpen: shiftRight } = state['features/chat']; const disableSelfView = shouldHideSelfView(state); const { clientWidth } = state['features/base/responsive-ui']; const collapseTileView = reduceHeight && isMobileBrowser() && clientWidth <= ASPECT_RATIO_BREAKPOINT; const shouldReduceHeight = reduceHeight && isMobileBrowser(); const videosClassName = `filmstrip__videos${visible ? '' : ' hidden'}${_hasScroll ? ' has-scroll' : ''}`; const className = `${remoteVideosVisible || ownProps._verticalViewGrid ? '' : 'hide-videos'} ${ shouldReduceHeight ? 'reduce-height' : '' } ${shiftRight ? 'shift-right' : ''} ${collapseTileView ? 'collapse' : ''} ${visible ? '' : 'hidden'}`.trim(); const _currentLayout = getCurrentLayout(state); const _isVerticalFilmstrip = _currentLayout === LAYOUTS.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW || (!ownProps._stageFilmstrip && _currentLayout === LAYOUTS.STAGE_FILMSTRIP_VIEW); return { _className: className, _chatOpen: state['features/chat'].isOpen, _currentLayout, _disableSelfView: disableSelfView, _hasScroll, _iAmRecorder: Boolean(iAmRecorder), _isFilmstripButtonEnabled: isButtonEnabled('filmstrip', state), _isToolboxVisible: isToolboxVisible(state), _isVerticalFilmstrip, _localScreenShare: getSourceNameSignalingFeatureFlag(state) && localScreenShare, _maxFilmstripWidth: clientWidth - MIN_STAGE_VIEW_WIDTH, _thumbnailsReordered: enableThumbnailReordering, _verticalFilmstripWidth: verticalFilmstripWidth.current, _verticalViewMaxWidth: getVerticalViewMaxWidth(state), _videosClassName: videosClassName }; } export default withStyles(styles)(translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(Filmstrip)));